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*TRINETRA GOLD*  A premium *Microbial, Nutritional Element, and High Protein Enriched Organic Manure* crafted through a dual composting process (anaerobic and aerobic), ensuring elevated temperatures that eliminate seeds, harmful fungi, bacteria, and other undesirable microbes.   *Product Advantages* more...
G-18(c) Produces 13 to 18 Nutrients to the Plant. G-18(c) Reduces the Acidic Part and Balances the P.h. of Your Land. G-18(c) Create the Suitable Atmosphere for Plant Growth The Most Important Insect (earth Worms) Will Back Naturally. Enhance the Quality & Quantity of Your Production. Required Qty is 250 more...
Function : Prom (Phosphate rich organic manure) is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to Dominum Phosphate (DAP) and Single Super Phosphate (SSP). Phosphorus is required by all plants but is limited in soil, creating a problem in agriculture. In many areas phosphorus must be added to soil for c more...
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A novel fermented liquid organic manure made from a mixture of plant-based materials is an excellent alternative to traditional synthetic fertilizers that can harm the environment. Cippy’s novel approach to creating liquid organic manure is by mixing different plant-origin materials. This FPJ technology pro more...
This our one of the best product from our product index , usually tulsi gold manure is for all the field of agriculture, floriculture, green houses, horticulture it is a balance material with ph & ec , with all the necessary element like n, p, k and also micro elements. more...
We are a successful Supplier of Organic Manure . The Manure we make available improves the soil fertility along with its biological & physical properties. Improved soil health results in healthy plants, fruits and flowers. We ensure that it reaches the buyers in safe packaging options. Bulk orders o more...
The offered assortment of quality products is a result of complete quality inspections done at varied stages of sourcing raw material, which plays a vital role in delivering the finest products. We ensure; our whole range of products is manufactured utilizing finest grade supplies procured from only leading v more...
We are engaged in offering high quality Organic Manure in the market. The Organic ManureSoil Conditioner is research based granule manure, used to increase the organic fertility of land. The Organic Manure provides strength to crops and keeps plant healthy and free from diseases. We offer Organic Manure at th more...
We are manufacturing and supplying agasthya sea algae based Organic Manure . The agasthaya sea algae is a stabilized gel made from sea algae based concentrate. It contains many different verities of beneficial bacteria which act as a microbial inoculation in the soil. Organic Manure is an effective microorgan more...
Natural Neem cake is the residual neem seed meal obtained as residue while extracting Neem Oil from Neem Seed Kernels by Cold Pressed Extraction Process. The Natural Neem Cake is used as good organic manure in Agriculture, Gardening, Horticlture and also acts as pest repellent. The high Azadirachtin content i more...
organuc manure powder form vermi compost highly nutritious for the soil more...
Neem cake is used as an organic fertilizer because of the various micro and macro nutrients which it is composed of. It will control, at the same time, soil based pathogens as well as nematodes. It will also inhibit nitrification of the soil plus enhance the efficiency of nitrogen providing fertil more...
Introduction Cow Dung Manure is composted dung from animals like Cow, bufallo, bulls etc. This material is readily available at backyards of many farmers. Many times farmers use Raw cow dung as its readily available, It is also rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. It also enhances soil texture, struct more...
Phosphate rich organic manure (Phosphate- 8% & Organic Carbon- 10%) Improves soil structure, physical property & maintain pH value of soil Make land more fertile & sustainable Provide balance nutrients to plants more...
KEY BENEFITS • Allows plant to maintain Optimum Nutrient uptake • Soil becomes healthier, improves soil texture and becomes fragrant • Stimulates plant growth • Improves fertilisation of the soil • Restores the resistance power and immunity in soil, especially in the Root Zone areas & more...