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We offer a complete product range of TIMOCURE, Ayumed, DISINFECT BKC 80% with Glutaraldehyde, PROTIVET-T - Growth Promoter And Performance Booster and ADOBACK


2,362.50 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
We are offering timocure.Composition: each ml containstilmicosin phosphate, equivalent to tilmicosin : 250 mgexcipients : up to 1 ml indicationsfor prevention (metaphylactics) and treatment of bacterial respiratory diseases in poultry caused by mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma synoviae, ornithobacteriumrhinotracheale , pasteurellamultocida and other microorganisms sensitive to tilmicosin. Dosagethe average daily dose is 15-20 mg kg body weight. Chickens for fattening0.3 ml l water (= 75 mg tilmicosin l) during the first 3 days after hatching.Growing and parent flocksin cases of diagnosed mycoplasmosis: 0.3 ml l water (= 75 mg tilmicosin l) for 3 days every month. Withdrawal periodfor meat - 12 days after the last administration. Packagingplastic bottles of 500 ml.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 500 ml bottle

Delivery Time : 15 days

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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
We are offering ayumed.It contains combination of powerful antibacterial antiviral and immunostimulants herbs.Controls diseases caused by pathogen bacteria in shrimp and fish.Improves hepatite and immunity.Dosage : shrimp : 2-3 for 7 days, fish : 1.5 2.0 kg.ton feedpresentation : 500 gms.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : Customised packing if order is minimum 3 MT

Delivery Time : 20 days

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DISINFECT – BKC 80% With Glutaraldehyde

Being a powerful water DISINFECT – BKC 80% with Glutaraldehyde, our Disinfect is taking over the market. This supplement is highly potent to control bacterial, protozoan, and fungal growth in fishes and shrimps. It is offered packed in 1L and 5L plastic containers. Before doling it out, we pass it through stringent quality tests. We are enlisted with the preeminent Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of Disinfect from Andhra Pradesh, India.


Composition (Each 1000ml contains):

Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride     80%

Glutaraldehyde                                            5%

Acetic Acid                                                  10%

Activants                                                    Q.S.


  • It contains a combination of different disinfectants.
  • It is a powerful water disinfectant.
  • It effectively controls bacterial, fungal and protozoan diseases in shrimp and fish.

Dosages: 1-1.5L/acre once in 15 days.

Packaging: 500 ml Bottle & 1 L Bottle, 5 L Tin & 20 L Drum. 

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PROTIVET-T - Growth Promoter And Performance Booster

We are bracketed among the trusted Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of PROTIVET-T - Growth Promoter And Performance Booster . It improves egg size & egg production, increases growth & disease resistance and avoids cannabolism and falling of feathers. Buyers are free to place bulk orders of it with us and we ensure their timely execution. One can obtain it at nominal rates from us.


Composition : Each 30ml/30g Contains


Protein hydrolysate 5.0gm
DL Methionine 2.53gm
L-Lysine 1.36gm
Inositol 120mg
Vitamin B12 100mcg
Vitamin E 25mg
Yeast Extract 250mg
Choline Chloride 1250mg
Sodium 2.7gm
Manganese 1.65gm
Zinc 0.68gm
Copper 45mg
Iron 0.23gm
Iodine 22.5mg
Cobalt 25mg
Selenium 10mg


Dosage :

  • Liquid – Poultry : 7 days in each month.
  • Layers : Chicks 10ml Growers 20ml/100 birds.
  • Broilers & Breeders : 20-30ml/100 birds


Powder :

  • Poultry – Routine Use : 500g/ton of feed.
  • Treatment Use : 1kg/ton of feed 7-10 days.
  • Milch Animals : 10-15gm/animal/day.
  • Dog : 5g/animal/day. or as advised by a veterinarian.
  • Fisheries : 1kg/ton of feed regularly OR as advised by a fish consultant.


  • Liquid : 500ml, 1L, 5L plastic containers
  • Powder : 500g Pouch & 1Kg Pouch
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Composition : Each kg. containsManganese : 60 gms.Zinc : 55 gms.Ferrous : 55 gms.Cobalt : 500 mg.Copper : 3 gms.Potassium iodide : 3 gms.Sodium selenite : 500 mg. Benefits : POULTRY : Avoids :Loose shell & broken eggs.Leg weakness & lameness.Poor feathering.Poor hatchability.Poor growth.Perosis etc. period is short and hard to occur resistance.Improves :Egg production.Meat quality & quantity.Growth & body weights.General health & activeness.Disease resistance etc.FISHERIES :mproves the bone & muscle strength.Corrects the deficiency symptoms of minerals.Increases the growth, body weight & disease resistance.Dosage : POULTRYRegular use : 1 kg. ton of feed.During deficiency :2 kg. ton of feed. Breeders:2 kg. ton of feed. FISHERIES : Regular use: 2 kg. ton of feed. During deficiency : 5 kg. ton of feed. or as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition:Zinc Bacitracin 15%Description :Zinc Bacitracin is a new kind of anti bacterial feed supplement with stable potency and function. Zinc bacitracin is the zinc complex of bacitracin and consist of one or more of the anti microbial poly peptides produced by certain strains of bacillus lincheniformis and by bacillus subtillis.bENEFITS :It is a polypeptide antibiotic and has strong anti bacterial properties on both grampositive and gram negative bacteria.Best growth promoter in broilers and best egg enhancer in layers.Livestock :Helps for better growth and body weights .No tissue residues and no drug residues.Controls all mild infections due to gram positive and gram negative bacteria.Dosage : 5-7 daysBroilers : 250 gmton of feedLayers : 300 gm ton of feed Piglets : 350 gm ton of feed Cattle : 750 gm ton of feed Cattle : 750 gm ton of feed
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Composition : 3.5 Dinitro-O-Toluamide: 25% Ethopabate 1 6% Benifits : Prevents the occurrence of coccidiosis Controls both intestinal 8 caecal coccidiosis Acts as growth promoter by reducing the load ofeimeria oocysts in the gut. Dosage : 500 gmton of feed Layers: upto 14 weeks. Boilers : upo culling or as advised by a veterinarian.
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TYLOAD-10 Feed SupplementComposition : Each kg. contains Tylosin phosphate: 100gms Carrier : Q.S Benefits : POULTRY : Avoids : Helps to increase body weights.Helps to increase egg productionHelps to improve feed efficiencyHelps to prevent CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease) caused byMycoplasma Gallisepticum.Improves : Egg production.Meat quality & quantity.Growth & body weights.General health & activeness.Disease resistance etc.dosage : Broilers: 200gms Metric ton of feed continuously Layers: 500gram Metric ton of feed from 16th week to 42nd week. Breeders: 500gram Metric ton of feed from start of laying to 42ndweek (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition : Each 100 gm. containsEnrofloxacin:BP 10 gms.Excipients:q.s. Indications:Poultry: Colibacillosis, Chronic respiratory Disease (CRD), E.Coli, Infections coryza, Pasteurellosis, Staphylococci, Streptococci and bacterial infections associated with viral outbreaks.Piglets: Bacterial enteritis and coli bacillary diarrhoea. dosage : Orally, through drinking water:Poultry: Preventive use: 1gram 4 liters -3daysTreatment use: 1gram 1-2 liters -3-5 days or as advised by a Veterinarian. Withdrawl time: 10days for broiler.
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We offer ciprovan composition : each 100 gram containsciprofloxacin : 1000mg asciprofloxacin hcl : i.p excipients : q.s indications: for the prevention and treatment ofcrdccrdcoli. Bacillosispulloram & fowl typhoidstaphylococcal infectioncoryzasecondary bacterial infections of viral outbreaks.Special features: broad spectrum activity. Wide safety margin even in higher doses.Rapid absorption and fast action.Dosage: orally, through drinking water:poultry: preventive use: 1gram 4liters -3daystreatment use: 1gram 1-2 liters -3-5 days or as advised by a veterinarian. Withdrawl time: 10 days for broiler.
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Composition : Each gm. containsVitamin A : 10, 000 I.U.Vitamin D : 2500 I.U 3 Vitamin B : 0.8 mg. 1 Vitamin B : 5 mg. 2 Vitamin B : 1.6 mg. 6 Vitamin B : 20 mcg. 12 Vitamin K : 1 mg. 3 Vitamin E : 8 mg. Calcium Pantothenate : 8 mg. Niacinamide : 12 mg. Natural Immuno Stimulants : Q.S. Benefits :Prevents all vitamin deficiency symptoms and losses.Avoids stress of all kinds.Improves general health, immunity, growth, body weights, feathering, egg production, hatchability, etc.Adds additional value to feed and its nutrients.Increases feed conversion efficiency.Dosage :1kg. per ton of feed continuously (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition : Each 10mlgms. contains.Choline chloride : 1250 mg.DL methionine : 250 mg.L-lysine : 100 mg.Inositol : 40 mg. Vitamin B12 : 30 mcg. Biotin : 80 mcg. Vitamin E : 50 mg. Sorbitol : 500 mg. Liver fraction II : 100 mg. Yeast extract : 300 mg. Herbal extract : Q.S. Benefits :ADD Liv is a general protective tonic and can be given both in normal and abnormal conditions.Prevents fatty livers and re-generates damaged hepatocytes.Improves egg production and body weights.Increases FCR and feed efficiency.Boosts the fertility and hatchability in breeders.Ensures quick recovery during anti-biotic therapy.Dosage : Liquid Poultry : for 100 birds per day 5-7 days.Chicks : 5 ml., Growers : 10 ml., Layers : 20 ml.Broilers : 20 ml., Breeders : 30 ml.POWDER :Poultry Fisheries : Routine use : 500 gmton of feedTreatment use : 1kgton of feed 7-10 days.Live Stock : Calves, dog, sheep & goat : 5-10 gm.animalday 5-7 days month cattle and horses : 20-30 gm.animalday 5-7 days monthPresentation :Liquid : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containersPowder : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag.
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Composition : Each kg. containsEach 500 gms. containsCiprofloxacin : 25 gms. Metronidazole : 25 gms. Benefits : POULTRY :Helps as a growth promoter Very effective for fowl cholera, fowl typhoid, CRD, coryza, necrotic enteritis, gangrenous dermatitis, non specific mortalities, chronic production drops, poor growths, etc.FISHERIES :Prevents & controls all kinds of bacterial diseases.Improves growth & body weights.Dosage : POULTRY : As a supportive therapyPreventive use : 250 gm. ton of feed 5-7 days.Treatment use : 500 gm. ton of feed 7-10 days. or as advised by a veterinarian. FISHERIES :Preventive use : 500 gm. ton of feed 5-7 days.Treatment use : 1- 2 kg. ton of feed depending upon the severity of the problem for 7-10 days. (or) as advised by a fish consultant. Special Note : It should be used mainly as growth promoter and to control mildinfections only. During serious outbreaks potential antibiotics should be used.
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Composition : Each 100 gms. containsSodium chloride : 1.0 gm.Calcium lactate : 1.2 gm. Calcium gluconate : 1.2 gm. Sodium bicarbonates : 3.0 gm. Sodium citrate : 6.0 gm. Ascorbic acid : 1.0 gm. Potassium chloride : 3.0 gm. Protein hydrolysate : 1.0 gm. Magnesium sulphate : 1.0 gm. Elemental sodium : 3.0 gm. Elemental potassium : 2.5 gm. Dextros monohydrate : 60 gm. Carrier : Q.S. Benefits :Neutralises the electrolyte imbalances & provides strength.Can be used as supportive therapy during anti biotic treatment.Best suitable alternative in summer to avoid dehydration.Dosage : 5-7 daysPOULTRY : 1 gm. 1 litre drinking waterLIVESTOCK : Calves sheep dog : 20 gm. animal day Large animals : 100 gm. animal day or as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition : Each kg. containsVitamin E : 100 gm.Vitamin C : 100 gm. Selenium : 250 mg. Biotin : 500 mg. Benefits :Enhances the functional capacity of the cell and acts more actively.Improves both humoral and cell mediated immunity.Birds become more active with better stamina to yield better performance.Relieves from stress and inactiveness.Improves hatchability, fertility etc in breeders.Dosage :: Both feed grade and water soluble powders availableFeed Grade : Layers & Broilers : 200 gm per ton of feed 5 7 days in a month. Breeders : 500 gms per ton of feed 5 7 days in a month. Water Soluble : 1 gm. litre 5-7 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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We offer Bronchonil. Composition :Branchonil is a special herbal preparation selected for selective herbs having functional properties as Bronchodilator and Expectorant. Benefits : Birds relaxes from respiratory troubles quickly.Highly useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases like CRD. Coryza etc as a supportive therapy along with specific treatments.Makes to function total respiratory organs with its full capacity.Birds relaxed well and takes normal quantity of feed to produce normal results.Dosage : Per 100 birds :In drinking water 7-10 days each time.Chicks, Growers, Broiler-Starters : 10ml Layers and Broiler finishers : 30ml Breeders : 40ml. (or) As advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition : Each ml. containsCephalexin I.P. 7.5% wwExcipients q.s. Indications:The use of cephlaxin is indicated in bacterial infections caused by bacteria sensitive to cephlaexin, such as staphylococcus spp , streptococcus spp, clostridium spp, E coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella spp and klebsiella spp.Dosage:Poultry : Orally through drinking water. For prevention of early chickmortalities : 10 grams 1500 chicks 5 days. Treatment use: Chicks: 10 gms750 birds Growers: 10 gms125 birds Layers: 10 gms50 birds (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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ADV 24 X 7

Composition : Each 100 ml. containsVitamins Qty.Vitamin A 2, 50, 000 IU Vitamin D3 5, 000 IU Vitamin E 0.37 gm. Vitamin K3 25 mg. Pyridoxine 0.2 gm. Riboflavine 0.4 gm. Thiamine 0.35 gm. Dexpanthenol 1.5 gm. Vitamin B12 1.0 mg. Amino Acids Qty.Methionine 0.5 gm. Choline 40 mg. Lysine 0.25 gm. Histidine 90 mg. Arginine 49 mg. Aspartic acid 0.15 gm. Amino Acids Qty.Threonine 50 mg. Serine 70 mg. Glutamic acid 0.15 gm. Proline 50 mg. Glycine 60 mg. Alanine 100 mg. Cystine 15 mg. Valine 0.10 gm. Leucine 0.15 gm. Isoleucine 12 mg. Tyrosine 35 mg. Phenylalanine 80 mg. Tryptophane 7.5 mg. Biotin 0.20 mg. Inositol 0.30 mg. Yeast extract 250 mg. Indications:Prevents and corrects avitaminosis and malnutrition.Helps to reduce mortalities.Works as supportive therapy in the conditions likeMoultingAnorexiaFatty Liver]Early chick mortality etc.dosage :Broiler :1 ml.litre of drinking water 5-7 days Layer : 2 ml.litre of drinking water 5-7 days Breeder : 3 ml.litre of drinking water 5-7 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition : Each 5ml. contains :Vitamin A : 2, 50, 000 I.U.Vitamin D3 : 30, 000I.U.Vitamin E : 150 I.U.Vitamin C : 500 mg.Vitamin B12 : 150 mcg. Benefits :Quick stress relieverStimulates antibodies production for better immunity.Vaccine will be utilised properly and completely.Improves egg production and maintains good persistency.Broilers becomes more active with good growth and body weights.Dosage :Poultry : Layers & Broilers : 5 ml.100 birds 5-7 days.Breeders : 10ml.100 birds 5-7 days. Live Stock : Calves, dogs, sheep & goat : 5 ml.animal day. 5-7 days month. Cattle & Horses : 10 ml.animal day 5-7 daysmonth. (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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GOUTNIL- For Control Of GOUT

The company is a reliable Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of GOUTNIL- For Control of GOUT. It restores the functional capacity of kidneys & kidney tissues and controls visceral gout very effectively. Courtesy our brilliant logistics network, we are capable of delivering bulk orders of it within the promised timeframe. Buyers can obtain it at nominal rates from us.


Composition - Each 10ml Contains :

  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate : 1.5gm
  • Ammonium chloride : 1.0gm
  • Ascorbic acid : 0.5gm
  • Citosodine : 1.0gm
  • Halite : 1.0gm
  • Buffers & stabilisers : Q.S.


Benefits :

  • Controls visceral gout very effectively.
  • Dissolves and sends out kidney stones.
  • Restores the functional capacity of kidneys & kidney tissues.
  • Prevents and controls Nephrosis and baby chick Nephropathy.


Dosage : 5kg/acre mix with fertilizer once in 10 days

Packing: 500ml&1L BOTTLES, 20L Tin Pack.


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Composition : Each 5ml. containsVitamin A : 2, 50, 000 I.U.Vitamin D3 : 30, 000 I.U. Vitamin E : 150 I.U. Vitamin C : 500 mg. Vitamin B12 : 150 mcg. Benefits :Quick stress relieverStimulates antibodies production for better immunity.Vaccine will be utilised properly and completely.Improves egg production and maintains good persistency.Broilers becomes more active with good growth and body weights.Dosage :Poultry : Layers & Broilers : 5 ml.100 birds 5-7 days.Breeders : 10ml.100 birds 5-7 days. Live Stock : Calves, dogs, sheep & goat : 5 ml.animal day. 5-7 days month. Cattle & Horses : 10 ml.animal day 5-7 daysmonth. (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
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Composition:Doxycycline hydrochloride : 2%Cooked proteins : 2% Vitamin C : 1% Benefits: Helps as a growth promoterPrevents all stages of subclinical bacterial infections.Helps for better growth, body weights & productions.Penetrates into the system very fastly and acts quickly.Very effective for E.coli, salmonella, fowl cholera, coryza, CRD etc.Enhances fertility in breeders.Keeps higher peaks for longer periods.Very effectively prevents & controls all bacterial diseases of fish.Dosage:POULTRY : As a supportive therapy Preventive use : 250 gm ton offeed one week every month. Treatment use :500 gm ton of feed 7-10 days. LIVESTOCK : 500 gm ton of feed one week every month. (or) as advised by a veterinarian. FISH :1-2 kg ton of feed 7-10 days. (or) as advised by a fish consultant.Special Note : It should be used mainly as growth promoter and to control mild infections only. During serious outbreaks potential antibiotics should be used.
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Composition : Each 100 gm contains:.Vitamin A Acetate Powder WS Feed Grade (Vitamin A) 1, 000, 000 IUVitamin D3 100 Powder Feed Grade (Vitamin D3) 2, 50, 000 IUDry Vitamin E Acetate 50% Feed Grade (Vitamin E) 200 mgAscorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Feed Grade 3000 mgMenadione Sodium Bisulphite Feed Grade (Vitamin K3) 160 mgThiamine Hydrochloride Feed Grade (Vitamin B1) 120 mgRiboflavin Feed Grade (Vitamin B2) 320 mgPyridoxine Hydrochloride Feed Grade (Vitamin B6) 120 mgNicotinamide Feed Grade 200 mgCalcium-D- Pantothenate Feed Grade 184 mgCyanocobalamin 1% Feed Grade (Vitamin B12) 0.2 mgD-Biotin Feed Grade 1 mgFolic Acid Feed Grade 10 mgAnhydrous dextrose Q.SBenefits :Quick stress relieverPrevent perosis muscular dystrophy.Improve health and disease resistanceImproves FCR, Weight gain, egg production & nutrient metabolismHelp to recover from vitamin deficienciesImproves fertility and Hatchability.Birds become very healthy and active.Dosage:1 gm 1 litre of drinking water or500 gms.ton of feed continuously for 5-7 days.
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