Our Products
2 Products availableAnti Anxiety Medicine
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Dybasure Syrup, Gynesure Syrup, Skinasure Syrup, Well Liv Syrup and Cardosure Syrup
DYBASURE Syrupis the excellent combination of the standardized oral hypoglycemic herbal extracts. DYBA SURE is the 100% natural formulation to treat all stages of the hyperglycemia & related complication. It is an effective and trusted medicine for the diabetic patients with zero side effects.
Function :
Indications :
Dose : 1 to 2 TSP twice a day 30 minutes before meal or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : DYBASURE Syrupis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml DybasureSyrup Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Gudmar Extract | Gymnemasylverstre | Gymenemic acid 30% | 210 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Withania somnifera | Withanolides 1 % | 210 mg |
Karvellak Extract | Mamordica charantia | Bitters 2% | 95 mg |
Jambu Extract | Eugania jambolana | Saponins 6% | 70 mg |
Neem Extract | Azardirachta indica | Bitters 2% | 55 mg |
Mamejak Extract | Enicostemma littorale | Bitters 3% | 55 mg |
Methi Extract | Trigonella foenum-graecum | Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% | 50 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Tinospora cordifolia | Bitters 2% | 45 mg |
Kalmegh Extract | Andrographis paniculata | Andrographanolides 2% | 30 mg |
Bilva Leaf Extract | Aegle marmelos | Tannins 5% | 30 mg |
Punarnava Extract | Boerhaavia diffusa | Alkaloids 0.05% | 20 mg |
Tulsi Extract | Ocimum sanctum | Tannins 2% | 20 mg |
Women going through their menopause experience mood swings, irregular periods, heavy flow, hot flashes and even irritability. Gynesure Syrup taking qualities from nature, helps in minimizing the associated symptoms. It reduce PMS Symptoms, Menstrual cramps, balances hormone levels, and reduce vaginal dryness. It is an efficient and trusted medicine for the treatment of all type of gynecological problems with zero side effects.
Function :
Indications :
Dose : 1 TO 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Gynesure Syrup not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Gyneasure Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Ashoka Extract | Saracaasoca | Tannins 2% | 150 mg |
Shatavari Extract | Asparagus racemosus | Saponins 10% | 150 mg |
Lodhra Extract | Symplocosracemosa | Alkaloids 0.5% | 120 mg |
Dashmool Extract | — | — | 100 mg |
Dhatki Extract | Woodfordiafruticosa | Tannins 2% | 95 mg |
Kumari Extract | Aloe barbadensis | Aloin 1% | 95 mg |
Shuddh | — | — | 70 mg |
Punarnava Extract | Boerhaviadiffusa | Alkaloids 0.05% | 60 mg |
Hing | Ferula foetida | Resin 30% | 60 mg |
Nagkeshar Extract | Mesuaferrea | Bitters 2% | 50 mg |
Guduchi Powder | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 50 mg |
Neem Extract | Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 40 mg |
Methi Extract | Trigonellafoenum-graecum | Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% | 40 mg |
Babool Extract | Acacia nilotica | Tannins 20% | 40 mg |
Sphatikabhasma | — | — | 40 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% | 30 mg |
Phudina Extract | Menthapiperita | — | 1 mg |
Skinasure Syrup is the standardized extract compound with blood purifier, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & anti- allergic property.SKINASURE Syrup is very effective for all type of acute, chronic and allergic dermatological disorder.
Function :
Indications :
Dose : 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Skinasure Syrup not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each Skinasure Capsule Contains | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Anantmool Extract | Hemidusmusindicus | Saponins 3% | 260 mg |
Manjistha Extract | Rubiacordifolia | Munjistin 5% | 180 mg |
Aragvadh Extract | Cassia fistula | Oxymethylanthraquinones 1% | 70 mg |
Neem Extract | Azardirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 70 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 70 mg |
Kalmegh Extract | Andrographispaniculata | Andrographanolides 2% | 50 mg |
Kanchnar Extract | Bauhinia variegata | Tannins 10% | 50 mg |
Trivrit Extract | Operculinaturpethum | Resins 4% | 40 mg |
Haritaki Extract | Terminaliachebula | Tannins 20% | 40 mg |
Daruharidra Extract | Berberisaristata | Berberine 4% | 40 mg |
Kumari Extract | Aloe barbadensis | Aloin 1% | 30 mg |
Khadir Extract | Acacia catechu | Tannins 20% | 20 mg |
Ajmod Extract | Apiumleptophyllum | Volatile oil 1% | 20 mg |
Amalki Extract | Emblicaofficinalis | Tannins 10% | 20 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Withaniasomnifera | Withanoloids 1% | 10 mg |
Haridra Extract | Curcuma longa | Curcuminoids 5% | 10 mg |
Gorakhmundi Extract | Sphaeranthusindicus | Alkaloids 1% | 5 mg |
Well Liv Syrup is the excellent combination of hepato-spleno stimulants, hepatoprotective, digestive and blood purifier standardized herbal extracts. It is useful for all type of acute & chronic liver- spleen related diseases.
Function :
Indications :
Dose : 1 to 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : WELLLIV Syrupis not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Wellliv Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Bhumiamalaki Extract | Phyllanthusniruri | Bitters 1% | 300 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 100 mg |
Neem Extract | Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 100 mg |
Bhringraj Extract | Eclipta alba | Nor-Wadelolactone 2% | 130 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% | 100 mg |
Musta Extract | Cyperusrotundus | Volatile oil 0.5% & Alkaloids 0.1% | 60 mg |
Mamejak Extract | Enicostemalittorale | Bitters 3% | 50 mg |
Kalmegha Extract | Andrographispaniculata | Andrographanolides 2% | 50 mg |
Sarpunkha Extract | Tephrosiapurpurea | Rutin 2% | 50 mg |
Himsra Extract | Capparisspinosa | Glycosides 10% &Caparic acid 1% | 50 mg |
Kasani Extract | Cichoriumintybus | Bitters 1% | 50 mg |
Kakmachi Extract | Solanumnigrum | Bitters 1% | 20 mg |
Kasmarda Extract | Cassia occidentalis | Anthraquinones 1% | 20 mg |
Navsagar | — | — | 40 mg |
Mulikakshar | Raphnussativus | — | 70 mg |
With an increasing age & Todays lifestyle, we are warmed about cholesterol levels frequently. Cardosure Syrup is prepared with 100% standardized extracts of herbs. It makes sure that cholesterol of your body remains within normal range. It strengthens the heart muscles & promotes healthy performance of whole cardiovascular activities. It is the cardiotonic, anti-lipidemic, anti-angina, diuretic, tranquilizers and antihypertensive. It is very effective for all type of heart related disorders.
Category : Cardiovascular & Heart Care
Doses : 1 to 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Cardosure Syrup is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Cardosure Contains Extract Derived From |
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum |
Qty | |
Arjuna Extract | Terminaliaarjuna | Tannins 5% &Arjunic acid 0.5% |
300 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract |
Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% |
130 mg |
Lasun Extract |
Allium sativum |
Allin 1% |
80 mg |
Sunthi Extract |
Zingiberofficinale | Zingerol 2% |
80 mg |
Apple Extract |
Malusdomestica | — | 80 mg |
Punarnava Extract |
Boerhaaviadiffusa | Alkaloids 0.05% |
60 mg |
Sarpgandha Extract |
Rauwolfiaserpentina | Alkaloids 2% |
50 mg |
Pashanbheda Extract |
Bergeniaciliata | Tannins 4% &Bergenins 2% |
50 mg |
Lemon Extract |
Citrus limon |
Flavons 2% |
50 mg |
Tagar Extract |
Valerianawallichii | Valeric acid 0.5% |
30 mg |
Jatamansi Extract |
Nardostachysjatamansi | Volatile oil 0.1% |
30 mg |
Neem Extract |
Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% |
20 mg |
Guduchi Extract |
Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% |
20 mg |
Methi Extract |
Trigonellafoenum-graecum | saponins 20% & Bitters 2% |
20 mg |
Onion Extract |
Allium cepa |
Quercetine 2% |
20 mg |
Doses : 1 to 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : ArthosureSyrup is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Arthosure Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Maharasnadikwath | Maharasnadikwath | — | 300 mg |
Suranjan Extract | Suranjan Extract | Colchicine 1% | 80 mg |
Nirgundi Extract | Nirgundi Extract | Alkaloid 0.1% &Polyphenols 10% | 70 mg |
Trivrit Extract | Trivrit Extract | Resins 4% | 50 mg |
Hing | Hing | Resin 30% | 50 mg |
Kalmegh Extract | Kalmegh Extract | Andrographanolides 2% | 50 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Ashwagandha Extract | Withanolides 1% | 50 mg |
Ajmod Extract | Ajmod Extract | Volatile oil 1% | 40 mg |
Dhatki Extract | Dhatki Extract | Tannins 2% | 20 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Guduchi Extract | Bitters 2% | 20 mg |
Methi Extract | Methi Extract | Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% | 20 mg |
Neem Extract | Neem Extract | Bitters 2% | 20 mg |
Arka Extract | Arka Extract | — | 20 mg |
Datura Extract | Datura Extract | Alkaloids 0.5% | 10 mg |
Nephsure Syrup is a natural unique herbal extract combination withAnti-lithogenic, Lithotriptic, Diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory property. It is an efficient and trusted medicine for the treatment of all type of urinary tract problems with zero side effects.
Doses : 1 TO 2 TSP twice a day before meal or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Nephsure Syrup is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180ml Bottle
Key Ingredients
Each Nephsure Capsule Contains | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Gokshur Extract | TribulusTerrestris | Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% | 300 mg |
Yavakshar | — | — | 200 mg |
Punarnava Extract | Boerhaviadiffusa | Alkaloids 0.02% | 150 mg |
Pashanbheda Extract | Bergeniaciliata | Tannins 4% &Bergenins 2% | 150 mg |
Neem Extract | Azardirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 80 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 80 mg |
Dhanyak Extract | coriandrumsativum | Volatile oil 0.5% | 80 mg |
Musta Extract | Cyperusrotundus | Volatile oil 0.5% & Alkaloids 0.1% | 60 mg |
Kulthi Extract | Dolichosbiflorus | Saponins 10% | 50 mg |
Shuddh tankan | — | — | 40 mg |
Navsagar | — | — | 30 mg |
Apamarg Extract | Achyranthesaspera | Saponins 2% & Alkaloids 0.5% | 30 mg |
Amalaki Extract | Emblicaofficinalis | Tannins 10% | 30 mg |
Sarjikakshar | — | — | 20 mg |
Sauvarchal | — | — | 20 mg |
Cold and flu season brings on hacking coughs that can leave your chest muscles aching. With RESPISURE, You can quell that cough without restoring to over the counter medicine that are possibly ineffective and may offer a host of their own side effects. RESPISURE not just a cough syrup but advanced 100% standardized extract based Anti-allergic, Anti-Asthmatic and Anti-cough Syrup.
Doses : 1 -2 tsp twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Respisure is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Yashtimadhu Extract | Glycyrrhizaglabra | Glycyrrhizin 10% | 80 mg |
Vasa Extract | Adhatodavasica | Alkaloids 0.5% | 70 mg |
Atasi Extract | Linumusitatissimum | — | 50 mg |
Kantkari Extract | Solanumxanthocarpum | Salasodin 0.5% | 50 mg |
Bharangi Extract | Clerodendrumserratum | Alkaloids 1% | 40 mg |
Kustha Extract | Saussurealappa | — | 40 mg |
Haridra Extract | Curcuma longa | Curcuminoids 5% | 25 mg |
Tulsi Extract | Ocimum sanctum | Tannins 2% | 20 mg |
Sunthi Extract | Zingiberofficinale | Zingerol 2% | 20 mg |
Twak Extract | Cinnamomumzeylanicum | Volatile oil 0.2% | 10 mg |
Pippali Extract | Piper longum | Piperine 3% | 10 mg |
Marich Extract | Piper nigrum | Piperine 1% | 10 mg |
Haritaki Extract | Terminaliachebula | Tannins 20% | 10 mg |
Bibhitaki Extract | Terminaliabeleirica | Tannins 10% | 10 mg |
Amalki Extract | Emblicaofficinalis | Tannins 10% | 10 mg |
Neem Extract | Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 10 mg |
Guduchi Extract | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 10 mg |
Shuddh tankan | — | — | 10 mg |
Kapoor | Cinnamomumcamphora | — | 5 mg |
Phudina Extract | Menthaarvensis | — | 5 mg |
Elaychi Extract | Elettariacardamomum | Volatile oil 0.2% | 5 mg |
The moisture and infection often lead to Leucorrhoea. LeucosureSyrup is a blend of natural plant extracts which relives distress, checks excess secretion, helps in Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases and also helps in non- specific leucorrhoea.
Doses : 1 TO 2 TSP twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : LeucosureSyrup is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML Syrup
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Leucosure Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Ashoka Extract | Saracaasoca | Tannins 2% | 180 mg |
Shatavari Extract | Asparagus racemosus | Saponins 10% | 160 mg |
Dhanyak Extract | coriandrumsativum | Volatile matter 0.5% | 110 mg |
Dhatki Extract | Woodfordiafruticosa | Tannins 2% | 90 mg |
Lodhra Extract | Symplocosracemosa | Alkaloids 0.5% | 80 mg |
Nagkeshar Extract | Mesuaferrea | Bitters 2% | 80 mg |
Babool Extract | Acacia nilotica | Tannins 20% | 80 mg |
Palash Extract | Buteamonosperma | Glycosides 2% | 70 mg |
Neem Extract | Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 60 mg |
Guduchi Powder | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 60 mg |
Ashwagandha Extract | Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% | 50 mg |
Hing | Ferula foetida | Resin 30% | 50 mg |
Methi Extract | Trigonellafoenum-graecum | Saponins 20% & Bitters 2% | 40 mg |
Mochrasa Extract | Bombaxmalbaricum | Tannins 4% | 30 mg |
Madhusnuhi Extract | Smilax china | Glycosides 0.5% | 30 mg |
Puga Extract | Areca catechu | Tannins 20% | 20 mg |
Vitalsure Syrup is a natural supplement that supports the body’s natural defences. It has anti-aging properties and helps in cellular restoration. The dosage comes in syrup form to suit the fast moving lives of today’s generation.
Doses : 1 -2 tsp twice a day or as advised by the Physician.
Side Effects : Amrutrasa is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.
Presentation : 180 ML
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Amrutrasa Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Haritaki | Terminaliachebula | Tannins 20% | 380 mg |
Brahmi | Bacopamonnieri | Triterpenoids 5% | 295 mg |
Lemon | Citrus limon | Flavons 2% | 290 mg |
Amalki | Emblicaofficinalis | Tannins 10% | 280 mg |
Dashmool | — | — | 245 mg |
Ashwagandha | Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% | 240 mg |
Gokshur | TribulusTerrestris | Saponins 20% | 220 mg |
Punarnava | Boerhaaviadiffusa | Alkaloids 0.05% | 220 mg |
Shatavari | Asparagus racemosus | Saponins 10% | 205 mg |
Bhibhitaki | Terminaliabelerica | Tannins 10% | 200 mg |
Yashtimadhu | Glycyrrhizaglabra | Glycyrrhizin 10% | 200 mg |
Shankhpushpi | Convolvulus pluricaulis | Bitters 2% | 190 mg |
Jatamansi | Nardostachysjatamansi | Volatile matters 0.1% | 145 mg |
Neem | Azadirachtaindica | Bitters 2% | 120 mg |
Guduchi | Tinosporacordifolia | Bitters 2% | 120 mg |
Vacha | Acoruscalamus | Volatile oil 0.5% | 115 mg |
Sunthi | Zingiberofficinale | Zingerol 2% | 110 mg |
Marich | Piper longum | Piperine 1% | 110 mg |
Tagar | Valerianawallichi | Valeric acid 0.5% | 110 mg |
Draksha | Vitisvinifera | Invert sugar 20% | 110 mg |
Jivanti | Leptadeniareticulata | Alkaloids 0.2% | 85 mg |
Tulsi | Ocimum sanctum | Tannins 2% | 80 mg |
Pippali | Piper longum | Piperine 3% | 55 mg |
Do you find yourself forgetting appointments? Losing your keys? Remembering faces but not names? A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you’re a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your grey matter as you age, INTELSURE SYRUP is combination of six potent standardized natural herbal extracts that supports brain performance, attention and memory in a natural way without side effects.
Function :
Indications :
Doses :
Side Effects :
Presentation :
Key Ingredients
Each 10ml Contains Extract Derived From | |||
Ingredients | Standerdised With Minimum | Qty. | |
Shankhpushpi | Convolvulus pluricaulis | Bitters 2% | 910 mg |
Brahmi | Bacopamonnieri | Triterpenoids 5% | 605 mg |
Mandukparani | centellaasiatica | Asiaticosides 5% | 350 mg |
Jatamansi | Nardostachysjatamansi | Volatile matters 0.1% | 190 mg |
Ashwagandha | Withaniasomnifera | Withanolides 1% | 190 mg |
Amalki | Emblicaofficinalis | Tannins 10% | 160 mg |
Haritaki | Terminaliachebula | Tannins 20% | 170 mg |
Yashtimadhu Extract | Glycyrrhizaglabra | Glycyrrhizin 10% | 130 mg |
Tagar | Valerianawallichi | Valeric acid 0.5% | 95 mg |
Vacha | acoruscalamus | Volatile oil 0.5% | 95 mg |
Jyotishmati | celastruspaniculatus | Alkaloid 0.1% | 80 mg |
Well Liv Syrup is the excellent combination of hepato-spleno stimulants, hepatoprotective, digestive and blood purifier standardized herbal extracts. It is useful for all type of acute & chronic liver- spleen related diseases.