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Tropical Fruits

Our offered Product range includes Banana, Fresh Pineapple, Papaya and JAMUN.


Banana, the fruit of a plant of the genus Musa (family Musaceae) is basically cultivated for food, and secondary for the production of fibers, and also for producing tissue-thin tea bags. Besides this, bananas are also cultivated for some ornamental purposes in various regions of the world. They are also known as Bananier Nain, Canbur, Curro and Plantain. These creamy, rich, and sweet fruits are favourite among the people of all ages right from infants to elders. Bananas consist mainly of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber. They provide instant energy as they are the rich sources of Vi

Origin of BananasEdible bananas find their origin in the Indo-Malaysian region and northern Australia. Many varieties and species of wild bananas still occur in Philippines, Malaysia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. Recent archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence suggests that banana cultivation goes back to at least 5000 BC, and possibly to 8000 BC in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. This would make the New Guinean highlands the first place where bananas were cultivated by human beings. Later these eatables were domesticated in the other parts of southeastern Asia.
History of Bananas in a Nutshell
  • Archaeological evidence suggests that banana cultivation started during 8000 to 5000 BCE in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
  • In 600 BCE, the banana is mentioned for the first time in written history in Buddhist texts
  • Alexander the Great discovered the taste of the banana in the valleys of India in 327 BCE
  • If to believe unverified facts, it was in the 3rd Century B.C bananas have been carried to the Mediterranean region, followed by Europe in the 10th Century A.D.
  • Islamic texts suggests that prophet Muhammad was familiar with bananas and there are also numerous references to it in Islamic texts (such as poems and hadiths) beginning in the ninth century
  • The existence of an organized banana plantation could be found in China in 200 AD
  • Antonius Musa, Roman emperor Octavius Augustuss personal doctor, was credited for promoting cultivation of the exotic African fruit from 63 to 14 B.C.
  • In 1502 AD, banana plants were transported from the West African coast to South America by a group of Portuguese mariners
  • In the 17th century, Its Guinean native name, which later became banana in English, was first found in print
  • In 1836 A.D., the yellow sweet banana is a mutant strain of the green and red cooking bananas, discovered in 1836 by Jamaican Jean Francois Poujot
  • With the advent of refrigeration technologies coupled with rapid transport transport systems, bananas have become widely available by the 20th century.

Botanical DescriptionBanana plants are fast-growing herbaceous perennials that grow at 6 to 7.6 meters (20-25 feet) tall, from a corm. The banana has an underground stem with adventitious roots. Below is the brief botanical description of the banana plant:

  • Plant :They are herbaceous plant with an apparent trunk that bends without breaking. The trunk or pseudostem is not a true stem, but only the clustered, cylindrical aggregation of leaf stalk bases. This is the largest of all herbaceous plants having its leaves arranged spirally which can grow 2.7 metres (9 feet) long and 60 cm (2 feet) wide. There are 5-15 leaves on each plant, with 10 considered the minimum for properly maturing a bunch of fruit and approximately 44 leaves will appear before the inflorescence
  • Flowers :*The inflorescence shooting out from the heart in the tip of the stem appears above the last leaves in an upright position, and consists only of a large, purple, tapered bud. As the bud opens, the narrow, nectar-rich, tubular, toothed, white flowers are revealed. They are then clustered in whorled double rows along the stalk, each cluster covered by a thick, purple, bract. The flower stalk begins to droop down under its own weight after opening; the flowers are negatively geotropic, and turn upright during growth
  • Pollination :Bananas are male sterile, and those of the Cavendish group are female sterile as well; fruit is set parthenocarpically
  • Fruits :The fruit (technically a berry) turns from deep green to yellow or red, and may range from 2-1/2 to 12 inches in length and 3/4 to 2 inches in width. The flesh, ivory-white to yellow or salmon-yellow, may be firm, astringent, even gummy with latex when unripe, turning tender and slippery, or soft and mellow or rather dry and mealy or starchy when ripe.

General CultureBanana cultivation requires the following culture:

  • Soils and Climate :The banana plant can tolerate a wide variety of soil conditions, but deep, well-drained alluvial soils are best suited for cultivation. The plant is well adopted to hot, wet, tropical lowlands and requires about 4 inches of rain/month, with dry seasons no longer than 3 months
  • Planting :Planting is best done at the end of the dry season and beginning of the wet season for adequate initial moisture and to avoid waterlogging of the young plants
  • Irrigation :The giant leaves of bananas use a great deal of water. Regular watering is essential. Standing water, especially in cool weather, will cause root-rot. An occasional deep watering to leach the soil is also helpful
  • Fertilization :A mature plant may require as much as 1-1/2 to 2 pounds of the fertilizer each month. Young plants need a quarter to a third as much. The fertilizer should not be allowed to come in contact with the trunk
  • Fruit Harvest :Bananas are not allowed to ripen on the plant, even for local consumption, because ripe fruits have poor flavor. Occasionally, a stalk will form in early summer and ripen before cold weather appears. The fruit can be harvested by cutting the stalk when the bananas are plump but green. Once harvested the stalk should be hung in a cool, shady place. Since ethylene helps initiate and stimulate ripening, and mature fruit gives off this gas in small amounts, ripening can be hastened by covering thebunch with a plastic bag.
Varieties of BananasThere are several varieties of edible bananas, classified into several main groups and subgroups. The main species of bananas are Musa Acuminata Colla, M. X Paradisiaca L. (hybrid); whereas Abyssinian Banana (Ensete Ventricossum Cheesman), Musa Balbisina Colla, M. Ornata Roxb., M. Textilis Nee are its related species.It is believed that there are almost 1000 varieties of bananas in the world, subdivided in 50 groups. The most commonly known banana is the Cavendish variety, which is the one produced for export markets. The following are the main varieties of bananas:
  • Bluggoe :Known with many other local names is a cooking banana especially resistant to Panama disease and Sigatoka. This variety bears a few distinctly separated hands of large, almost straight, starchy fruits, and is of great importance in Burma, Thailand, Southern India, East Africa, the Philippines, Samoa, and Grenada.
  • Ice Cream :Ice Cream Banana of Hawaii (Cenizo of Central America and the West Indies; Krie of the Philippines), is a relative of Bluggoe, and is eaten raw or cooked.
  • Mysore :It is also known as Fillbasket and Poovan, which is the most important banana type in India, constituting 70% of the total crop. This fruit is also widely cultivated in Malayasia, Thailand, Ceylon and Burma.
  • Salembale and Rasabale :These are the other two popular varieties of bananas cultivated mainly in southern states of India.
  • Silk, Silk Fig, or Apple (Manzana in Spanish):It is one of the most popular dessert bananas of the tropics and subtropics.
  • Red Red Spanish, Red Cuban, Colorado, or Lal Kela Banana: This variety is primarily cultivated in India and subsequently introduced into all banana growing regions.
  • Fehi or Fei:This Polynesia variety of banana is distinguished by erect bunches and the purplish-red or reddish-yellow sap of the plants which is being used as ink and for dyeing. These plants are often grown as ornamental in Hawaii.

Nutritional Benefits of BananasBananas consist mainly of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber, which makes them ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy. They are also an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound that nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon. Besides being a powerhouse of energy, bananas contain many medicinal properties.Their higher degree of potassium helps in normalizing the hearthbeat and regulate the bodys water balance. Bananas are extremely high in potassium (about 4673mg), yet very low in sodium (1mg), thus having a perfect ratio for preventing high blood pressure. Below is the short description of the nutritional value of banana:Vitamin Content of Banana: Banana is rich in vitamin C and also contains other vitamins such as vitamin A, and Vitamin B, especially folate.

Calorie Content of BananaBanana contains about 90 to 93 calories per 100 g. This energy is easily absorbed by the body and hence eating 3-4 bananas daily, especially with milk, is often recommended to gain weight. At the same time, banana is useful for loosing weight. Since it has only 90 calories per 100 g (butter has about 700 calories per 100 g), banana reduces your calorie intake and thus helps in weight loss.

Medicinal Uses of BananasBecause of their impressive potassium content, bananas are highly recommended by doctors. They are helpful in:
  • Reducing depression
  • Anemia
  • Restoring a normal bowel function
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Eyesight protection
  • Strengthening the bones
  • Healthy kidney
  • Blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Treating heart-burn
  • Curing a hangover
  • Overcoming nervous disorders
  • Reducing morning sickness
  • Improving nerve function, and many more.
Yummy Banana RecipesBesides being eaten raw, bananas are also used in preparing variety of recipes from salads to baked goods. Banana shakes are quite popular in almost in every family of the world. Some of the few banana recipes are:
  • Banana Pudding Recipe :It is a pretty common dessert in the Southern U.S. prepared by using bananas, vanilla wafers and pudding. This dish is sometimes served with sprinkled meringue or whipped cream on top
  • Banana Split Recipe :This dish is again from the family of dessert, made with a banana cut lengthwise (hence the name), topped with ice-cream and whipped cream
  • Banana Bread Recipe :Banana bread is a type of sweet bread which uses mashed bananas as the main ingredient. It is usually baked in a rectangular pan, and does not use yeast as a leavening agent, but rather baking soda
  • Red Snapper With Pecan-Banana Butter :This dish contains Caribbean features banana fritters flavored with rum, a dish that consists of chunks of bananas dipped in flour, then into a rich batter. A popular dish in the Caribbean features banana fritters flavored with rum, a dish that consists of chunks of bananas dipped in flour, then into a rich butter.
Other popular Banana Recipes:
  • Banana Chocolate Chip Cake
  • Bananas con Mousse de Duraznos Bananas with Peach Mousse
  • Coconut Ice Cream with Brandied Dried Plum and Banana Compote
  • Banana Rum Bread Pudding with Rum Caramel Sauce
  • Banana-Nut Pancakes dairy free
  • Banana Coconut Cream Pie
  • Low Fat Low Sugar Banana Bread
  • Banana Fritters
  • Low Fat Banana Oatmeal Cookies
  • Banana Nut Coffee Cake
  • Low Fat Banana Bread with sugar-free version
  • Banana Bread Pudding
  • Banana Muffins egg-free dairy-free
  • Banana Blueberry Muffins
  • Banana Oatmeal Cookies
  • Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
  • Cajun Banana Smoothie, and many more.
How to Choose Good Bananas
  • Choose brightly colored bananas that look good and have their characteristic aroma
  • Prefer fruit with really yellow skin and small brown spots, that looks firm and with no dull or gray tones
  • Feel the bananas to make sure they are plump and firm
  • Carefully read the instructions and labels while purchasing packaged fruits from retail stores.
Essential Tips for Banana ExportersFarmers engaged in the harvesting and export of bananas must keep the following tips in their minds for better output:

  • Irrigation of the plantation should be stopped well in time, preferably a week ahead of the harvest date in order to facilitate efficient movement of labour, harvesting, loading, etc.
  • Erection of temporary shades near banana fields is highly recommended so as to store the goods properly Application of fungicidal paste should be carried out under the shade in order to protect the produce from insects and other infections
  • Bunches selected should be green, three-fourths ripe, whole, free from rubbing, scratching, bruises, sunburns or other blemishes
  • Bunches having malformed fingers, octopus-shaped hands, broken, torn or split fingers, etc. should be rejected
  • The bunch should be cut in one stroke 20 cm to 25 cm above the first band or 7.5 cm to 10 cm from the tip of the fingers of the first hand
  • For carrying bunches to packing shed it is necessary that after 15 minutes of harvest, when the latex flow ceases, the bunches should be taken two at a time on stretchers and should not be allowed to come into contact with soil.

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Fresh Pineapple

The Pineapple or the (Ananas Comosus) is a tropical berry fruit. It is a multiple fruit, as multiple spirally flowers grow along the axis and each flower produces a single fleshy fruit. Each fruit overlaps the other produced by a different flower adjacent to it, thus, making the pineapple appear as a single fruit. The leaves of the tree are 20-72 inches in length and are needle tipped and bear sharp, up curved spines on their margins. The stem grows straight, and has a tuff of short leaves at the top, which is known as the crown.

A pineapple varies in colour from white to yellow and is sweet in taste. It can be had raw and is also relished when glazed or canned. It serves as an ideal dessert and is often added to salads to enhance their tastes. Pineapples are a rich source of Vitamin C and Manganese. They also contain ample amounts of vitamins B1, B6, Copper and other dietary fiber.

A Brief History

Though some research groups believe that the Pineapple is a native of South America, they were initially discovered by the Europeans in 1943, on the Caribbean island. Various travelers and discoverers brought the fruit back to Europe. Many attempts were made to grow the fruit, but all in vain, as the temperature in the European countries was not conducive for the tree to flourish. By the 16th century many Spanish and Portuguese travelers introduced the fruit in their colonies located in Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific.

Pineapples are known to be highly perishable, and therefore could not be transported to far flung places from the place of their plantations. In America, pineapples were a symbol of status, prestige and social class. A pineapple displayed as a decor in a party was a cynosure of all eyes, and brought the hosts social standing and recognition. Hawaii is the only country in USA to cultivate Pineapples. The fruit is commercially cultivated in China, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil and Mexico.

Pineapple Varieties
  • Hilo:It is a Hawaiian variety and in a variant of the Smooth Cayenne. It is cylindrical in shape and comprises of many suckers but no slips. It weighs about 2-3lbs
  • Kona Sugar Loaf:It is an extremely delicious variety, which is cylindrical in shape, has a white flesh and absolutely no woodiness at the centre. Has high sugar content, but no acid and weighs about 5-6lbs
  • Red Spanish:This variety is squarish in shape and is an ideal option for export to distant places, as it is well adapted for the same. An aromatic fruit variety, which has a yellow sweet flesh weighs around 2-4 lbs
  • Natal Queen:It is a pineapple variety having a crisp yellow flesh and a mild flavour. It is ideal for fresh consumption and also does no rot for a considerable time even after ripening
  • Pernambuco (Eleuthera):The flesh of this variety ranges from yellow to white. It is sweet and melts in the mouth, and is therefore no suited for shipping. An average fruit weighs 2-4 lbs.
  • Smooth Cayenne:A Hawaiian variety, which is cylindrical in shape, having a high sugar and acid content. It is ideal for canning and processing purposes. An average fruit of this variety weighs around 5-6 lbs and the flesh ranges from pale yellow to yellow
  • Variegated:It is a pineapple variety, where both the skin and the flesh are albino white and sweet as honey
  • Cherimoya:It is a pineapple from Taiwan, which can be pulled apart rather than sliced. It is extremely sweet and juicy.
Pineapple trees should be grown in areas, where the temperature is warm, or is exposed to the sun. A well drained sandy loam soil with extremely high organic content is ideal for the fruit trees. The pH balance of the soil should range any where between 4.5 to 6.5, and the soil, which is not sufficiently acidic should be treated with sulfur to achieve the desired level. One should make sure that water logging does not take place, as it can seriously damage the plant, therefore an effective drainage system is a must.

Pineapple trees can withstand drought conditions, though adequate soil moisture is instrumental in good fruit production. These trees also need fertilizers rich in nitrogen and magnesium to increase the fruit size and fruit weight respectively. It is extremely essential to protect the young pineapple plants from frost, as it can adversely affect the quality of the fruit. Mealybugs spread by ants can prove to be a problem for the pineapple plants. So the best way to protect the plants from the bugs is to protect it from ants.

It is difficult to ascertain, whether a pineapple is ready for harvest or not. It one taps on the fruit, a ripe one would make dull, solid sound, whereas, an immature fruit would have a hollow thud.

Health Benefits
  • Regular consumption of pineapples provides protection against Macular Degeneration
  • Manganese and Thiamine (Vitamin B1) present in ample amounts in the fruit are essential for energy production and antioxidant defenses
  • Pineapple also provides antioxidant protection and immune support to the body
  • It also has potential anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits
  • Pineapple Strengthens Bones- The fruit has ample amounts of manganese, which is a essential mineral needed by the body to build bones and connective tissues. Including pineapple in ones daily diet helps develop stronger bones in the young and helps in the strengthening the bones of the elderly
  • Pineapple is Good for Colds and Coughs- Taking vitamin C, when suffering from cold and cough is often advised by the doctors. Pineapples are a rich source of vitamin C, and are extremely beneficial in suppressing coughs and loosen the mucus.

Buying and Storing Pineapples

While buying a pineapple, care should be taken that the one you choose should be heavy, as the heavier fruits have more edible flesh. It should not have any soft spots, bruises or dark coloured eyes, as all these features are an indication of an over ripe fruit.

When the fruit is plucked, it immediately stops ripening, therefore one should choose the one that smells sweet and fragrant at the stem end. If it smells sour, musty or fermented, then it is definitely spoilt. The fruit can be stored at room temperature for a day or two, but then it starts ripening, therefore, it should be wrapped in a poly bag and stored in the refrigerator. It stays fresh for another 4 or 5 days.

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apaya is a Tropical fruit, with a soft musky taste and a butter like consistency. It is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, in the genus Carica. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, and was cultivated in Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Meso-American classic cultures. It is often referred to as the tree melon or the pawpaw. It was called the fruit of the angels by Christopher Columbus.

A Papaya tree is a large tree, with a single stem. It grows to about 5 to 10 meters tall, and has spirally arranged leaves mainly confined to the top of the trunk. The leaves are large, ranging from 50-70 cm in diameter. They have deeply palmately lobes having an average of 7 lobes. The tree is generally

unbranched if unlopped. The tree bears flowers, which are in the shape of the flowers of plumeria, but are comparatively smaller in size and are wax like. The raw papaya fruit id green in colour and attains a yellow-orange hue, when it ripens. The fruit becomes tender as it ripens.

Nutritional ValuePapayas are a rich sources of plethora of vitamins and minerals and essential elements, which are beneficial for the human body.

Nutritive Values-Per 100 gm

  • Vitamin A: 1, 750 I.U
  • Vitamin C: 56 mg.
  • Calcium: 20 mg.
  • Phosphorus: 16 mg.
  • Potassium: 470 mg.
  • Carbohydrates: 10 gm
  • Calories: 39
  • Plenty of Vitamin E and

Propagation of the Papaya TreePapaya is grown from seeds. The papaya seeds can be dried and stored for more than a year in airtight refrigerated containers. The fresh seeds of the fruit germinate within 10-14 days. The germination time can be further reduced by removing the gelatinous outer seed coat (sarcotesta) before drying.

Papayas grow well in many types of soil, but they must be adequately drained. If the soil drainage is not adequate, it may lead to a number of root diseases. Heavy clay and pahoehoe lava soils should be avoided. Soil pH near neutral (pH 6.0 to 7.0) is preferred.

A papaya tree bears fruit all year round. The papaya plants continue to bear fruits for many years, but with age the yield also falls and the picking becomes difficult.In commercial plantations, the fields are replanted after three years.

Uses of PapayaPapaya is a multi faceted fruit, which can be put to a wide array of uses, some of them may be listed as follows:

  • The fruit, when ripe, can be consumed raw. It may be cut into slices and then scooped with the help of a spoon. A dash of lemon/lime on the fruit enhances its flavour further
  • A papaya can also be an integral part of a salad, and may be combined with any other fruit
  • Mostly, people discard the black seeds of the fruit, which are actually edible and have a pleasant pepper flavour. They can be ground and used instead of pepper as a healthy option
  • The seeds can also be blended into a creamy salad dressing, thus giving it a pepper like flavour
  • Mix diced papaya, jalapeno peppers and ginger make a unique salsa that goes well with shrimps, scallops and other seafood
  • For an excellent cold soup treat blend papaya, strawberries and yogurt together. it results in a lip-smacking treat for one and all
  • Ripe papayas are often used for making the meat tender. The papain present in the fruit helps break the proteins in the meat, thus making it tender
  • Papaya like most of the fruits makes for an effective skin rejuvenating tonic. Papaya paste is often used by women to bring a radiant glow to their faces. If used regularly, the fruit works magic for the skin, makes it more soft and supple and improves the complexion to a great extent.

CautionPapaya May Cause AllergyMuch like avocados and bananas, papayas also contain substances called the chitinases, which cause the latex fruit allergy. It is often seen that a person suffering from latex allergy is often allergic to these fruits as well. If grown organically, i.e. not treated with gas, the fruit has fewer allergy causing compounds. The cooking of these fruits deactivates these enzymes, thus making them safe for consumption.

How to Choose a Papaya?A healthy fruit, papayas are consumed in large quantities all over the world. As they are highly perishable, care should be taken while selecting the fruit. It is advisable to go for the one that is fairly large, and is more than half yellow. It should yield under palm pressure, but at the same time should not be too tender. Also avoid the ones with scars and blemishes.

If the papaya is not yellow, it may be kept at room temperature for a few days so that it may ripen. Unripe papayas should not be refrigerated, as refrigeration brings the ripening process to a halt. The ripe ones, however may be refrigerated, but should be consumed at the earliest.

Health Benefits of PapayasPapaya is not only a tasty fruit, but is also a rich source of a number of anti-oxidants such as flaunts, carotenes, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Folate, fiber, potassium, magnesium, etc. All these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and provide a shield against a number of chronic diseases. Papaya also contains large units of papain, a digestive enzyme. This enzyme is often extracted from the fruit to make anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, and analgesic medicines.

Some of the health benefits associated with eating the fruit include:

  • Papain, present in the fruit aids in the digestion process
  • If consumed regularly over a period of time, papaya can cure a longstanding problem of constipation
  • Researchers believe that if the fruit is taken alone for a span of 3 days, it has beneficial tonic effect for the stomach and the intestines
  • The juice of papaya is believed to cure colon infections and in breaking down pus and mucus
  • The fruit may also prove beneficial in preventing cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue (ripe papaya)
  • Prevents nausea; includes morning sickness and motion sickness
  • The seeds of the fruit have antihelmintic properties for expelling worms, and are often given with honey. Two teaspoons of papaya seeds if chewed and swallowed after each meal have a wonderful effect on the stomach.
  • Papaya contains ample amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which are essential for the proper function of a healthy immune system
  • Various studies have shown that regular consumption of the fruit provides protection against Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Eating papaya everyday also promotes lung health and is an ideal fruit for smokers.
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  • Protein 0.7 gm
  • Total Fat 0.3 gm
  • Minerals 0.4 gm

Jamun tree is an evergreen tropical tree which belongs to the flowering plant family of Myrtaceae. It is native to India, Pakistan and Indonesia. It is also widely cultivated in southern and southeastern Asia including the Philippines, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. The tree is large and has loads of branches. An average tree grows to a height of about 30 meters. The bark of the tree is brown or greyish, extremely smooth and is about 2.5 cm thick. Leaves are elliptic oblong or broadly ovate, and are extremely shiny.

These trees grow really fast and can reach upto a height of 30m, and can live for more than 100 years. They provide a lot of shade and are often grown for their ornamental value. Jamun trees can often be spotted on the road sides as they give a lot of shade, which provides the people some respite from the

scorching sun. The wood obtained from the jamun tree is extremely strong and is used in the fabrication of train sleepers.

A Jamun trees flowers from March to April. The flowers are fragrant and small, about 5 mm in diameter. The fruits develop by May or June and are very much like large berries in appearance. The fruit is oblong, ovoid, and green in the initial days, but turns to a crimson black as it matures. The fruit has a sweet, mildly sour and astringent flavour and lends a purple tinge to the tongue when eaten.

Common Names
  • Eugenia
  • Jambolana
  • Plum
  • Black Plum
  • Jaman
  • Jambolan
  • Jambol
  • Java Plum
  • Indian Blackberry
  • Jamun
  • Faux Pistachier, etc.

Varieties of JamunThe most commonly found variety of jamun fruit is often oblong and has a deep purple to bluish colour. The pulp of the fruit is grey to pink in colour, and has a seed in the centre. The other variety which one can find is a seedless variety ranging in colour from purple to white.

Nutritive Value70% of the jamun fruit is edible and glucose and furctose are the major sugars found in the ripe fruit. Sucrose is completely absent from the fruit. The fruit is laden with a large number of minerals, and provides fewer calories, as compared to other fruits. The seed of the fruit is also rich in protein and carbohydrates and traces of calcium have also been found.

Uses of JamunJamun is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. It is often used in the following:

  • Fresh fruits are tasty to eat and also if taken with salt
  • Jamun is processed to form a distinct flavour of jams, jellies, preserve and squash
  • Ripe jamun fruit is fermented to fabricate excellent quality wine
  • Juice of the raw fruit is used to fabricate vinegar
  • The fruit also possesses antibiotic properties and is used to formulate medicines to treat a number of ailments.

Health BenefitsJamun is a healthy fruit with absolutely no trace of sucrose. It is therefore, the only fruit with minimum calories. Not only the fruit, but the seed and also the leaves and bark of the jamun tree are believed to have medicinal properties. Many scientific researches have shown that dried alcoholic extracts of the seeds of the fruit given to diabetic patients on a regular basis showed a reduction in the level of their blood sugar and glycosuria. Also a concoction made from the mixture of dried seeds and the bark is considered beneficial in the cure of diarrhoea and dysentery. The bark of the tree has high astringent properties and is therefore used for gargles and as a mouthwash.

The acidic, sour, sweet, and soothing fruit is used to treat diabetes, diarrhoea and ringworm. The fruit also has blood purifying properties. The leaves of the jamun tree possess anti-bacterial properties and is used for making medicines for the strengthening of the teeth and gums. The bark of the tree has antithelmintic properties, and is used to formulate many herbal medicines. The juice of the jamun fruit is extremely soothing and has a colling effect. It helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system. The leaves of the tree also help in controlling the blood pressure and gingivitis.

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