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We offer the best product range of Tomato Seed Oil, Tomar Seed Oil, Kiwi Seed Oil and Peach Seed Oil.
Tomato Seed oil is scientifically known as Solanum lycopersicum. Tomato plant belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The species originated in western South America. Tomato seed contains sterols, Vitamin E, fatty acids and antioxidants. Tomato seed oil is relatively a new addition to the world of carrier oils.
Tomato seed oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of tomatoes.
This oil is pale yellow in color which is usually used in dressing salads.
Tomato Seed Oil is widely used for Dry, Brittle and Damaged Hair.
It is used in the complex formulation of anti-aging creams.
It is capable of protecting skin against oxidative stress.
This oil is used to protect and moisturize the lips.
Tomato seed oil is good for moisturizing dry cracked skin.
This Oil helps in safeguarding our body from high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Tomar Seed Essential Oil is extracted from the seeds of Zanthoxylum Armathum though Steam Distillation Method. It belongs to the Rutaceae family of plantae kingdom. It is native to Eastern Asia, China, Himalayas and some parts of India. It is a source of Sichuan Pepper thats used for culinary purposes in Nepal, Thailand and many other Asian Countries. It is used in Folk Medicine, Herbal Medicine and Ayurveda, in USA, Nepal and Thailand. It is also known as Toothache tree, because of all the oral benefits it provides. It is considered religious and magical and a gift to mankind in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is made into teas and concoctions to treat Cholera, Flu and Fever.
It is extracted from the seeds of this tree through steam distillation .
Tomar Seed oil is pale yellow in color.
Tomar Seed oil has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties.
Tomar Seed Oil has antioxidant properties and phenol compounds.
Tomar Seed Oil has been used as a gentle massage oil.
It is used in aromatherapy and tobacco industries.
It is usually used in the making of apothecary perfumes, incenses and colognes.
It is also said to stimulate the mucous membranes, lymphatic system and promote blood circulation.
Kiwi Seed oil is scientifically known as an Actinidia chinensis. The Kiwi is native to China. It is also cultivated in New Zealand, Chili, and the United States. It grows about 9 to 12 ft. in height and 18 to 24 ft. in length. Kiwi seed oil is a rich source of Vitamins C and E. It also contains around 60% of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).
Kiwi seed oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of Kiwi Fruit.
It is Light, Pleasant Aroma.
It is Highly Moisturizing.
It is a Natural Emollient.
Kiwi seed oil can help to improve elasticity as well as reduce wrinkles.
This oil is equally suited for hair and skin care.
The high concentration of omega-3 helps to maintain moisture in the skin and keep it supple.
It helps to maintain the acid/alkaline balance in the body.
Kiwi seed oil is used to keep skin healthy and deeply moisturised.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : 25, 50 Kg
Peach Seed oil is scientifically known as a Prunus Persica. Peach Plant grows to 410 m (1333 ft) tall and 6 inch. in diameter. Best grown in the cold. Peach oil is obtained from the kernel, or the nut of the ripe fruit.
Peach seed oil is obtained by cold pressing of the Fruit Kernel of the tree.
Peach seed oil is an effective makeup remover.
Peach seed oil is a vital ingredient in cosmetics such baby oils, creams, lip balms, shampoos and lotions.
Peach seed oil properties of moisturizing make it ideal oil for facial, manicure and massage treatments.