Welcome to Adpro Technologies
Our Profile ADPRO Systems India Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1998 by experts who capitalized long years of industry experience.The parent company "Manju Hardchrome Industries" was started in 1979. We have strong dedication towards the growth of Hydraulics and Heavy Engineering Industry in India. Our core expertise is in Hard Chrome Plating for Engineering Sector and precision plating for Nuclear and aerospace applications. Today we are catering to all major Earth Moving Machinery and Crane Manufacturers as regular supplier of components. We are associated with M/s Wipro Infrastructure Engineering since 1993 as a regular supplier of piston rods for their cylinder manufacturing. We are supplying 500-600 piston rods per day in fully finished condition. We are also associated with L & T Komatsu since 1997 as a dedicated single source supplier of excavator piston rods. Our Vision In the changing manufacturing methods we intend to supply ready plated chrome bars of standard lengths of 5-9 meter long which will be the raw materials for cylinder manufacturers.