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Our product range contains a wide range of Fighter Chicks and Guinea Fowl Chicks

Fighter Chicks

750 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Piece(s)
  • Color White, Yellow, Black
  • Type Live stock
  • Features High Protein and Very Low Fat and Cholesterol Levels
  • Lifespan 4 - 8 years
  • Payment Terms Cash in Advance (CID), Cash Against Delivery (CAD)
  • Sample Policy Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • Main Domestic Market All India
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Rabbit Farming

Advantages of Rabbit Farming :

  • Rabbits are small sized animal. There are many advantages of commercial rabbit farming in India. The main advantages are described below.
  • Rabbits are small sized animal. So, they require less space, feed, care and management. You can easily raise rabbits in your farm, backyard, terrace and even at home.
  • Required capital/investment for starting rabbit farming business is very low. You can start with a very little investment. (Eg: Rs 10, 000/- to Rs 15, 000/-)
  • Rabbits grow rapidly and gain maturity very fast like broiler chickens. They become suitable for slaughtering purpose within 3 to 4 months.
  • Rabbit meat is very nutritious and tasty. It is lower in cholesterol and fat and higher in protein. All aged and all types of people can easily consume and digest rabbit meat.
  • In small scale farming, you can feed your rabbits various types of foods including waste vegetables, easily available leaves, grains available in the home etc.
  • Rabbit has a very high reproduction capacity. One female rabbit can give birth of kids after every 30 days and 2 to 8 kids per delivery.
  • Rabbit farming can also be a great source of income and employment.
  • Unemployed educated young people can create an income and employment opportunities by raising rabbits commercially.
  • Women can also raise some rabbits with other household animals or birds to earn some extra income or to full fill their daily family nutrition demand.
  • Rabbit farming is also very pleasuring and entertaining. Even, you can do this business with your current job or occupation.

Rabbits BreedsThere are numerous breeds available throughout the world. Some of them are highly productive. Some breeds are very suitable for farming in India according to our weather. Most productive and suitable rabbit breeds are listed below.

  • White Giant
  • Black Giant
  • Grey Giant
  • Flemish Giant
  • New Zealand White
  • New Zealand Red
  • Californian
  • Dutch
  • Soviet Chinchilla

Farming MethodsRabbits can be raised in both deep litter system and cage system. You can easily make a small shed at the backyard with a very small investment. Good housing or shed is necessary for keeping the rabbits free from weather conditions, rain, sun and various types of predators like dogs or cats etc.

Feeding Methods

  • Good food always ensure good health and proper growth. So, always try to feed your animals high quality and nutritious food. Generally, rabbits can eat and consume all types of grains, legumes and green fodders like Lucerne, Hedge Lucerne, Agathi, and various types of kitchen wastes including carrots, cabbage leaves and other vegetable wastes. In case of raising rabbits by feeding concentrate food, try to provide them some green food.
  • For 1 kg body weight of rabbit, you can feed those about 80 grams of concentrate food and 100 grams of green food. Along with good and nutritious food try to provide them sufficient amount of fresh and clean water according to their demand.

BreedingRabbits become suitable for breeding within their 5 to 6 months of age. You should use male rabbits for breeding purpose at their 1 year of age to get quality young rabbits. Always use healthy rabbits for breeding with proper age and body weight. Take extra care of the male rabbit used for breeding purpose and take good care of pregnant rabbits.

Management For better production, you must have to take good care of your animals. Generally, diseases are less in rabbits. Healthy rabbits become very active with a shiny hair coat. But if anyhow something goes wrong, then you have to take necessary steps immediately.

AKN Farm benefits for the members :Below listed service are provided by us for our members.

  • Training and certification will be provided on Rabbit farming
  • High quality animals will be provided for members with minimum age of 7 to 8 months on chipper price.
  • Equipments will be provided for rabbit farming which includes (Rabbit cages with different size, Drinker Nipple, Feeder box, User guide, Rabbit farming information CD, Meat Slaughter equipments, Hydroponic system trays)
  • We provide concentrated feed for high growth, Feed supplements, Grass seeds, Medicines.
  • Online payment through gateway options and buy back facility with multi options.
  • Member ship cards
  • Annual best farmer recognition awards.
  • Rabbit meat cooking guide.
  • Regular consultations from expert vet doctors.
  • Helping to avail Bank loan and project reports for the same.
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Goat Farming

Below listed are the high breed goats are available with us

  • Jamapari
  • Barbari
  • Beetel
  • Sirohi
  • Local Nati Goat

Jamnapari Goat :Jamunapari goat breed is the native goat breed of Etawa district of Uttar Pradesh. This breed is raised for the meat and milk production as well. Jamunapari breed is also called as dairy goat breed. The milk yielding ability is very good in this breed. Jamunapari goat is the tallest goat breed among all. This breed can also be found in the Agra, Mathura, Bhind and Morena District of Madhya Pradesh but the pure breed can only be found in Batpura and Chakarnagar of Etawa District.

Breed Characteristic : Usually jamnapari adult male goat weigh in between 44-45kg and female adult weight is between 35-38kg.

Reproduction : Jamunapari goat starts its first kidding generally at the age of 24month that is 2 year and the kidding interval is usually 7-8 months. Usually they give birth to singles and twins whose percentage is 56% single and 44% twins the chances of triplets are very rare. The kid weight generally ranges between 4-5kg they show the rapid growth and gain the weight of 16 kg at the age of 6 months and 24 kg in 9 month. Jamunapari goats usually considered as an adult at the age of 12 month and gain the weight of 29.6 kg. Their growth rate also varies according to the feed supplied to them. Growth rate would be rapid when the true concentrate percentage in fodder is supplied.

Mortality : Also the mortality percentage is less in this breed the average mortality percentage which is being seen is 5.8% at pre-weaning stage and 4.3% in adult.

Performance : Jamnapari goat also considered as the dairy goat breed because of its good milk yielding ability. The daily milk yield is about 1.2-2 kg which is approx 205kg in its lactation period of 192 days. This breed also good for the commercial goat farm for the meat and milk production the growth rate of the jamnapari goat is good and adapt the environment where they are. Body resistance to fight with disease is good. Jamnapari goat looks very attractive and beautiful and this breed gains maximum weight in compare to other goats breed hence this breed also considered as the profitable goat breed for the commercial meat production in the goat farm.

Barbari Goat FarmingProfitable Goat Breed For Commercial FarmingBarbari is a beautiful medium range goat breed. Its white color and beautiful brown patches all around its body enhances its beauty and it looks like deer in appearance. Basically barbari goat breed is the origin of Berbera Somalia of East Africa. In India it is found in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab provinces specially in the north western India and Pakistan.This breed is also raised for its meat production and there meat conformation is considered as good in quality. Barbari goats are also known for its early maturity and triple kidding are quite common in this breed. This is the medium size goat breed with short ear, twisted pointed horns with bulging eyes which increases its beauty naturally.It can be commonly seen in the Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh in some part of the Gujrat and Jhelum, Sargodha district of Punjab Province. Many Breeding tract of this breed is found in Agra and Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh.

Common Barbari Goat Breed Characteristic :

  • Medium size breed with an average weight of adult male is 30 37.5 kg and female 18-22.6kg.
  • Barbari goats are very alert and attractive with short erect ears and short straight horns.
  • Raised for the meat production.
  • Very well adapted to the climate and mortality is less.
  • Conical teats, well adapted in stall feed condition.

Kidding in Barbari Goat :

  • Barbari goat attains its maturity early.
  • Triple Kidding is quite common hence it is considered as the productive breed in India.
  • Milk yielding is sufficient for its kids so the kid mortality rate is very less as compare to other breed.
  • Age at First kidding is approx 21 months or one and a half year.
  • Kidding interval is minimum 10 months.
  • Service period is 70 days.
  • Kidding percentage is an average of 70%.
  • Single 49.2% , Twins 50 % and triplets are 1.5 %.

Feeding Habits of Barbari Goat Breed :

  • Barbari breed mostly remains with the grazing habit of cultivated crops and tree leaves.
  • Cultivated fodders are provided for their better growth and performance.
  • Especially wheat straw, barseem, barley, maize and millet are provided as the cultivated crops for their fodder.
  • This breed also adapted to the stall feed system in the commercial goat farms.

Milk Yield In Barbari Goat :

  • Though the milk yield is sufficient for feeding its kids.
  • Its average milk yield is 108 ltrs.
  • Lactation days is of 150 days.

Barbari Breed Advantages for Commercial farming

  • This Breed performance is very good as per the commercial goat farming aspects.
  • Can be raised in both grazing and stall feed Condition.
  • Generally in the stall feeding condition it attains the maximum weight as compare to the only grazing method.
  • Growth and reproduction rate is also very good when kept under stall feed system.
  • Barbari goats are usually less prone to disease if proper vaccine is schedule in the intervals.
  • Barbari goat farming in India is very profitable if done in planned way.

Beetal Goat Farming

Beetel Goat BreedThe Beetal Breed of goat is also considered as the very profitable breed to raise in the commercial goat farm. This breed has very good milk yielding capability after Jamunapari. The Beetal goat is the large animal and considered as the dairy goat breed. There skin are of very good quality for making leather goods which has demand in the market.Beetal goat is more adaptable to the different climatic condition and also suitable for the stall feed system. Beetal goat is the breed of Punjab and Haryana region of India and Pakistan also called as Amritsari goat. However true breed of Beetal is found in the Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Ferozpur district of Punjab.

Appearance Of Beetal Goat Breed :

  • Beetal is the large animal with an average male body weight of 45-50 kg. It is found in brown or black with various round white spot in the body. Though the majority of Beetal goats are black in color among them the brown Beetal percentage is less as compare to the black beetal. Its a true resemblance of the Jamunapari goat with convex face and Roman nose. They too have drooping ears which is long and flat both male and female have thick horn of medium size.
  • Beetal goat has small tail and there udders are well developed with perfect conical teats which makes them a true dairy goat breed.

Beetal Goats Reproduction :Beetal goat is also very reproductive the average age at first kidding is approx 2 years and at the interval of 12 months. kids percentage is of singles which is of 40% and twins is of 52% also triplets with 7% and sometime quadruplets which is very rare 0.5%. kids are born healthy with an average weight of 2.8 3 kg and gains 12 kg of weight in 6 months and 22 kg in 12 months.

Milk Yielding Ability In Beetal Goat :Milk yield is very good with an average of 180 litres in there lactation period of 185 days hence they are also considered as the dairy goat breed. Milk yield is quite enough for the feeding kid which is very essential to reduce the kid mortality rate.

Advantages of Beetal Goat :There overall performance is good in every respect though it is meat, milk and leather. Hence this breed is also suggested for the commercial goat farm however it is advised to have cross breed with Beetal buck with the regional goat breed to have better cross breed result. They show very good result with the stall feed condition hence it is advised as the profitable goat breed for commercial goat farming.

Sirohi Goat Farming

  • Sirohi goat farming details for meat production
  • A Profitable Breed for Meat Production
  • Sirohi goat breed is considered as the profitable breed for rearing in the goat farm. This goat breed is from Sirohi district of Rajasthan. This is mainly reared for the meat production.The sirohi breed also can be seen in the adjacent cities of Rajasthan state mainly in Jaipur, Ajmer and Uttar Pradesh.

Sirohi goat breed weight and general details :

  • Generally this breed of goat is raised for the meat production though the milk yielding is comparatively less. Average milking per day ranges from 0.5 0.7 liter. This breed is well adapted to the hot and dry climatic condition of Rajasthan. Sirohi Breed can only be kept under the stall feeding system. The average body weight of an adult male is 30 kg and female is 33kg.
  • This breed grows very rapid if kept under the stall fed system and given the right nutritional fodder concentrate.

How to identify Sirohi goat breed.?Usually Sirohi breed has brown patches in his body all around it can be easily identified from its round light coloured brown has long leafy ear with small sized little pointed curved horn. This is generally medium sized goat breed.

Kidding in Sirohi goat :Generally Sirohi goat gives birth twice a year single and twins are quite common triplets are very rare.Sirohi goat starts its first kidding at the age of 18 to 20 months. The newly born kid weight usually ranges from 2-3 kgs.

Important point to be considered in Sirohi goat

  • If your region has dry and hot climatic condition then you may directly go for the pure sirohi breed or in colder region like Bihar and Jharkhand go for 70% cross sirohi breed. This decreases the mortality rate and the newly born kid in your climatic region would be well adapted to the environment.
  • This goat can be stall fed. Plus point is that if you dont have the enough grazing area around your goat farm then simply you can raise this breed inside your farm without grazing outside hence it would be totally dependent of the stall feeding system.
  • In almost 8 month this breed becomes adult and gain the maximum weight when stall fed with right concentrate and green fodder.
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Guinea Fowl Chicks

60 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Piece(s)
  • Type Live stock
  • Color Grey, White
  • Lifespan 4 - 8 years
  • Sample Available Yes
  • Sample Policy Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • Main Domestic Market All India
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Duck Farming

WHY Duck Farming.?

  • Duck farming is very popular and absolutely a lucrative business. Ducks are highly available around the world. There are numerous meat and egg productive duck breeds available throughout the world. All the present domestic ducks around the glove come from the wild birds. Those wild birds wonder around the world, and some of them have been domesticated as a good source of food. Almost all those wild birds are from mallard species. Incidentally, all hen of the world comes from red wild hen. You might know that, ducks are aquatic organism.
  • Duck farming is the important poultry after chicken farming in India. They are mainly farmed for their meat and eggs. Ducks prefer to stay outdoor during the daytime and even during winters and in rain. The night shelter should be properly ventilated, dry and rat proof. Ducks are water fowl and very fond of water. Their main foods are water weeds, snails, fish, insects and worms. In the market nutritionally rich duck feeds are available. It eat grains, but the duck should never have access to feed without water. The first eight weeks duck chick (duckling) should have always access to the food then later they may be fed twice a day 200 to 250gm per day.
  • Ducks lay more eggs per year than chicken and the size of the duck egg is larger than that of chickens. After 16 to 18 weeks the ducks will start laying eggs, usually the eggs are laid before 9AM. Good breed of duck can lay about 300 eggs per year. The grown up duck gain weight between 2.5kg to 2.7 kg.
  • Some people think that, duck without water and pond without water are the same. Even, some people think, ducks can’t live without water. But it’s totally wrong. You cannot imagine pond without water, but duck can be raised without water. Thousands of ducks can be raised without water by keeping them inside house, in the same way you raise chickens or other types of poultry birds. But, keep in mind that, in case of raising ducks without water ‘your ducks will lay unfertilized egg’. That means you can’t hatch the eggs for producing ducklings. If you want fertile eggs, male ducks and water are essential. You can easily raise ducks without water, they just need water for reproduction or mating purposes.

Advantages of Duck Farming :

  • There are numerous advantages of starting duck farming business. In many countries, ducks rank next to chicken for meat and egg production. You can raise ducks in both commercial and small scale meat or egg production purpose. Even, you can raise some ducks on your own backyard with other birds or animals. Some notable advantages of duck farming business are shortly described here.
  • Ducks need less expensive, simple and non-elaborate housing facilities. As a result housing costs are very less for setting up commercial duck farming business.
  • Ducks are very hardy bird and they need less care or management. They can adopt themselves with almost all types of environmental conditions.
  • They lay eggs either at night or in the morning. So you can collect their fresh eggs every morning. And you can do your other work during rest of the day and you don’t have to spend time for caring your ducks.
  • You need comparatively less space for raising ducks. Ducks have comparatively shorter brooding period and ducklings grow faster. Ducklings grow so fast that, you can dispense artificial heat within their 5 to 7 days. Although they will require a little longer heating period during cold months.
  • Ducks are highly resistant to the common avian diseases.
  • You can feed your ducks with a wide variety of foods. A duck’s regular food includes corn, rice, wheat, ground nut cake, poultry feed, Fish waste, fruits and any other low cost and easily available foods. They also have the natural tendency of foraging on aquatic weeds, algae, green legumes, fungi, earthworms, maggots, snails, various types of insects etc. which directly reduce feeding cost.
  • You can also use your ducks for controlling apple snails or some other harmful insects from your garden.
  • Ducks have less mortality rate and usually they live longer than chickens. In case of egg production, ducks lay eggs for a long time period.
  • Duck products such as eggs and meat have a great demand in the local and international market. So commercial duck farming business can be a great source of earning. There are already many successful farmers who are making a high profit from their duck farming business.
  • Duck farming business can also be a stable employment source.
  • Young unemployed educated people can join this business and make their own employment source.
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Guinea Fowl Farming

Meat :The guinea fowl are reared primarily for meat and egg purpose. The common guinea fowls weigh about 2kg and the male weigh less than the females. The guinea fowl will start laying eggs as early as 16-17 weeks. The shell of the egg is really hard so it difficult for the artificial incubation. The period of incubation is 26 to 28 days. The guinea fowls eat weed seeds, fruits, berries, insects, spiders, grass, worms and frogs.

Egg :The guinea fowl lay up to 100 eggs per year depends on the breeding and management. The size of the egg is smaller than that of the hen and weighs about 40gms. Guinea fowl meat is rich with vitamins and low in cholesterol.

Special features :

  • Hardy bird
  • Suitable to any agro-climatic condition
  • Resistant to many common diseases of chicken
  • No requirement of elaborate and expensive housing
  • Excellent foraging capabilities
  • Consumes all non-conventional feed not used in chicken feeding
  • More tolerant to mycotoxin and aflatoxin
  • Hard egg shell provides minimum breakage and long keeping quality
  • Guinea fowl meat is rich in vitamin and low in cholesterol

Production characteristics :

  • Weight at 8 weeks 500-550 g
  • Weight at 12 weeks 900-1000 g
  • Age at first egg 230-250 day
  • Average egg weight 38-40 g
  • Egg production (in one laying cycle from March to September) 100-120 eggs
  • Fertility 70-75%
  • Hatchability on fertile eggs set 70-80%
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