Material Storage : Store the Material in Dry Area, Avoiding Moisture & Dust. Material is Non-hazardous & Non-flammable.
Color : Grey-black
Shelf Life : The Life Span is Up to 5 Year.
Grade : Industrial
India is the single largest source of mica in the world. Muscovite Mica is the best varietyavailable from Rajasthan.Mica is a mineral name given to a group of minerals that are similar in their physical properties and chemical compositions. Mica is a dry sultry powder chemically more...
Industrial Applications : Steel Industry: is also used as segment plates between copper commutator sections to insulate copper from the steel. Paper Industry: For making wall paper and coated paper. Paint Industry: To make good anti corrosive paint, primer, under coat, watmore...
He has demonstrated how he can easily take whole ponds or lakes that are filthy, murky and contaminated [with the black mica extract] — and within one hour, transform the water, making it pristine, crystal clear and potable. And the water would thereafter stay fresh and clemore...