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Flower Vases
2 Products availableWall Hanging
2 Products availableWooden & Bamboo Handicrafts
1 Products availableBangles
1 Products availableStorage Drums, Tanks & Containers
1 Products availableGifts, Handicrafts & Artifacts
1 Products availableMarine Equipment
1 Products availableDesk Accessories
1 Products available
Arm is a non government development organisation working for the empowerment & sustainable development of deprived village people of north orissa with emphasis on backward rural women, children and dalit communities. It has been striving steadfastly to establish an alternative and prosperous rural social order so that all people cutting across the barrier of caste, creed, economic condition and gender can have a decent living without any discrimination and inequality. Thanks to the lord, by way of conducting multifarious activities arm has already projected itself as the harbinger of grassroots liberty and empowerment of in coastal north orissa during the last two decades.
establishment of an equitable social order through motivation facilitation and self activity among backward rural communities with emphasis on women and children in the sphere of health, education, human rights, economy and rural leadership.
to find out an alternative strategy of rural social intervention and facilitate the ngo movement in the state of odisha.
• to facilitate empowerment, solidarity and leadership capacities of backward rural women and the under privileged social sections.
• to sensitize, act and promote basic education, rural health, eco environment and quality of living in the problem villages.
• to restore and strengthen the advocacy of human and child rights activities of vulnerable social categories concentrating on women and girls rights for preventing social discrimination and oppression.
• to garner economic empowerment and rural self employment of socially handicapped sections through credit and savings, eco friendly sustainable agriculture, micro enterprises and establishment of a value chain based marketing network.
• to conduct information networking, need based research, documentation and create a data base on all aspects of a prospective rural socio economy.
• empowerment & mainstreaming of backward rural youth, women, divorcees, destitute and dalits through promotion of shgs, women rights, gender equity and legal assistance.
• socio economic development of poor and vulnerable rural youth, women folk through credit and savings, vocational self employment and micro enterprise promotion.
• mainstreaming, empowerment and economic self employment of risked rural girls against illiteracy, child labour, gender abuse, girl trafficking and hiv/aids threats
award for arm’s rural development activities
-award and citation from hon’ble chief minister, orissa state under mission shakti programme recognized as best facilitator for organizing self help groups (wshg),women empowerment and child rights activities.
-awards from dhwani pratidhwani and other literary organizations.
-best district level ngo for women empowerment and youth development activities
-awards from different organization in the district.
Basic Information