Our Almact-PT Injection is best suited when administered in nosocomial pneumonia, intra-abdominal infections, bone & joint infections, trauma/burn infections. Formulated using vital minerals, we assure our buyers the finest quality Medicines. We are major Supplier of Almact-Pmore...
Dosage : 10mg, 20mg. Deep Infra Muscular According to the Type Site Severity of the Diseases.
Indications: Isollupredone Acetate IP (vet) 2 mg. ISD-E (Highly Effective Injectable Glococorticoid Agent with Antiinfalamatory Potency Approx 10 Times Then That of Predisilon So ISD-E is highly Effective in case Of Mastitis Also. ISD-E only Corticosteroid Approved By The U.S. Fomore...