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Grades : ASTM/ASME-193, 307, 320, 325, 540, 962, 453, 449, 354, 490 ISO-4014, 4016, 4017, 4018, 7412, 8677, 4762, 7380 IS-1363, 1364, 1367, 3757, 12427, 5624, 4000, 2269 DIN-931, 933, 6914, 6033, 912, 7991, 6912, 6912 BS-1083, 3692 more...
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Supreme Steel & Engineering Co. are driving Manufacturer and Supplier of High Tensile Screws for different applications in car industry. COATING : Electro Galvanized Hot Dip Galvanized Black Dracomet Zinc Plated PTFE Yellow TIN Client Specific Requirements more...
A 4140 alloy steel screw can be nitrided satisfactorily, however, a nitriding steel (such as Nitralloy 135M) has aluminum added to give a better response in nitriding hardness, both as to consistency and depth. There are two types of nitriding that are common to screw manufacture: Gas Nitriding and Ion Nitrid more...