Our Product / Services
Our offered Product range includes Pocket Penetrometer, Soil Cone Penetrometer, Semi Automatic Cone Penetrometer, Hand Held Cone Penetrometer and Liquid Limit Device Hand Operated.
Pocket Penetrometer :
Alpha Chem is manufactures, exporter & suppliersPocket Penetrometer.
Pocket Penetrometer : Concrete Pocket Penetrometer is lightweight for field and lab evaluation of the initial set of concrete mortar based on ASTM C-403. Penetration plunger has a 1/20 sq. inch tip area. Calibrated range for the pocket penetrometer is 0-700 psi.
Soil Cone Penetrometer : For determining the liquid limit of soils. This is specially useful to obtain reliable and accurate results of those soil which have low plasticity index. The percentage moisture contents determined when cone with half angle of 15-30 minutes under a total sliding weight of 148 gm penetrates 25mm gives the liquid limit.
Semi Automatic Cone Penetrometer : Used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state. Two Version are available. One the standard one & the other is semi-automatic with timer where the cone is allowed to free fall for a period of 5 seconds including one each of 50 gm. & 100 gm. weight, one penetration cone, preset counter & measuring cup.
Hand Held Cone Penetrometer : The drive is by means of a rack and pinion manually through a gearing arrangement. The gear box and pinion are fixed on two handles, sprockets and chain arrangement. The movement of the rack is guided by a bracket ( attached to the rack) and two pillars. The penetration resistance i.e. the pressure is indicated on hydraulic gauges through a hydraulic measuring head. Two pressure gauges of 15cm dia dial and 2 capacities 0-160kg/cm are provided. An automatic cut-off valve, to protect the low capacity gauge from being overloaded is provided. The 2 valve can be adjusted and locked at desirable values between 20 to 60cm . A provision is made to anchor the unit to the ground (with the help of four anchors supplied with the unit) and there is a provision for lateral 2 movement of the unit so that subsequent tests could be performed without shifting the entire anchorage. A 10cm penetration cone with friction jacket is provided along with fifteen mantle tubes (non-uniform having an effective length of 1 m each with sounding rods for finding out the cone (point) resistance or jacket friction.
Alpha Chem is manufactures, exporter & suppliersLiquid Limit Device Hand Operated. Liquid Limit Device Hand Operated : Used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state. Comprises removable brass cup, adjustable crank and cam mechanism, blow counter, and base. Two versions available: hand operated and motor operated. Supplied complete with plastic grooving tool according to the reference standard ordered. The metal or brass grooving tool has to be ordered separately. Accessories : Plastic Grooving Tool Plastic Grooving Tool Metal Grooving Tool Brass Grooving Tool Available with Counter And Without Counter
Curing Tank : The tank has been designed to accommodate 150 mm/70.6 mm cube moulds upto 36/72 cube moulds and fully insulated, complete with a hinged lid, heater, thermostat and re-circulated pump. Provision of two removable racks allowing free circulation of water around each mould. The pump, drain valves and electrical equipment are housed in a compartment located at one end of the tank. The tank is heated by a immersion heater under normal conditions and refrigeration system for grey cement, the temperature is controlled at 35C or 100C2C/27C2C.
Motorised Bench Type Load Frame :
Alpha Chem is manufactures, exporter & suppliersMotorised Bench Type Load Frame.
Motorised Bench Type Load Frame : This is a portable load frame which can easily be kept on Laboratory bench. Thus it is very convenient to the user to conduct tests. A motorized screw jack is fixed at the base to which are fixed two vertical pillars which can be easily dismantled.A circular platen of 150mm diameter is fixed to the lead screw and loading and unloading is effected by upward/downward movement of the lead screw using a forward/reverse switch. The cross head is adjustable at any desired height and carries an adapter for Proving Ring. An adjustable dial gauge bracket is provided on one of the pillars . The rate of strain is constant 1.25mm/min. Operates on 230 Volts AC.
Length Comparator :
Alpha Chem is manufactures, exporter & suppliersLength Comparator.
Length Comparator : Used to measure the length variations of mortar specimens after autoclave soundness tests. The top beam is adjustable to suit the specimens length.Length Comparator, as per IS: 4031 with Dial gauge 0.01 x 10 mmLength Comparator, as per IS: 4031 but with 0.002 x 5 mm Dial gaugeAvailable With Dial Gauge And Digital Dial Gauge.
Liquid Limit Device Motorized : Comprises removable brass cup, adjustable crank and cam mechanism, blow counter, and base. Two versions available: hand operated and motor operated. Supplied complete with plastic grooving tool according to the reference standard ordered.
With fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 rpm. Suitable for operation on 230 V A.C., Single Phase, 50 Cycles.
Spares:case grande grooving tool. ASTM grooving tool, height block, 1 cm high.
Accelerated Curing Tank : The Accelerated Curing Tanks are used for the cube molds at the numerous construction laboratory sites. The Accelerated Curing Tanks, offered by the company, are mainly available for 6 cubes or 12 cubes. The Accelerated Curing Tanks are basically rectangular tanks fitted with a heater at the bottom of the tank and are connected with a tullu pump for the circulation of water. Temperature of the Accelerated Curing Tanks is controlled by a digital temperature controller fitted at the side of the tank. Highlights Of Accelerated Curing Tanks Manufactured with good quality material Long life Highly efficient Easy to use with minimal maintenance requirements