Our Complete range of products are Plant Growth Enhancer (Kadal Pasi Gel), Plant Growth Enhancer (Aminovit) and Plant Growth Enhancer (Kadal Pasi Liquid).
Plant Growth Enhancer (Kadal Pasi Gel) is formulated by us using a special Fermentation Technology to give a product that enhances microbe growth to help plant growth. It is a new innovation being introduced by us in gel form and is certified by Regional Center of Organic Farming (RCOF) A Government of India undertaking. Crop health is primarily affected by Rhizosphere and while the repetitive use of chemicals can cause damage to this, our product protects this and improves soil flora even further.Composition :Algenic acidPhotosynthetic bacteriaDecomposing bacteriaActinomycetesAntagonisticOrganismsProbiotics total (CFU 2 x 104g)Humic acidOrganic matterInert carrierpH regulator
We offer Plant Growth Enhancer (Kadal Pasi Liquid), which is prepared from vegetable ingredients and used to improve yield capability and development. It works by affecting the hormonal activity and inducing nutritional uptake, which in turn improves fruit size, color, taste and cluster in a natural way.Composition :Hydrolyzed proteinCarbohydratesAmino nitrogenAmino acidsMineralsEnzymes of cytokinineGibberlineAuxine
Plant Growth Enhancer (Aminovit) is a water-soluble product, used for enhancing yield by a non-toxic composition. It is a worldwide accepted bio-product that improves crop quality and appearance of the fruitsflowers as well.Composition :Amino acidsMetallochelatesHydrolyzed proteinsPhytostimulants