Peanuts are delicious nuts, but they are actually legumes. They are full of protein and other vital nutrients and treated as a healthy and tasty choice for any vegetable dish. Peanuts are hard and easy to grow crop, especially in the north of India. India and China are among the top world leaders in producing peanuts. The peanut (Groundnut) is a species belongs to the legume or "bean" family (Fabaceae). Peanuts are also known by many other local names such as earthnuts, ground nuts, monkey nuts etc. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume. Peanuts are the edible seeds of a legume that are high in protein, oil and fiber. We at Agricom Impex can offer you with top quality Peanuts. Based in India, we are the best exporters of quality peanuts to various countries.