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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Arthosure Capsules, Bconfid-M Capsules, Skinasure Capsules, Addictsafe Capsule and Arthosure Powder Sachet.

Arthosure Capsules

Arthosure Capsule is a standardized blend of herbal extract with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use of ArthosureCapsule provides relief in pain and inflammatory conditions of arthritis and skeletomuscular disorders.

Function :

  • Effectively controls joints pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Potent analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating action.
  • Improves range of joint movement.
  • Strong anti-arthritic properties that work to combat arthritis.
  • Well tolerated, not causing gastric irritation.
  • Improves joint movement, stability and prevents the bony deformities.

Indications :

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteo-Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Cervical and lumbar spondylosis
  • Painful neurological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Low Back pain

Dose : 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects : ARTHOSURE Syrupis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation : 40 CAPSULE

Key Ingredients

Each 10ml Arthosure Contains Extract Derived From
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Maharasnadikwath Maharasnadikwath 300 mg
Suranjan Extract Suranjan Extract Colchicine 1% 80 mg
Nirgundi Extract Nirgundi Extract Alkaloid 0.1% &Polyphenols 10% 70 mg
Trivrit Extract Trivrit Extract Resins 4% 50 mg
Hing Hing Resin 30% 50 mg
Kalmegh Extract Kalmegh Extract Andrographanolides 2% 50 mg
Ashwagandha Extract Ashwagandha Extract Withanolides 1% 50 mg
Ajmod Extract Ajmod Extract Volatile oil 1% 40 mg
Dhatki Extract Dhatki Extract Tannins 2% 20 mg
Guduchi Extract Guduchi Extract Bitters 2% 20 mg
Methi Extract Methi Extract Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% 20 mg
Neem Extract Neem Extract Bitters 2% 20 mg
Arka Extract Arka Extract 20 mg
Datura Extract Datura Extract Alkaloids 0.5% 10 mg
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Bconfid-M Capsules

Bconfid-M Capsules is a time tested formulation that supports sexual, mental and physical health needed for sexual energy and endurance. Its ingredients include Ashwagandha with 2.5% withanoloids, Shilajit, Makardhwajrasayan, Musali, Talmakhana and other standardized extract which offer stamina and increases energy. It is potent Aphrodisiac & corrects the male infertility.

Function :

  • Improves vigor, vitality and stamina.
  • Corrects the psychological conflicts and tone up the sexual drive.
  • Reduce mental & physical stress.
  • Nutritive, revitalizer and safe tonic for male.
  • Increase sperm count and mortality naturally.

Indications :

  • Impotency
  • Unexplained infertility in Men.
  • Seminal abnormalities.
  • Premature ejaculation.
  • General debility.
  • Stress & Psychosexual problems.

Dose : 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects : Bconfid-M Capsules is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation : 30 Capsule

Key Ingredients

Each Bconfid-M Capsule Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Makardhwajrasayan 70 mg
Ashwagandha Extract Withaniasomnifera Withanoloids 2.5% 90 mg
Kaucha Extract Mucunapruriens L-dopa 15% 70 mg
ShuddhShilajit Extract Asphaltumpunjabianum .+veFulvic acid 70 mg
Jaiphala Extract Myristicafragrans Volatile oil 2% 30 mg
Elaychi powder Elettariacardamomum 10 mg
Lavang powder Syzygiumaromaticum 20 mg
Mushli Extract Asparagus adscendens Saponins 8% 70 mg
Kapoor cinnamomumcamphora 10 mg
Marich Powder Piper nigrum 20 mg
Gokshur Extract TribulusTerrestris Saponins 40% 40 mg
Tagar Extract Valerianawallichii Valeric acid 1% 60 mg
Sarpgandha Extract Rauwolfiaserpentina Alkaloids 4% 20 mg
Talamkhana Extract Asteracanthalongifolia Alkaloids 0.3%/td> 80 mg
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Skinasure Capsules

Skinasure Capsules is the standardized extract compound with blood purifier, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & anti- allergic property.SKINASURE Capsule is very effective for all type of acute, chronic and allergic dermatological disorder.

Function :

  • For all type of bacterial, allergic and fungal infection.
  • Natural blood purifier and skin protector.
  • Restore the normalcy of the skin.
  • Controls the itching of any etiology.
  • Clears the toxins from the blood.
  • Checks the internal as well as external skin infection.

Indications :

  • Acne Vulgaris
  • Eczema
  • Fungal Infection
  • Urticaria
  • Acute, Chronic and Allergic Dermatitis.

Dose : 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects : Skinasure Capsules not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation : 30 Capsule

Key Ingredients

Each Skinasure Capsule Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
ShuddhGandhak 125 mg
Manjistha Extract Rubiacordifolia Munjistin 8% 80 mg
Chopchini Extract Smilex china Glycosides 2% 40 mg
Daruharidra Extract Berberisaristata Berberine 8% 10 mg
Anantmool Extract Hemidusmusindicus Saponins 6% 70 mg
Haritaki Extract Terminaliachebula Tannins 40% 10 mg
Aragvadh Extract Cassia fistula Oxymethylanthraquinones 1% 60 mg
Trivrit Extract Operculinaturpethum Resins 8% 10 mg
Kanchnar Extract Bauhinia variegata Tannins 20% 15 mg
Atasi Extract Linumusitatissimum 10:1 Hydroalcoholic 20 mg
Neem Extract Azardirachtaindica Bitters 4% 30 mg
Guduchi Extract Tinosporacordifolia Bitters 2% 40 mg
Kalmegh Extract Andrographispaniculata Andrographanolides 5% 15 mg
Haridra powder Curcuma longa Curcuminoids 15% 30 mg
Gorakhmundi Extract Sphaeranthusindicus Alkaloids 2% 20 mg
Khadir Extract Acacia catechu Tannins 50% 10 mg
Kaishorgugglu 30 mg
Ashwagandha Extract Withaniasomnifera Withanoloids 1% 30 mg
Gajar Extract Daucuscarota Flavones 6% 20 mg
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Addictsafe Capsule

Addictsafeis a gift of Ayurveda for treating any kind of harmful addiction. AddictsafeAyurvedic herbal treatment can help an addict to get rid of any bad habits be it alcoholism, smoking, tobacco, drugs. Addictsafeis made up of 100% standardized herbal extracts that make it more beneficial. It contains INDIAN Kudzu (Vidarikand), one of the main ingredients which is used worldwide for alcoholism and is widely researched for its great benefits. The product is the perfect cure for the people addicted with alcohol, cigarette, tobacco etc.


  • It helps in reducing the craving for addiction substance in body and provides the peace of mind.
  • It balances humans emotional, mental and physiological responses and provides complete relief from the harmful effects of the addiction.
  • It removes toxins from the body that gets accumulated due to the addiction of alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco etc.
  • It helps in improving digestion and assimilation processes in human body. It also boost metabolism.
  • It helps in supplying the essential vitamins and minerals to the body that gets dried up due to the excessive intake of cigarettes and alcohol in body.
  • It decreases mental and physical stress and slowly brings you back to the normal life.
  • Note : Results may vary person to person.

Doses : 1 Capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects : Addictsafeis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Category : Addiction & Related Symptoms

Presentation : 10 Capsule

Key Ingredients

Each Addictsafe Capsule Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Kasani Extract Cichoriumintybus Bitters 1% 95 mg
Himsra Extract Capparisspinosa Capparic acid 2% 90 mg
Bhumiamalaki Extract Phyllanthusniruri Bitters 1% 10 mg
Sarpunkha Extract Tephrosiapurpurea Rutin 5% 20 mg
Kakmachi Extract Solanumnigrum Alkaloid 0.2% & Bitters 1% 10 mg
Kasmarda Extract Cassia occidentalis Oxymethylanthraquinones 1% 10 mg
Musta Extract Cyperusrotundus Alkaloids 0.1% & Volatile oil 1% 25 mg
Vidarikand Extract Puerariatuberosa Isoflavones 20% 120 mg
Guduchi Extract Tinosporacordifolia Bitters 3% 80 mg
Kalmegha Extract Andrographispaniculata Andrographanolides 5% 5 mg
Ashwagandha Extract Withaniasomnifera Withanoloids 1% 55 mg
Tagar Extract Valerianawallichii Valeric acid 1% 60 mg
Neem Extract Azardirachtaindica Bitters 4% 40 mg
Shuddhgandhak 40 mg
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Arthosure Powder Sachet

Arthosure Powder Sachet is a standardized blend of herbal extract with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use of ARTHOSURE Powder Sachet provides relief in pain and inflammatory conditions of arthritis and skeletomuscular disorders.



  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteo-Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Cervical and lumbar spondylosis
  • Painful neurological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Low Back pain
  • Category : Joint Care 



  • Effectively controls joints pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Potent analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating action.
  • Improves range of joint movement.
  • Strong anti-arthritic properties that work to combat arthritis.
  • Well tolerated, not causing gastric irritation.
  • Improves joint movement, stability and prevents the bony deformities.


Doses : 1 sachet mixed in half glass of water twice a day or as advised by the Physician.


Side Effects : Arthosure Powder Sachet is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.


Presentation : 20 Sachet 

Key Ingredients

Each 3 gm of Arthosure Powder Sachet Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Maharasnadi Ext 0.1961
Nirgundi Ext VitexNegundo Alkaloid 0.1% &Polyphenols 10% 0.0569
Suranjan Ext Colchicum Luteum Colchicine 1% 0.0471
Ashwagandha Ext WithanniaSomnifera Withanolides 1% 0.0471
Kalmegha Ext AndrographisPaniculata Andrographanolides 2% 0.0392
Ajmoda Ext CarumRoxburghianum Volatile oil 1% 0.0353
Trivrit Ext OperculinaTurpethum Resins 4% 0.0196
Hing Ferula Asafoetida Resin 30% 0.0196
DhatakiPuspa Ext WoodfordiaFruticosa Tannins 2% 0.0157
Guduchi Ext TinosporaCordifolia Bitters 2% 0.0157
Methi Ext TrigonellaFoenum-Graecum Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% 0.0137
Neem Ext AzardirachtaIndica Bitters 2% 0.0137
Arka Leaf Ext CalotropisGiganata 0.0137
SphatikaBhasma 0.0098
Datura Seed Ext Datura Metal Alkaloids 0.5% 0.0059
SarjikaKshar 0.2745
Nimbusatva 0.1568
Black Salt 0.0196
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Cardiovascular & Heart Care Medicines

CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis a natural Anti-Hypertensive remedy which is combination of standardized sarpgandha extract & many more herbal extracts. It is an efficient and trusted medicine for the Hypertension patients with zero side effects.

Function :

  • Reduces heart sensitivity to adrenergic-stimulation (drugs that stimulate the nervous system)
  • Stabilizes the raised systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Reduces physical, chemical and biological stress, which normalizes cardiac functions.

Indications :

  • Mild & Moderate Hypertension
  • As a Cardiac Tonic

Doses :

  • 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects :

  • CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation :

  • 30 CAPSULE

Key Ingredients

Each Cardosure-HT Capsule Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Ashwagandha Extract Withanniasomnifera Withanoloids 1% 35 mg
Arjuna Extract Terminaliaarjuna Tannins 10% &Arjunic acid 0.5% 70 mg
Sarpgandha Extract Rauwolfiaserpentina Alkaloids 4% 125 mg
Jatamansi Extract Nardostachysjatamansi Volatile oil 0.1% 20 mg
Tagar Valerianawallichi Valeric acid 2% 20 mg
Punarnava Extract Boerhaviadiffusa Alkaloids 0.08% 50 mg
Pashanbheda Extract Bergenialigulata Bergenins 3% 70 mg
Lasun Extract Allium sativum Allin 1.5% 65 mg
Twak Extract Cinnamomumzeylanicum Polyphenols 10% 20 mg
Neem Extract Azardirachtaindica Bitters 4% 25 mg
Guduchi Extract Tinosporacordifolia Bitters 3% 25 mg
Methi Extract Trigonellafoenum-graecum Saponins 20% 25 mg
Sunthi Powder Zingiberofficinale 20 mg
Marich Powder Piper longum Piperine 1% 20 mg
Pippali powder Piper longum 20 mg
Daruharidra Extract Berberisaristata Berberine 4% 40 mg
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Cardosure-HT Capsules

CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis a natural Anti-Hypertensive remedy which is combination of standardized sarpgandha extract & many more herbal extracts. It is an efficient and trusted medicine for the Hypertension patients with zero side effects.

Function :

  • Reduces heart sensitivity to adrenergic-stimulation (drugs that stimulate the nervous system)
  • Stabilizes the raised systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Reduces physical, chemical and biological stress, which normalizes cardiac functions.

Indications :

  • Mild & Moderate Hypertension
  • As a Cardiac Tonic

Doses :

  • 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects :

  • CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation :

  • 30 CAPSULE

Key Ingredients

Each Cardosure-HT Capsule Contains
Ingredients Standerdised With Minimum Qty.
Ashwagandha Extract Withanniasomnifera Withanoloids 1% 35 mg
Arjuna Extract Terminaliaarjuna Tannins 10% &Arjunic acid 0.5% 70 mg
Sarpgandha Extract Rauwolfiaserpentina Alkaloids 4% 125 mg
Jatamansi Extract Nardostachysjatamansi Volatile oil 0.1% 20 mg
Tagar Valerianawallichi Valeric acid 2% 20 mg
Punarnava Extract Boerhaviadiffusa Alkaloids 0.08% 50 mg
Pashanbheda Extract Bergenialigulata Bergenins 3% 70 mg
Lasun Extract Allium sativum Allin 1.5% 65 mg
Twak Extract Cinnamomumzeylanicum Polyphenols 10% 20 mg
Neem Extract Azardirachtaindica Bitters 4% 25 mg
Guduchi Extract Tinosporacordifolia Bitters 3% 25 mg
Methi Extract Trigonellafoenum-graecum Saponins 20% 25 mg
Sunthi Powder Zingiberofficinale 20 mg
Marich Powder Piper longum Piperine 1% 20 mg
Pippali powder Piper longum 20 mg
Daruharidra Extract Berberisaristata Berberine 4% 40 mg
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Arthosure Oil

Arthosure Oil is a potent and safe Herbal essential oil based formulation that relieves joint and bone pain associated with various orthopedic problems. Its property induces skin vasodilation and alleviates pain more quickly. The muscle relaxant action helps to restore mobility. In its oil form, ARTHOSURE OIL ensures better absorption and deeper penetration through the skin.

Function :

  • Effectively controls joints pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Potent analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating action.
  • Improves range of joint movement.
  • Strong anti-arthritic properties that work to combat arthritis.
  • Well tolerated, not causing gastric irritation.
  • Improves joint movement, stability and prevents the bony deformities.

Indications :

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteo-Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Cervical and lumbar spondylosis
  • Painful neurological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Low Back pain

Direction : Apply oil on affected part and massage vigorously till complete absorption of oil. Use 2 times a day or as advised by the Physician.

Side Effects : ARTHOSURE Oil is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Presentation :

  • 30 ML OIL

Key Ingredients :

  • Gandhapura Oil (Gaultheria fragrantissima) - 22.00% v/v
  • Tila Oil (Sesamum indicum) - 6.60% v/v
  • Phudina (Mentha arvensis) - 3.80% v/v
  • Kapoor(Cinnamomum camphora) - 3.60% v/v
  • Ajwain(Trachyspermum ammi) - 3.40%v/v
  • Erand Oil(Ricinu scommunis) - 3.00% v/v
  • Sarsap Oil(Brassica campestris) - 3.00% v/v
  • Nilgiri Oil(Eucalyptus globulus) - 2.50% v/v
  • Shigru Oil(Moringa oleifera) - 1.50% v/v
  • Shallaki Oil(Boswellia serrata) - 1.20% v/v
  • Capsicum Oil(Capsicum annuum) - 1.10%v/v
  • Twak Oil(Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - 0.40%v/v
  • Lavang Oil(Syzygium aromaticum) - 0.10%v/v
  • Saral Oil(Pinus roxburghii) - 48.00%v/v

Processed in : Ashawagandha(Withannia somnifera), Dashmool, Rasana(Vanda roxburghii), Nigundi(Vitex negundo), Bala(Sida cordifolia), Karveer(Nerium indicum), Arka Leaf(Calotropis procera), Haridra(Curcuma longa), Sunthi(Zingiber officinale), Vacha(Acorus calamus), Marich(Piper nigrum), Dhatura(Datura metal).

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Bconfid-M Oil

BCONFID-M Oilis natural massage oil, which helps you to achieve extreme luxuriant experience, which you always imagine. BCONFID-M Oil is the easy solution for giving relief to your fagged or tired penis muscles. It is famous for traditional medical quality and medical treatment.

Function :

  • Improves vigor, vitality and stamina.
  • Corrects the psychological conflicts and tone up the sexual drive.
  • Harder erection of penis by increasing blood flow.
  • Increase the time of sexual intercourse and cure premature ejaculation.
  • Relieve exhausted and fatigue muscles.

Indications :

  • Impotency
  • Premature ejaculation
  • General debility
  • Low sexual Stamina

Direction of Oil :

  • Use 5-10 drops through massaging by light hand at bed time and in morning

Side Effects :

  • BCONFID-M Oilis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Caution :

  • Only for Male
  • Do not apply this oilon the open part of skin or cut part of sex organ


Key Ingredients :

  • TWAK OIL(Cinnamomumzeylanicum) - 0.10%v/v
  • LAVANG OIL (Syzygiumaromaticum) - 0.10%v/v
  • GODHUM OIL(Triticumsativum) - 0.50%v/v
  • ERAND OIL (Ricinuscommunis) - 5.00%v/v
  • SARSAP OIL (Brassica campestris) - 8.00%v/v
  • Coconut Oil (Cocosnucifera) - 16.30%v/v
  • TILA OIL (Sesamumindicum) - 70.00%v/v

Processed in : ASHWAGANDHA (Withanniasomnifera), SATAVARI (Asparagusracemosus), AKARKARO (Anacyclus pyrethrum), BALA(Sidacordifolia), NIRGUNDI (Vitexnegundo), VACHA(Acoruscalamus), HARIDRA(Curcuma longa), GUNJA SEED(Abrusprecatorius), TULASHI(Ocimum sanctum), JAYPHALA (Myristicafragrans), SUNTHI (Zingiberofficinale), Inactive Perfume as Q.S.

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Respisure Oil

Respisure Oil is effective for treating a number of respiratory problems including cold, cough, runny nose, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis. Respisure Oil is also featured with the ingredient which have anti allergic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant property, which makes it a best product in many medicines that treat respiratory problems. Asthma is a condition that affects millions of people around the world, and there are many known treatments for the condition. One of these is the use of RESPISURE OIL. Simply massage 1-3 drops onto the chest and the soothing effect of the aroma and vapors will calm the throat and dilate the blood vessels, which will allow more oxygen into the lungs and normal breathing can be achieved.


  • Allergic Asthma
  • Bronchial Asthma
  • COPD
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Allergic Sinusitis
  • All type of Cough & Cold
  • Sore throat
  • Runny Nose
  • Bronchitis


  • Excellent bronchodilator, relives the bronchospasm and makes the breathing easy.
  • Relieve inflammation and swelling
  • Tone up the lungs & improve the vital capacity.
  • Soothes the respiratory mucosa & reduces the irritation.


  • Pour a few drops of this oil on the warm, damp face cloth &Breathe through it till the cloth becomes cool.
  • Chest and back rub.
  • Pour few drops of this oil in hot water pot or steam inhaler and inhale the steam 2 times a day.

Side Effects / Caution

  • Respisure Oil is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
  • Keep away from direct contact with eyes.

Presentation : 30 ML

Key Ingredients

  • Nilgiri Oil (Eucalyptus globulus) - 4.00% v/v
  • Gandhapura Oil (Gaultheria fragrantissima) - 1.80% v/v
  • Saral Oil (Pinusroxburghii) - 1.42% v/v
  • Phudina(Menthaarvensis) - 0.50% v/v
  • Kapoor (Cinnamomumcamphora) - 0.50% v/v
  • Ajwain (Trachyspermumammi) - 0.50% v/v
  • Ustkhdoos Oil (Lavandulastoechas) - 0.50%v/v
  • Lemon Oil(Citrus limon) - 0.40%v/v
  • KajuputiOil(Melaleucaleucadendron) - 0.18% v/v
  • Twak Oil (Cinnamomumzeylanicum) - 0.12% v/v
  • LavangOil(Syzygiumaromaticum) - 0.08% v/v
  • Coconut Oil (Cocosnucifera) - 20.00% v/v
  • TilaOil(Sesamumindicum) - . 70.00% v/v

Procesed in: Vasa (Adhathodavasica), Kantkari(Solanumxanthocarpum), Bharangi(Clerodendrumserratum), Kustha (Saussurealappa), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Tulashi (Ocimumsanctum), Sunthi(Zingiberofficinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali(piper longum)

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Stress Relief Capsules

Freshol Capsules offers natural solution to stress. It is prepared with standardized extract bland which supports adrenal function, calms and maintains the healthy nervous system. FRESHOL Capsule helps to cope with everyday stress, support energy and peace of mind and increase resistance to stress, fatigue and tension.

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Cardiovascular Medicines

CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis a natural Anti-Hypertensive remedy which is combination of standardized sarpgandha extract & many more herbal extracts. It is an efficient and trusted medicine for the Hypertension patients with zero side effects.

Function :

  • Reduces heart sensitivity to adrenergic-stimulation (drugs that stimulate the nervous system)
  • Stabilizes the raised systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Reduces physical, chemical and biological stress, which normalizes cardiac functions.

    • Indications :

      • Mild & Moderate Hypertension
      • As a Cardiac Tonic

        • Doses :

          • 1 TO 2 capsule twice a day or as advised by the Physician.

            • Side Effects :

              • CARDOSURE-HT Capsuleis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

                • Presentation :

                  • 30 CAPSULE
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