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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of FILLERS TREATMENT, CHEMICAL PEELING and WART REMOVAL.


Flat scars can be treated with topical applications containing kojic acid, arbutin and retonoids. These chemicals work wonders on dark spots and erase away any remaining evidence of acne from your face. Apart from this, flat scars can also be effectively treated with chemical peels.
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The pitted variety of acne scars require some more care than the flat ones. Depending on the depth of the scars, there are a number of options that one can choose from, to solve the problem.
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Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from a part of the body called the donor site to a bald or balding part of the body known as the recipient site. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. In this minimally invasive procedure, grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding, (like the back of the head) are transplanted to the bald scalp. Hair Transplantation can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, pubic hair and to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery such as face-lifts and previous hair transplants. Hair transplantation differs from skin grafting in that grafts contain almost all of the epidermis and dermis surrounding the hair follicle, and many tiny grafts are transplanted rather than a single strip of skin.
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Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed all over the world for permanent reduction of body hair. Lasers act by causing localized and selective damage to melanin pigment within the hair follicle, while not heating the rest of the skin. The melanin in dark hair absorbs the laser light and weakens the follicle thus producing thinner, finer hair. The darker and thicker the hair growth, the higher the chances of completely removing it. If the hair is light, than at best it will reduce but not go away completely.
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Fillers are basically the volume-adding biocompatible particles, mainly composed of hyaluronic acid. They are used to improve static wrinkles and folds, like nasolabial folds, glabellar lines, neck folds, accordion lines (smile lines). They even help to increase volume in lip augmentation (enhancement or development), lip wrinkles, cheek augmentation and eye circles and work for the rejuvenation of hands and neck parts; and, at times, they work for the improvement of deformed features, like asymmetry of nose or scar correction. Very fine needles are used to reduce pain sensations and to inject the filler particles to add volume to the desired parts. Nowadays, blunt canulas are also used which cut down the pain significantly. For more sensitive clients, nerve blocks can be given to reduce the painful sensations.
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Botox is a brand name given to the purified form of a neurotoxic protein called botulinum toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its diluted form is used in cosmetic medicine for improving your various skin problems. Its popular for its skin benefits which help to improve and rejuvenate your skin and make your face look much younger. For cosmetic treatments, botox is gaining wide popularity for its ability to correct your forehead creases, frown lines, bunny lines on nose, crows feet around eyes, eyebrow lift and jaw lift, depressed angle of mouth, facial wrinkles, and gummy and fading smile. Botox is also used to treat many non-cosmetic conditions like uncontrollable eye twitching, migraine headaches, cervical dystonia and excessive sweating.
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Chemical peels speed up skin cell turnover essentially making them skin resurfacing and exfoliation agents. The basic aim of chemical peels is to replace the outer, dead layers of tired, sallow, blemished and wrinkled skin to reveal the underlying areas of fresher, younger looking skin. This is done simply enough by the application of a chemical peel to the skin that causes the top most layers to shed. Apart from the obvious advantage of skin cell re growth, it also promotes the generation of collagen in the skin.
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Warts are small, benign (harmless) growths caused by a viral infection. They occur on the skin or the mucous membrane. The viruses that cause warts are members of the human papilloma virus (HPV) family. Warts can be transmitted from one person to another and they can travel from one part of the body to another Electrocautery is a common treatment used in dermatology. This routine procedure removes unwanted tissue on the body by using a small probe with an electric current to burn away warts. Electrocautery reduces the risk of bleeding during wart removal. Topical anesthesia will be applied before the procedure which takes 30 45 minutes to numb the skin. After which, a tool with a thin, needle-like, hot tip will come in contact with the wart.
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Acne Treatment

Acne is associated with the turbulent adolescent years when hormones are rushing around the body. Polycystic ovarian syndrome which is usually hereditary is another popular cause for acne. Adult acne which also occurs very commonly is due to the reversing ratio of the female to male hormone. Acne scars, especially the deep pitted ones, apart from scarring the skin, also scar a persons self confidence and psyche.
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