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Grades : ASTM/ASME-193, 307, 320, 325, 540, 962, 453, 449, 354, 490 ISO-4014, 4016, 4017, 4018, 7412, 8677, 4762, 7380 IS-1363, 1364, 1367, 3757, 12427, 5624, 4000, 2269 DIN-931, 933, 6914, 6033, 912, 7991, 6912, 6912 BS-1083, 3692 more...
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Threads: METRIC BSW, BSF UNC, UNF Standards: DIN ISO IS BS ANSI Additional Information: Item Code: HHMS-34 more...
Buyers can approach us, if looking for obtaining first-class products in Rohtak(India). As a trusted name, we always make sure that our products are properly packed and remain free from damage during transit. For this, we have hired an adroit team of experts having immense experience in packaging. more...