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Chinese Samosa are the real Chinese twist with Indian flavor stuffed with – Are appetizing and pleasing Indo-Chinese snack – also known as noodle samosa and are a stuffing of tasty combination of noodles and some cut vegetables such as nutritious mushrooms, carrots, cabbages, green peas etc. Soya more...
Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are a highly nutritious and versatile legume widely consumed around the world. They are packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, making them an excellent source of energy and nutrition. Peanuts are not only eaten raw or roasted but are a more...
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got good quality cashew nuts available at affordable price.grade A avaqilable more...
Groundnuts are small erect or trailing herbaceous legumes, about 15 to 60 cm high. The fruit is a pod with one to five seeds that develop underground within a needle-like structure called a peg. The leaves are arranged in alternate pairs and have leaf-like attachments near the stalk. more...
We have all kinds of Cashews W320, RW, W240, SW, LWP ETC. This is approx price but depends of quality. more...
What Special in Cheezy Pizza Cashew? This Cheezy Pizza cashew is special combination of Cashews enrich with high quality of Indian spices with lots of healthful properties. Cheese Extract Heigh in Vitamin B12 Gain Weight in Healty Way Excellent Souce of Protien Help in Build Muscules Oregano Ric more...
Peanut Plus - Roasted Peanut - Salted Why Plus? Selected peanuts are dry roasted in small batches for gourmet flavor and carefully blanched to give a perfect crunch. Salt is uniformly mixed which in combination offers a great snacking experience that you are sure to love. Enjoy a delicious yet healthy snack c more...
parv brand salted peanuts with black salt which is healty then white salt. . more...
Freshia is wellkown company for peanut manufacturer in india. We are working in this sector since long time. This is our 5th Generation who is working in this sector. We provide best service and quality material to our customer. We believe cutmore is God in every sector. more...
We offer Peanut. India is one of the largest producer of groundnuts in the world. Indian ground nuts are available in different varieties: Bolds or Runners, Javas or Spanish have a rich nutty flavor, sweet taste, crunchy texture and a relatively longer shelf life. Peanuts from India are better known as HPS Gr more...
we have best quality and tasted peanuts which is in salted flavor, . available in 200 gram and 500 gram packing . more...
raw kurkure made from top quality maize , rice and gram. more...
Best quality all grades of cashew nut more...
Grade: White Wholes: W240, W280, W290, W320, W450 W500 Scorched Wholes: SW, SW180, SW210, SW240, SW320, SW450, SW500 S (Splits): LWP(Large white pieces), SWP(Small white pieces) more...
The very mention of the word fryums, bring delightful smiles not just on the faces of kids but adults too. Munching on Fryums is every kids favourite pastime. And when these scrumptious treats come with an assurance of quality, we can binge on them guilt-free. Fryums by Bansiram Namkeen, a renowned name is th more...