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Whole Spices #2107255


Parsleyor garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a species ofPetroselinum. Parsley is widely used in Middle Eastern, European & American cooking; it is also used as a ingredient for garnish. Parsley is a source of Flavonoid and Antioxidants (especially luteolin), apiqenin, folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin A.
This product is available as both dried or fresh leaves.

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Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the branches of wild trees that belong to the genusCinnamomum native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia.There are two main types of cinnamon:

  • Cinnamomum verum(Ceylon cinnamon), most commonly used in the Western world
  • Cinnamomum aromaticum(Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon), which originates from southern China, is typically less expensive than Ceylon cinnamon.

Cinnamon has been consumed since 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, where it was very highly prized (almost considered to be a panacea). In medieval times doctors used cinnamon to treat conditions such as coughing, arthritis and sore throats .

Modern research indicates that this spice may have some very beneficial properties.

Health benefits

  • Cinnamon is used to help treat muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and erectile dysinfuntion.
  • Cinnamon may lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, according to Diabetes UK. However high quality research supporting the claim remains scarce.
  • Can help fight against bacterial and fungal infections.
  • The study authors concluded that consuming up to 6 grams of cinnamon per day reduces serum glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes. and that the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Tel Aviv University researchers discovered that cinnamon may help prevent Alzheimers disease. According to Prof.
  • According to the study authors, the most effective extracts against HIV-1 and HIV-2 are respectivelyCinnamomum cassia(bark) andCardiospermum helicacabum(shoot + fruit).
  • According to a neurological scientist at Rush University Medical Center. Cinnamon could help eliminate the need to take some expensive and unpleasant drugs.
  • Lower the negative effects of high fat meals.
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The health benefits of cumin include the following:

Digestion:Cumin is extremely good for digestion and related problems. The very aroma of cumin, which comes from an aromatic organic compound called Cuminaldehyde, the main component of its essential oil, activates our salivary glands in our mouth, which facilitates the primary digestion of food.

Piles:The main cause behind piles (hemorrhoids) is constipation added with infections in the wound in the anal tract, which are also caused by constipation. Cumin, because of its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form.

Diabetes:Although research is still ongoing, early studies report that cumin, among a number of other spices, can have a powerful effect in preventing diabetes by reducing the chances of hypoglycemia.

Insomnia:This is a very peculiar property of cumin. It is a stimulant as well as a relaxant at the same time. This property cannot be attributed to a single component alone, just as causes of insomnia cannot be attributed to a single cause. However, studies show that the proper intake of vitamins (particularly B-complex) and good digestion help to induce a sound sleep. Cumin helps in both of these factors. Some of the components of cumin essential oil are hypnotic in nature and have tranquilizing effects, which also help to relieve stress and anxiety that commonly causes insomnia.

Respiratory Disorders, Asthma, Bronchitis:The presence of caffeine (the stimulating agent), and the richly aromatic essential oils (the disinfectants) make cumin an ideal anticongestive combination for those suffering from respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.

Common Cold:The common cold is a viral infection which affects our body frequently when our immune system becomes weakened or vulnerable. Again, the essential oils present in cumin act as disinfectants and help fight viral infections which can cause the common cold.

Lactation:Cumin is rich in iron and thus very good for lactating mothers as well as for women who are undergoing menses or who are pregnant, since they are more in need of iron than others.

Anemia:As stated above, cumin is very rich in iron (more than 66 mg. in every 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. This iron is the main constituent of hemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles of blood. It is hemoglobin which transfers oxygen (as the oxide of iron) to the bodys cells and whose deficiency causes anemia. So, cumin can be a nutritious additive to daily diet for anemic people and avoid the symptoms of anemia like fatigue, anxiety, cognitive malfunction, and digestive issues.

Concentration and Cognitive Malfunction:The amount of iron in cumin leads to increased hemoglobin production and subsequent prevention of anemia, but that increased blood flow has other benefits as well. When your blood circulation is in top form, adequate amounts of oxygen are able to reach the organs and the brain, leading to optimal performance of those bodily systems.

Skin Disorders:Almost everyone knows that vitamin-E is good for the maintenance of skin and the prevention of premature aging symptoms.

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Nutmeggrated into soup or sauce, or a few drops of nutmeg essential oil rubbed on the skin, can do a world of good for your health. Take a look at the healing benefits of this rich, aromatic spice.

  • Nutmeg aids sleep. When we were children, our grandmother would give us a glass of milk with a pinch of powedered nutmeg. It will help you sleep better, she would say. And it did.
  • A dusting of nutmeg adds aroma and enhances the taste of your food. It also gives you trace minerals that keep the immune system strong. Potassium, calcium, iron and manganese are among key minerals found in nutmeg.
  • Just a little nutmeg, ground and mixed with water or honey into a paste, can make skin look clearer and brighter within a few days, reducing scars and alleviating acne. You can also add nutmeg to your face scrub for the same benefits.
  • For centuries, nutmeg has been used as a medicinal spice that brings relief from digestive problems. So grate a little nutmeg into your soups and stews for a boost of flavor and a healthy gut!
  • The star spice in dental care has traditionally been clove. But few might know that nutmeg too has proven antibacterial properties that protect the teeth and gums. Nutmeg oil haseugenol, which brings relief from toothache. Thats why you often find it listed among the ingredients of toothpaste. Combined with cinnamon, it makes a powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial paste.
  • Nutmeg keeps the brain sharp! It contains a natural organic compound calledmyristicin, which is known to shield your brain against degenerative disease such as Alzheimers.
  • The essential oil of nutmeg brings relief from muscular and joint pain. Apply it to a localized area of swelling and discomfort, and feel the pain melt away.
  • In holistic medicine, nutmeg is often prescribed to rev up blood circulation and treat kidney infections. Traditional healers believe it also strengthens the liver.
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Star Anise

Star aniseis the star-shaped fruit of an evergreen plant known scientifically asIllicium verum.Originating in southern China, star anise has a licorice- or anise-like flavor, although it is not related to the true anise plants native to the Mediterranean basin and Middle East. Traditionally used as a spice and also as a healing herb, star anise appears to have medicinal properties that endow it with significant health benefits.

Rich in Shikimic Acid

Star anise is the primary source of shikimic acid, a plant-based compound that is the precursor to oseltamivir, an antiviral medication that is marketed as Tamiflu, according to an article in a 2011 issue of Alternative Medicine Studies. Although shikimic acid also occurs naturally in ginkgo and sweetgum fruit, star anise has far greater concentrations. Italian researchers tested shikimic acid alone and in combination with quercetin, an antioxidant-rich plant-based nutrient, to see if they could bolster immune function to help fight off flu or other viral infections. Although shikimic acid on its own had little or no effect on immune function, its combination with quercetin, even at low doses, appeared to help ramp up immune function to better resist viral infection. Researchers published their findings in the April 2008 issue of Journal of Medical Virology.

Antifungal Properties

Candida albicans is a yeast a form of fungi that occurs naturally in the human mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. However, when your bodys delicate balance of microbes is disturbed or your immune system is somehow weakened, this yeast can grow unhindered and lead to serious infection, known as candidiasis. South Korean researchers found that extracts and essential oils of star anise exhibited strong antifungal properties when tested against Candida albicans. In the Dec. 10, 2010, issue of Korean Journal of Medical Mycology, they said their findings confirm that extracts from Illicium verum are promising candidates for use as antifungal agents.

Antibacterial Properties

The upsurge in bacterial infections that exhibit resistance to existing antibiotics has intensified the search for new agents that may prove more effective against these resistant strains of bacteria. Researchers in Taiwan tested four new antimicrobial compounds from star anise and found that they were effective against 67 strains of drug-resistant bacteria. Chronicling their study in the October 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Food, the researchers reported that their findings pave the way for the development of new antibiotic medicines from the star anise compounds they studied.

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants target free radicals atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons that can cause disease and cellular damage. Free radicals can damage cellular DNA and initiate carcinogenesis the beginnings of cancer. You cant really avoid free radicals, which are byproducts of your bodys metabolic processes, but you can neutralize them by eating a diet rich in antioxidants. Indian researchers conducted an animal study to determine whether star anises antioxidant properties helped protect lab rats from artificially induced liver cancer. In a 2007 issue of Chemico-Biological Interactions, researchers reported animals that were fed star anise after the induction of carcinogenesis exhibited significantly less evidence of cancer development than those that did not receive star anise.

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Turmericis a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.Turmeric is used for arthritis, heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomachbloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems and gallbladder disorders.
It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, and cancer. Other uses include depression, Alzheimers disease, water retention, worms, and kidney problems.
Some people apply turmeric to the skin for pain, ringworm, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, inflammatory skin conditions, soreness inside of the mouth, and infected wounds.
In food and manufacturing, the essential oil of turmeric is used in perfumes, and its resin is used as a flavor and color component in foods.Turmeric has been used to relieve everything from liver problems to depression to ringworm in folk medicine, but, like many alternative therapies, theres not always much research to back up the ancient wisdom.

Turmeric can tame heartburn and an upset stomach.A compound in turmeric may ward off heart attacks

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