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Electrical & Electronic Testing Devices

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Analog trainer, analog trainer kit, Power Electronic Trainer, Digital Ic Trainer and Discrete Component Trainer

Analog Trainer

Digital & Analog Trainer kit is a comprehensive and self contained system suitable for anyone engaged in Analog circuit experiments & digital logic experiments. . All necessary equipments for Analog circuit experiments & digital logic experiments. It is a time and cost saving device for both students and researcher interested in training, developing and testing circuit prototypes. Technical Specification10 nos. of TTL compatible logic level inputsTTL logic selectable by a toggle switch.Logic HIGH and logic LOW are displayed by dual color LED.Four crystal generated clock output of 1MHz, 1 KHz, 10 Hz, and 1Hz.Facility for signal pulse generation by a pushbutton switch.Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH and pulse.Four seven segment displays with BCD inputs.Facility of segment control on two displays.
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Analog Trainer Kit

Digital & Analog Trainer kit is a comprehensive and self contained system suitable for anyone engaged in Analog circuit experiments & digital logic experiments. . All necessary equipments for Analog circuit experiments & digital logic experiments. It is a time and cost saving device for both students and researcher interested in training, developing and testing circuit prototypes.


10 nos. of TTL compatible logic level inputs

TTL logic selectable by a toggle switch.

Logic HIGH and logic LOW are displayed by dual color LED.

Four crystal generated clock output of 1MHz, 1 KHz, 10 Hz, and 1Hz.

Facility for signal pulse generation by a pushbutton switch.

Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH and pulse.

Four seven segment displays with BCD inputs.

Facility of segment control on two displays.

Socket onboard to fix the ICs:

  1. 16 pin : 4 nos.
  2. 20 pin : 2 nos.
  3. 28 pin : 6 nos.
  4. 40 pin : 2 nos.

Two nos. of 14 pin general purpose area provided for soldering discrete components.

Two nos. of 26 pin connector for inputs /output connection with microprocessor kit

through 8255.

Built-in power supply : 5V/ 1AMP, +12V/250mA

Input signals are taken from /output signals are given to SPRING type PLATED/which

provides reliable contacts.

Specifications Are Subject To Change Due To Constant

Developments Without Any Prior Notice

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Power Electronic Trainer

  • STANDARD ACCESSORIES 1. Detailed Instruction Manual. 2. Set of Patch cords.
Power Electronics trainer is modular type circuits on glass epoxy PCB as front panel. The circuit layout is printed on the glass epoxy PCB with high quality printing. Test tags are provided to observe the waveforms and voltages. LED indicators are provided on each input and output of logic blocks to observe the instantaneous logic level. 2 mm holes test points ( multimeter cord compatible ) are provided at all the points where voltages has to be measured. Built in DC regulated power supply is provided making the kits suitable for operation at 230V AC. The trainer is housed in wooden cabinet with cover for safe keeping of trainer. Necessary connecting leads ( patch cords ), jumper link, detail operating & servicing manual with theory and waveform to be provided.
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Digital IC Trainer

  • DC Power Supply 5 V / 500 mA ( IC based regulated output ).
  • Clock  Generators( TTL, 5V ) i.  Fixed  :  a.  0.1Hz  b.  1Hz.  ( Simultaneous independent outputs ).ii. Variable : One low frequency variable clock generator.
  • Manual Pulser One independent buffered bounceless manual pulser ( useful for freezing the action of each stage of the counter  after  every clock pulse ).
  • Logic Level Inputs Eight independent buffered logic level inputs to select High / Low TTL levels, each with a LED to indicate high / low status and termination.
  • Logic LevelIndicators Eight independent buffered logic level indicators for High / Low status indication of digital outputs.
  • Zif socket Unique Zif type socket 20 pin without soldering.
  • Potentiometer One Potentiometer ( 100K ) with terminations.
  • Power ON Power ON switch with indicator for mains on indication and fuse for protection.
  • Patch Cords( Stackable ) Set of 20 assorted coloured multi-stand wires with 2mm stackable plug termination at both ends.
  • Power Requirement 230V + 10% single phase AC.
  • Instruction manual One detailed instruction manual with well thought out experiments covering the above topics.

Technical Specifications

The Digital IC Trainer Model 1053 covers both the basic and advance digital electronics as follows :

Study of basic gates and verification of their truth tables ( NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, EX OR, EX NOR ).

Study and verifications of the laws of Boolean Algebra and De-Morgans Theorems.

Study of important TTL terminologies. Verification of important TTL circuit parameters.

Construction and verification of various types of flip-flops using gates & ICs ( RS, JK, D, T, M/SJK).

Construction and verification of various types of combinational circuits such as Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Even / Odd Parity Checker, Multipliexer, Demultiplexer, Binary to Gray & Gray to Binary Converters.

Construction and verification of various types of Up / Down, Synchronous / Asynchronous, Ripple / Reverse, Ring, Binary, BCD & Decade Counters.

Construction and verification of 4 Bit Universal Shift Register ( SR / SL operation ).
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Discrete Component Trainer

  • SALIENT FEATURES Lucidly illustrated User’s Manual unravels electronics concept through brief theoretical reviews followed by experiments, self – test questions and exercises.
  • TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS * Ohms Law, RC – High pass and Low pass circuits, RL – High pass and Low pass circuits, RLC series a
  • POWER SUPPLY 1. Output voltage and current : 1. + 5V / 250mA. 2. + 12V / 250mA. 3. – 12V / 250mA. 4. 0 – 30V / 1A

Advance Electronic Industries is one of the leading manufacturers & dealers of Educational Training Systems, Test & Measuring Instruments & various simulation softwares & CBTs ( Computer Based Tutorials ) with a range of over 1000 products.

Technical Specifications

  The Discrete Component Trainer Model 1055 covers experiments in basic electronics as follows :


Study and verify the characteristics of various devices such as Diodes, ( Si / Ge / Fast switching ), Transistors ( CB, CE, CC for different NPN & PNP transistor ), FET, UJT, MOSFET, SCR, Diac, Traic, LDR, Zener Diodes, LED’s.


Study working of resistors, capacitors, inductors, potentiometers, output transformer, speaker, relay.


Study and verify the basic theorems & laws such as resistors / capacitors / inductors in series / parallel and combinations thereof, Ohm’s laws, Kirchoff’s voltage law, Kirchoff’s current law.


Study and verify the RC, RL & RLC series & parallel resonance circuits, filters ( LP, HP, BP, BR ).


Study & verify the clipping, clamping, biased clippers, half wave, full wave & bridge rectifier circuits.


Study and verify the voltage regulators circuits using zener diodes & transistors.


Study and verify the digital gates using diodes and transistors.


Study and verify the performance of amplifiers such as CB, CE, CC transistor amplifiers, power amplifiers, audio amplifiers, differential amplifiers and feedback amplifiers ( current series / shunt ).


Study & verify the oscillators such as phase shift, astable, monostable, bistable and schmitt trigger.


Study & verify the performance of applications of special devices such as FET as an amplifier, FET as source follower / switch, MOSFET as an amplifier, UJT as relaxation oscillator, light operated relay.
IC based DC Reg.Power Supplies a.b.c. + 12 V / 500 mA ( fixed and with facility to vary from 0 to +12 V ).- 12 V / 500 mA ( fixed and with facility to vary from 0 to -12 V ).+ 5V / 500mA ( fixed ).
AC Supplies 9 – 0 – 9 V AC / 500 mA.
ZIF socket Unique ZIF socket 20 pin without soldering.
Potentiometer Three Potentiometers ( 1K, 10K and 100K ) with terminations.
Speaker One 8 ohms miniature speaker with terminations.
Relay One 12V / 1 C.O. relay with terminations.
Power ON Power ON switch with indicator for mains on indication and fuse for protection.
Patch Cords( Stackable ) Set of 20 assorted coloured multi-stand wires with 2mm stackable plug termination at both ends
Power Requirement 230V + 10% single phase AC.
Instruction Manual One detailed instruction manual with well thought out experiments covering the above topics.
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