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Anabolic Steroid injections a form of male sex hormone testosterone refers to muscle building and to increase male sexual aspect.
Erythropoietin is a growth factor which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the body. Erythropoietin injection is used to treat anemia resulting from kidney failure or cancer treatment.Erythropoietin injection stimulates proliferation and maturation of immature red blood cells in bone marrow.
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that encourages the release of the egg during ovulation and promotes the normal development of an egg in a woman's ovary. HCG is used to stimulate ovulation and treat female infertility. Men's sperm counts can also be increased using HCG injections.
in some men, the body does not produce enough testosterone or even worse there is no testosterone at all. testosterone enanthate is basically used to treat this problem. however, there are other indications of this medicine as well. experts also use this medication to treat certain types of breast cancer as it is found to counteract the effects of estrogen.
precautionsyou are not advised to use testosterone enanthate in following conditions:
however, it is always advisable to contact your personal healthcare provider before getting the treatment of testosterone enanthate.
interactionthe drug interacts with some medications and medical conditions. here are they
many other conditions and medicines interact with testosterone enanthate; contact your healthcare provider before taking it.
side effectsthat require medical attention include
for properdosage, contact your medical expert.
methenolone enanthate is a new version of the steroid methenolone enanthate. this of course is the same constituent in primoprime orals (methenolone acetate), both produced by the firm schering. in this preparation, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which causes a slow and gradual release from the site of injection. the duration of activity would thus be quite similar to testosterone enanthate, with blood levels remaining markedly elevated for approximately two weeks. methenolone itself is a long acting anabolic injection with extremely low androgenic properties. on the same note the anabolic effect is also quite mild, its potency considered to be slightly less than another brands on a milligram for milligram basis. for this reason, methenolone is most commonly used during cutting cycles when a mass increase is not the main objective. some athletes do prefer to combine a mild anabolic with bulking drugs such as anadrol or testosterone however, presumably to lower the overall androgen dosage and minimize uncomfortable side effects. when choosing between methenolone enanthate ingredient injection preparations, the injectable is preferred over the oral for ail applications, as it is much more cost effective.
normal dose of methenolone enanthate for bodybuilders:
this is usually injected several times a week since a cc contains only 100 mgs. (this is due to a heavy molecular weight. only so much will fit into a ml of oil). its active for just about 2 weeks. anything under 200 mgs a week will not show a tremendous dissimilarity but once it goes to 400 mgs, thats when the magic usually begins. also due to the molecular weight, it tends to be a painful shot. not bad going in, but the next day you can expect some soreness.
when it comes to putting foreign substances in your body, you dont want to go bargain hunting. it costs a little more but in the long run youll get more -- with fewer risks. its a shame its so hard to obtain but with more access to more ug labs via the internet, it may be possible to track it down. it isnt a get big quick drug, but is a great adjunct to developing solid, quality muscle that can be maintained post cycle with natural training as long as proper pct is used.
Stanozolol injections are a synthetic anabolic steroid that resembles testosterone. Stanozolol is both an anabolic and androgenic hormone. In females it does cause civilizing effects.
The lure of easy money has gotten many people in the business of selling fake anabolic steroids on cyberspace. And the DEA closely monitors each site because the selling and distribution of any anabolic steroid is illegal. Stanozolol injections can be applied for both therapeutic and athletic needs. This medicine may be prescribed in case of anemia and hereditary type of angioedema. While anemia is an illness that is known by numerous people. Many generic stanozolol products sold over the internet have been analyzed and found to contain harmless cholesterol like molecules with contaminants. So for the bodybuilder interested in anabolic steroids, the internet is not is not the place to buy the drug as the purity cannot be established.
Drug Interactions
Before using stanozolol injections, ask your doctor first if you are taking any of the following medicines:
An anticoagulant such as warfare or
You may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring if you are taking any of the medicines listed above.
Other Precautions
Not advisable in premenopausal women.
Storage Conditions
Stanozolol injections must be kept at controlled room temperature (15 to 30 C) and in an airtight container
Side effects
Like all anabolic steroids, stanozolol also has some side effects Such As :
While most of these changes reverse after stopping the drug, some of the virilizing effects may be irreversible. For women who do take this drug, a word of warning. The drug should be stopped at the first signs of virilization because some of the masculine features may not reverse even after the drug is stopped. Winstrol has also been associated with reports of extensive liver damage which can be life threatening. Therefore, it is highly recommended that anyone using anabolic steroids regularly has their liver function regularly monitored.
Stanozolol does not make much difference on what time of the day it is orally consume the dose, but it should be taken before a meal to avoid any slim chances of stomach upsets.