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Hospital & Medical Lights
1 Products availableWire Making & Cabling Machines
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Watmizer, Upper UVGI, Duct Zapper, Uvgi Systems and Uvc Emitters.
We are the only manufacturer in India who manufacturer UVGI system both for Air and Water.We, Aeropure UV Systems, is focused on delivering solutions to air quality and power saving, based on Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) technology wide ranging applications in indoor air quality, energy conversation of air conditioning systems and for germicidal disinfection of indoor air and surfaces and water Purification.
Aeropure Advantages:
It is mainly used in rooms where there is no HVAC system or centralized AC.
It improves indoor air quality,
Duct zapper: a devise mounted in ducts and hoods for air purification and stench removal. This unit has ozone producing lamps which removes vocs and purifies the air and removes stench. This is useful for areas like kitchen exhaust, stp exhaust, toilet areas.
For any query please contact on a.kumar@aeropure.co.in / 8380061253
We 'aeropure uv systems, pune' manufacture and supply uv lamp systems to be fitted inside ahus & also other uv products suitable for germicidal irradiation, odor elimination, energy efficiency and improving iaq. The installation of uvgi devices lead to electrical energy savings to the tune of 10 to 15% by improving heat transfer efficiency of ahu cooling coil, which in turn results in reduction of chilled water requirement from the chiller. ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light. At 253.7 nm wavelengths uv is mutagenic to bacteria, viruses, molds and other micro-organisms. At a wavelength of 253.7 nm, uv will break the molecular bonds within micro-organism dna thereby destroying them, rendering them harmless or prohibiting growth and reproduction. The typical problem with hvac is the growth of mold and mildew on cooling coils. Mold and mildew thrive in wet, dark environments. When ahu is in use, condensation often forms on the cooling coils. This moisture from condensation creates the ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow. This mold and mildew attracts deposition of dust on coils. During operation of ahu, this layer grows in size and reduces the airflow through coils and reduces the heat transfer efficiency between cooling coil & air. The uv system addresses the root cause; i.e. Mold & mildew growing on the cooling coils, prohibiting any deposit formation on the cooling coils and keeps them in brand new condition.
'Aeropure'' make UV Lamp is 100% indigenous instant start, Low pressure mercury filled lamp made out of Quartz glass suitable to caterer for HVAC&R environment.
Aeropure UVGI System are Green GreenPro Certified System by IGBC.
Our UV Lamps are High Output & work at 800mA. Operational wavelength of our Lamp is 253.7nm& does not produce ozone or any other secodary containation.
And other lamp which produces ozone is of 185 NM
These UV Systems range from 441mm to 1550mm