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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Digital Tearing Resistance Tester, Digital Tearing Strength Tester, Horizontal Tensile Tester, Ply Bond Tester and Digital Stiffness Tester
Tear strength tester (elemendroff type) with (selected pendulam) to measure the tear strength value of the sample.
Technical Specifications :
Specimen :
Option : Manual Tearing Sample cutter For preparation of tearing test specimen.
Applications :
Tensile strength, the maximum tensile force developed in a test specimen before rupture on a tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. Tensile strength (as used here) is the force per unit width of test speciman.
Stretch, the maximum tensile strain developed in the test specimen before rupture in a tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. The stretch (or percentage elongation) is expressed as a percentage, i.e., one hundred times the ratio of the increase in length of the test specimen to the original test span.
Tensile energy absorption (TEA) the work done when a specimen is stressed to rupture in tension under prescribed conditions as measured by the integral of the tensile strength over the range of tensile strain from zero to maximum strain. The TEA is expressed as energy per unit area (test span x width) of test specimen.
Tensile stiffness, the ratio of tensile force per unit width to tensile strain with in the elastic region of the tensile strain relationship. The elastic region of the tensile strain relationship is the linear portion of the load elongation relationship up to the elastic limit. The elastic limit is the maximum tensile force above, which the load elongation relationship departs from linearity. (Tensile stiffness is numerically equivalent To E Where E is the modulus of elasticity and is sample thickness).Breaking length, the calculated limiting length of a strip of uniform width, beyond which, if such a strip were suspended by one end, it would break of its own weight.
Horizontal Tensile Strength Tester meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards
Technical Specifications :
Internal Ply Bond Tester is used to measure the internal bond strength of papers. Designed originally to evaluate the de-lamination strength of barrier materials comprised of kraft paper and sisal yarns, the Internal Ply Bond Tester has found many other uses in quality control laboratories in paper industry. The unit is used to measure the average force, in thousandths of ft. lb., required to de-laminate the fibers in the paper specimen, as described by the TAPPI “Useful Methods 403”. Other test includes de-lamination of bonding strength of coated papers stocks, the fibre bonding strength of kraft stocks (“Z” axis tensile) and the ply de-lamination strength of paper board. The Internal Bond Tester mat also be used as a coating pick tester. The procedures for this test are given in the TAPPI “Useful Methods 534”.
General Features :
Technical Specifications :
Digital Stiffness Tester Are manufactured With High-quality Material. The tester are equipped with for results reading according to TAPPI T 556 and SCAN-P 29 in mN to mNm/ The calculation of this specific bending stiffness and its calibration by using the stiffness tester is based on the standard DIN 53 121 “Determination of the bending stiffness according to the beam method” section, formula (4).The assumptions for measuring condition were formed according to following measuring condition.
The stiffness tester measures the resistance to bending of the test material by recording the maximum bending force which arises when the test material during content turning speed is turned to set bending angle with set bending lengths.Bending Resistance: Stiffness of paper is defined as the resistance to bending offered by a rectangular test piece with its longer side parallel to the direction (machine or cross) for which the stiffness is measured. The stiffness is considered to be measured towards the side (top or wire) that is concave during bending
The bending stiffness Tester meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards
Accuracy Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1
Beater of valley type is used for laboratory beating of pulp under standardized condition. The degree of betting can be varied. Beating is a preliminary step to the testing of the physical properties of pulp. In principle, this standard applies to all kinds of satisfactory results with certain extremely long fibred pulps, such as cotton linters
Apparatus :The lab beater consists of a pulp chest of acid proof ground and polished internally. The pulp chest is divided in the centre and forms a circular basin in which the pulp can flow around. A hardened, portion separate the two halves of the pulp chest. The pulp between the beater roll and the beater plate. The beating pressure is controlled by means of the lever which is loaded with dead weights.
A measured quantity of pulp with a specific consistency is beaten between the knives in the beater. Samples of the beaten pulp are taken at predetermined intervals during the beating.
Two horizontally opposed and movable clamping jaws, which hold a specimen 100 mm (4 in.) long under variable tension during the folding cycle, while a slotted folding blade, sliding back and forth between four creasing rollers, folds the paper at 105-125 double folds per minute. The clamps are supported from below on rollers and, while in motion, are freely suspended between tension springs. The folding blade is 0.50± 0.0125 mm (0.020±0.0005 in.) wide, the slot extending somewhat above and below the normal position of the test specimen.
Details :
Mains Supply | 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us) |
Measuring Range | 99999 double fold |
Accuracy | Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1 |
Display | 6 digit counter |
folding speed | 105 -125 fold /min |
Strip Dimension | 12.5 MM X 100 MM |
Power Requirement | Capacity 300 Watt |
Fuse | 5 Amp. Glass tube fuse |
The Short Span tester is an advanced instrument which yields the national and international standard such as ISO, Tappi, and SCAN etc. The short span compression tester also reduces the factor which gives variation; Tester also reduces loading and unfavorable stress. It also avoids these factors giving result which have a material property unaffected by density and gram mage. The accuracy and repeatability of test result depends on the correct sample conditioning. The internal programming provided the rapid means of setting up the instruments. The facilities such as Peak hold at max load auto return after the completion of that test.
Principle :
Mains Supply | 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us) |
Clamp pressure | 3.0 kg. |
Load Sensor | 50.0 kg. |
Measuring Range | 499.9 N |
Accuracy | Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1 |
Display | lcd display |
Strip Dimension | 12.5 MM X 100 MM |
Computer Output | com port to transfer the data on pc |
Power Requirement | Capacity 300 Watt |
Basically Cobb Tester consists of a support frame and a metallic cylinder about 5 cm high with an internal cross section of 100.00 cm2 (11.29 cm internal diameter).
Clamping System :The cylinder is clamped by spring loaded upper plate lined with rubber mat automatically get clamped as soon as you release the handle. The base board is covered with a rubber mat. The test piece on top by the mat so that a leak proof scale is formed when cylinder is clamped.
The lower edge of the cylinder is machine smoothed. The inner surface of the cylinder is provided with a shallow groove which is parallel to the cylinder axis and bends over the rim of the cylinder. The groove helps in draining off the water after test. A further development of the well known Cobb Sizing Tester. The liquid container, filled the specified amount of liquid, can be turned up-side down by means of a knob and after the necessary time has elapsed, turned back again, can be used several times before liquid has to be renewed. The lid is provided with spring loaded finger.
A stainless steel roll of 20 cm face and weighing 10.0 + 0.5 kg as been provided to apply for blotting the water.
A test piece, placed over a circular elastic diaphragm, is rigidly clamped at the periphery but free to bulge with the diaphragm. Hydraulic fluid is pumped at a constant rate, bulging the diaphragm until the test piece ruptures. The bursting strength of the test piece is the maximum value of the applied hydraulic pressure.
The pneumatic clamping in such a way the clamping pressure against the specimen can be corrected by the adjustment of air pressure regulator. It is important that the specimen is clamped so hard so that it does not slip during testing. The standard clamping pressure is 3.0 kg/cm2.
A bursting strength tester of the hydraulic type consisting of :Two clamping plates upper and lower clamping and parallel surfaces having a a central circular opening. The lower edge of the opening, Which makes contact with the test piece is slightly rounded, but not so much as to effect the area of the aperture. The pressure is generated by a motor driven piston which forces a liquid contain no air. The motor direction reverses automatically after the sample burst.for instance, pure air free glycerol (96%) or ethylene glycol into a pressure chamber beneath the diaphragm at a rate of 2.9ml/s ± 0.1 ml/s. The hydraulic system designs in such and
Note : Glycerol is preferred to ethylene glycol as the hydraulic fluid because its higher viscosity.
Electronic Bursting Strength Tester meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards.
Mains Supply | 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us) |
Power Requirement | Capacity 250 Watt |
Load Sensor | 16.0 kg for paper and 60 kg for board |
Measuring Range | 0 -15.99 kg/cm2 |
Accuracy | Better than ± 1% of pressure reading, but not better than ± 0.1 Bar |
Panel Meter Display | 4½ digit |
Specimen Clamp | Upper Part: 30.50 mm |
Specimen Clamp | Lower Part: 33.10 mm |
Pump flow rate | 95 ± 5ml/min |
Display | 4 1/2 digit display |
Electronic Smoothness & Porosity Tester (BendtsenType) For Determining The Smoothness And Porosity Of Paper And Board, Based On Mass Flow Meter Principle. Provided With Imported Sensor And Accessories.
Description/ Specification of Smoothness and Porosity Tester (Bendtsen Type) :
Applicable Standard : SCAN P 21, P 60, BS 4420, TAPPI UM 535, ISO 2494, 5636/3, APPITA/AS 1301.440 DIN 53120
Tear strength tester (elemendroff type) with (selected pendulam) to measure the tear strength value of the sample.
Technical Specifications :
Specimen :
Option : Manual Tearing Sample cutter For preparation of tearing test specimen.
Applications :
Abrading instrument, consisting of a horizontal turntable with a center clamp, which revolves at 70 to 75 rpm, upon which the specimen is attached, and two weighte parallel arms, each carrying a special abrasive embedded rubber whell, freely rotating on a ball-bearing horizontal spindle, and each resting on the specimen with a known dead weight load and an adjustable vacuum system for debris removal. For the dry paperboard test, 1000 gf or 500 gf is used with non resilient wheel. For the dry paper test, 500 gf or 250 gf is used with resilient wheels. For the wet test, 500 gf is used the same wheels as used in the dry tests. In all cases, the type and grit of wheels shall be agreed upon by user and supplier. The surface of the table is covered with a disk of soft rubberized material 0.762 mm (0.03 in.) thick each abrasive wheel is 44 to 51 mm (1 ¾ to 2 in). in diameter and 12.7 mm (1/2 in) thick and composed of a special finely screened and standardized abrasive. A revolution counter is attached to the table. The lines of contact of the wheels on the specimen are at right angles to the parallel supporting arms and situated 25 mm (1 in) from the center of the turntable towards the axis about which the supporting arms turn. The center of the line of contact of the wheel on the arm from which the turntable revolves is 31 mm (1 7/22 in) to the left. In this manner, where in contact with the turning specimen, the two wheels revolve in opposite directions and exert a combined abrasive, compressive, and twisting action over a circular path approximately 3000 mm2 (4.6 in2) in area, twice during each revolution of the specimen.
4.1.1 for the wet abrasion test, a rubber-covered turntable with an annular raised rim is used, to permit the surface of the specimen to be covered with water during the test.4.2 Brush, soft brush about 12-13 mm (1/2 in) wide the bristles about 25 mm (1 in) long. Filter paper, sintered glass or Gooch cruicible, for wet abrasion residue. Resurfacing turntable, a rubber covered turnatable on which an abrasive disk is mounted, for resurfacing the wheels.
Roughness of paper is defined as the volume of air that, forced a specified pressure difference escapes in unit time by passing between the surface of the paper and a flat metal ring resting on the paper and exerting a definite pressure on int.
Scope :
An air flow meter, consisting of three rotameter tubes :
The model is having three search unit (sensor unit) determines the reflectance of the surface of the objects, as well as the colour, by measuring the light reflected from their surface and then comparing to standards. The instrument consists of a Sensor Unit and a Photometer. The Sensor Unit provides the light source and the measurement transducers (Photocells). The outputs of the Sensor Unit are fed to photometer where they are processed and converted into a digital reading, which is displayed on the front panel.
Applications :
This instrument can be used to measure colour parameters of the surface of an object. It can also be used to determine the colour difference between two coloured samples using various international standard methods for objective comparisons, which will give quantitative colour difference perceptibility or acceptability in colour matching. The degree of whiteness of white objects may be determined in accordance with various whiteness standards, as can light scattering coefficient, absorption coefficient, degree of opacity and degree of yellowness, yellowing tendency of paper etc. Instead of using visual assessment this instrument can assess the degree of colour changing and staining in textile colour fastness.
Accessories :
Colour Measurement Systems Available
L*, a*,b* | CIE 1976 uniform colour space. |
C*, h*, W10 | Hue, hue angle, whiteness value for porcelain (GB/T1503-92) |
L, a, b | Hunter’s uniform colour space (condition of colour difference formula is D65/10°). |
R457, YI, | Whiteness, yellowness, change of yellowness .(defined by ISO committee TC6). |
Rx, Ry, Rz | Primary colours: red , green and blue |
OP |
opacity |
For Calibration Use
Room temperature | 23±5oC |
Relative humidity | < 85% |
Power | 220V± 5%, 50Hz or 110V± 5%, 60Hz |
Tensile Strength, the maximum force developed a test specimen before rupture on the tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. Tensile Strength (as used here) is the force per unit width of test specimen. Stretch, the maximum tensile strain developed in the test specimen before ruptrure in a tensile test carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. The stretch (or percentage elongation) is expressed in a percentage i.e. one hundred times the ratio of the increase in length of the test specimen to the original test span.
Details :
Mains Supply | 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us) |
Load Sensor | 50.0 kg. or depend on requirment |
Measuring Range | 499.9N |
Accuracy | Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1 |
Display | 4 1/2 digit display or lcd display |
Clamps | Tightening clamps for 15 mm wide strips |
Strip Dimension | 15 x 180 mm |
Clamping length | 0-350 mm adjustable |
Power Requirement | Capacity 500 Watt |
Fuse | 5 Amp. Glass tube fuse |
Deformation Speed | Selected/Variable |
Automatic return of platens after rapture | |
Electronic overload protection at load cell capacity |
The instrument consists of an outer cylinder, which is partly filled with oil, and an inner cylinder which slides freely in the outer cylinder. The specimen is clamped in position such that the air entrapped in the inner cylinder is found to pass though it to escape. The inner cylinder is graduated so that the time required to pass a given amount of air through the specimen can be recorded.
Smoothness test :The rate of lateral air flow between several sheets of paper depends upon the smothness or roughness of their surface. By taking the time for 50 cc. of air to escape as measured on the inner cylinder, the smoothness is measured. The test can be adapted for paper boards and other material.
Porosity test :One square inch of paper is exposed to the air pressure exerted by the inner cylinder floating in oil. The rate of air flow through the paper is its porosity. Air escapes through holes in the bottom clamping plats elastic gaskets on the adapter plate prevent leakage over the surface.
Softness tester :Four softness plugs, forced into the paper sample by the weight and lever arm, constrict the space for air escape, depending upon how deeply the plugs compress the paper. The resulting rate of air flow is a measure of the paper’s softness, or compressibility.
We Are prominent Manufacturer, Dealer, Supplier & Exporter of Canadian Freeness Tester in Uttar pradesh, India. We Supply Canadian Freeness Tester All Across india. These Canadian Freeness Tester Are manufactured With High-quality Material. The Canadian Freeness (CF) number of pulp is a measure of the drainability of a suspension of pulp in water, determined and expressed as specified in this method.
A known volume of pulp in aqueous suspension is drained through the fibre mat, formed on a screen plate during the test, into a funnel provided a bottom and a side orifice. The filtrate collected from the side orifice is measured in a cylinder graduated in millimeters, as a Canadian Freeness number of pulp.
Limitation of the Test : This method applies to any kind of pulp with this limitations. The Canadian Freeness test gives acceptable results only if a sufficiently dense mat of fibres is formed on the screen plat. For this reason the test is not recommended for very short-fibred pulps such as those from well beaten hardwood, as most of the fibres may pass through a the screen plate, and high CF number will result although the pulp will drain slowly on the paper machine.The most reliable results are obtained within the CF number range 30-850.
The ring crush resistance of paper and paperboard is the maximum compressive force that a test piece will sustain without being crushed, the test piece being in the form of a cylinder, standing on one end, and the force being applied to the other end under specified conditions. This method applies to papers and paperboards with a thickness of not less than 0.15 mm and not more than 0.49 mm.
Details :
Mains Supply | 220 Volts ±10%, 50 cycles (if not otherwise specified in your order and acknowledge by us) |
Load Sensor | 500.0 kg. |
Measuring Range | 4999.9N |
Accuracy | Better than ± 1% of force reading, but not better than ± 1 |
Display | lcd display |
Stroke height | 76 mm |
Crushing test speed | 12.5 mm/min ± 2.5 and variable speed also possible through parameter setting |
Return Speed | 400mm/min. |
Strip Dimension | 12.5 MM X 152.4 MM |
Computer Output | com port to transfer the data on pc |
Power Requirement | Capacity 300 Watt |
Deformation Speed | Selected/Variable |
Automatic return of platens after rapture | |
Electronic overload protection at load cell capacity |
A sample is placed between the blanket and steel roll and sample is moved between the roles under nip pressure. After selected number of sheets have been passed the fluff is transferred to blanket cylinders and a linen counter moved at the top of the machine to count the numbers of particles & fibers adhering to a given area of blanket.
Technical Specifications :
We Supply Taber Stiffness Tester All Across india. These Machines Are manufactured With High-quality Material. Advancetech Stiffness tester (taber type) is used to evaluate stiffness and resiliency properties of materials up to 10, 000 Taber Stiffness Units. This precision instrument provides accurate test measurement to ±1.0% for specimens 0.004" to 0.219" thickness. Materials include paper products, cardboard, plastics, metals, textiles, rubber, wire, tubing, felts and other sheet materials.Incorporated in the Stiffness Tester is a bi-directional pendulum weighing system. Providing an accurate and responsive method for measuring small load increments, this system is a critical component for determining material stiffness or resiliency.
Technical Specification
Stiffness unit | Sample size | weight | |
0 - 1 | 1.5" x 1.5" | 10 Unit Compensator | 15° |
0 - 10 | 1.5" x 1.5 | 10 Unit Compensator | 15° |
10/01/00 | 1.5" x 2.75" | - - - | 15° |
50 - 500 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 500 Unit | 15° |
100 - 1000 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 1000 Unit | 15° |
200 - 2000 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 2000 Unit | 15° |
300 - 3000 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 3000 Unit* | 15° |
500 - 5000 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 5000 Unit* | 15° |
1000 - 10000 | 1.5" x 2.75" | 5000 Unit* | 7 1/2° |
In this model the GSM Tester directly gives GSM (grams per sq. meter) weight of the sample. Condition the specimen as per SCAN P-2, The conditioning atmosphere in testing paper and board are Temp.23 +1 C relative humidity 50% +2% A Stainless steel rectangular template size 20x25 cm OR 10X10 cm to cut the paper sample. Place the sample in sample basket on the scale. Read the basis is weight/substance on scale.
Specification :
The ash content of paper is defined as the weight of the residue after complete combustion of a sample at a temperature of 9250 C ± 250 C under specified conditions and is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven dry paper.
Scope :The ash content of paper gives an estimate of the content of mineral salts, loading materials and other inorganic matter, but is not quantitatively equal to this content because the weight of some of these substances is altered during ignition.
We Are prominent Manufacturer, Dealer, Supplier & Exporter of Fiber Classifier in Uttar pradesh, India. We Supply Fiber Classifier All Across india. These Fiber Classifier Are manufactured With High-quality Material. An agitated pulp suspension is fractionated by means of a screening process employing vertical screens with increasing wire sieve cloth numbers. The screens are mounted in tanks arranged in cascade.
The mass of the fibres retained by each screen and of those passing all the screens in determined and expressed as a percentage of the oven-dry mass of the original sample.
Fiber classifier consisting of five units mounted in cascade. Each units comprises a S.S. tank having the One of the flat sides has a rectangular aperture sealed by a detachable frame, which is clamped against a gasket. The frame is fitted with a slit plate and a wire sieve cloth, 335 cm2 (165mm x 23mm) in area and the lower edge of the frame is 50mm above the bottom of the tank .The slit plate, which equalizes the flow through the wire sieve cloth, can be removed from the frame. It has three vertical slots measuring the middle slot is located centrally with respect to the screen. The guide plate in the tank is mounted inside the screen and parallel and symmetrical with it. It has three vertical slots measuring 2mm x 190mm and set 41mm apart; the middle slot is located centrally with respect to the screen. The guide plate in the tank is mounted 14mm inside the screen and parallel and symmetrical with tank.
Box Compression Strength, the maximum force developed a test specimen before rupture on the Box Compression Strength carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. Electronic Box compression Strength Tester meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards.
Details :
Tester Specification :
The machine in designed for determining the tensile strength of sheet material such as paper, paper board, plastics, metal foil, etc. The testing is made by inserting a sample between two vertical grips, and increasing the load until the sample breaks. The elongation of the sample is measured simultaneously.
Determination occurs by means of a pendulum balance. When the inserted sample is subjected to a strain, the pendulum will make a deflection is indicated on a scale directly in kilograms. Different load weights for the pendulum correspond to the respective graduation.The graduation 0-500 g only correspond to bare pendulum without extra load.
The elongation is determined by measuring the increase in the distance between the clamps, which is indicated on the elongation scale. This scale has graduation in millimeters and in per cent based on 180 mm testing length (which is a standard in paper testing). Should the elongation be wanted in per cent based on other testing lengths, this must be calculated.
Tensile Strength Tester (schopper type ) meets the requirements laid down in the testing standards as per TAPPI standards
Technical Specifications :
Donation For Poor Old People
Price List
sample --------------------$2 usd 100 ml---------------------$40 usd 250 ml --------------------$80 usd 500 ml---------------------$160 usd 1 kg ------------------------$300 usd
Technical Specifications
Insertion Width | 225 MM |
Sheet Capacity | 10 (A 4 paper, 70 GSM) |
Shred Bag Volume | 16 Litres |
Cut Style | Micro-cut |
Shred Speed | 2.1 M / Min |
Cutting Width | 2 x 15 MM |
Machine Dimensions | 362 x 267 x 584 MM (W x H x D) |
Manual Reverse | Yes |
Overload Protection | Yes |
Automatic Start/Stop | Yes |
Technical Specifications:
Insertion Width | 225 MM |
Sheet Capacity | 10 (A 4 paper, 70 GSM) |
Shred Bag Volume | 16 Litres |
Cut Style | Micro-cut |
Shred Speed | 2.1 M / Min |
Cutting Width | 2 x 15 MM |
Machine Dimensions | 362 x 267 x 584 MM (W x H x D) |
Manual Reverse | Yes |
Overload Protection | Yes |
Automatic Start/Stop | Yes |
630 x 560 |
2 MTRS. |
4 MTRS. |
230 |
460 |
460 |
160 |
220 |
260 |
1 NO. |
2 NOS. |
2 NOS. |
250 |
350 |
400 |
100 FT. |
100 FT. |
100 FT. |
100 FT. |
100 FT. |
100 FT. |
1 NO. |
2 NOS. |
2 NOS. |
1 NO. |
2 NOS. |
2 NOS. |
Alloy No. | Color/Shade | Usage(K) | Application | Melting Range deg C | Remarks/comments |
1005 | White | 9>14K | C | 1010-965 | High reusability, Ni-Safe |
1401 | White | 9>14K | C | 935-890 | Ni Safe with better reusability |
1404 | White(14K) | 9>18K | C,H | 950-880 | For H/S & W/S; Ni Safe, high reusability & workability, high fluidity |
1405 | Bright White | 9>18K | C,H | 950-1000 | High Nickel but Ni Safe, High fluidity, better luster, Rhodium optional |
1801 | White | 18K | C | 980-1020 | Ni Safe, good reusability, low Silicon |
5000 | Medium White | 9>18K | C,H,R | 960-990 | For H/S & W/S; Ni Safe, high reusability & workability, low Silicon |
5001 | White | 9>18K | C,H | 970-1000 | For H/S & W/S; Ni Safe, good reusability and workability, High fluidity |
5002 | Medium White | 9>18K | C,H,R | 970-940 | For H/S & W/S; Ni Safe, high reusability and workability, High fluidity |
5003 | Medium White | 9>18K | C,H | 970-950 | For H/S & W/S; Ni Safe, high reusability and workability, High fluidity |
S.no. |
Parameters |
Specifications |
1. |
Description |
Light creamy to white color fine free flowing powder |
2. |
Solubility |
Insoluble in cold water& in alcohol |
3. |
pH , 10 % solution ,w/v |
5 to 7 |
4. |
Viscosity of 3% solution in Brookfield viscometer LVDV II PRO Model Temp: 800c, Spindle No:3 , RPM : 20 |
2500 to 3500 cPs |
5. |
Moisture content, % w/w |
16 % |
6. |
Ash content,% w/w on DB |
Max 0.50% |
7. |
Bulk density (gm/ml) |
0.65 to 1.0 |
8. |
Sieve retention(100 mesh) |
Max 0.5% |
9. |
Starch ,% w/w on DB |
Min 95 |
10. |
Free Acidity, (ml of 0.1 N NaOH/100 ) |
Max 40.00 |
11. |
Sulphur Dioxide , ppm |
Max 80.00 |
SIZE | Deameter of Toe (mm) |
S | 15 |
M | 20 |
L | 25 |
Mode | Programs | Power | Load | Operating Frequency |
Soft | 99 | 150W | 300 Ω | 1Mhz |
Force | 99 | 150W | 300 Ω | 1Mhz |
Mode | Programs | Power | Load | Operating Frequency |
Bi-coag | 99 | 120W | 300 Ω | 1Mhz |
Bi-cut | 99 | 120W | 300 Ω | 1Mhz |
Model | 161 | 191 | 171 | 172 |
Display | 3½ digit LCD |
3½ digit LCD |
3½ digit LCD |
3½ digit LCD |
Accuracy | 0.01, ± 1Digit | 0.01, ± 1Digit | 0.01, ± 1Digit | 0.01, ± 1Digit |
Conductivity (EC) | ||||
Range | 0 - 200 μS 0 - 2, 0 - 20, 0 - 200 mS |
0 - 20 mS | 0 - 20 mS | 0 - 20 mS |
Resolution | 0.1 μS | 0.01 mS (10 μS) |
0.01 mS (10 μS) |
0.01 mS (10 μS) |
Range Selection | Manual | - | - | - |
Accuracy | ± 0.5% FS, ± 1 Digit |
± 0.5% FS, ± 1 Digit |
± 0.5% FS, ± 1 Digit |
± 0.5% FS, ± 1 Digit |
Cell Constant | Adjustable (0.4 - 1.5) |
Pre-Adjusted | Pre-Adjusted | Pre-Adjusted |
Temp. Coefficient | 2% | 2% | 2% | 2% |
Temp. Comp. | Adjustable from Table | Adjustable from Table | Adjustable from Table | Adjustable from Table |
Reference Temp. | 25 oC | 25 oC | 25 oC | 25 oC |