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Whole Spices
2 Products availableFresh, Organic & Preserved Vegetables
2 Products availableCooking Spices And Masala
2 Products availableOutdoor Plants
1 Products availableOil Seeds
1 Products availableHerbal And Ayurvedic Extract
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Psoralea Corylifolia (Bavachi), Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj), Paneer Doda, Black Pepper Seed and Adhatoda Vasica Nees (Ardusi).
Babchi seeds are used as remedy for leprosy, internal ulcers, skin conditions like leucoderma, fevers; it is also used as a stimulant, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antifungal, laxative and diuretic.
In ayurvedic medicine, the leaf extract is considered a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenative, and especially good for the hair. Eclipta alba also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss and the leaves have been used in the treatment of scorpion stings. In india, Oil made with mixture of bhringraj’s juice helps hair growth and prevents premature greying.
In Ayurvedic medicine, adhatoda vasica is used for a multitude of disorders including; leprosy, blood disorders, heart troubles, fever, vomiting, loss of memory, leucoderma, jaundice, tumors, mouth troubles, sore-eye and gonorrhea. This herb is known for its antispasmodic, expectorant and blood-purifying qualities. A juice made from the leaves was used as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery, and in southern India the powdered leaves were used to treat malaria. Additionally, it was used as a folk medicine to speed delivery during childbirth.
This plant has been used since ancient times to treat heart disorders such as high blood pressure and chest pain (angina), as well as respiratory disorders such as asthma.
Pumpkin seeds are equally important as the fruits are for our health. Known as pepitas pumpkin seeds are eaten and are well known for snacks. These are the seeds which are known in Ayurveda to destroy worms in small kids and infants. This seeds are also known for prostate issue, cholesterol and even for clinical depression.
The health benefits of Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, can be partially attributed to its high vitamin-C content. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination of free radicals, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, increases skin health, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens eyes, improves muscle tone and, acts as an antioxidant.
Used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the treatment of various ailments, mainly alimentary tract and certain dermatological conditions, improving sexual power and increasing sperm count, curing diseases related to digestive system, balancing Kapha dosha in body. Also impactable on illnesses related to the heart, blood pressure, respiration, cancer and neurological disorders. Godambi is eaten by Indians in winter and was commonly used as a method of birth control for women.
Singhara is used for treating diarrhoea, dysentery, thyroid problem, swelling and bronchitis. Singhara is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B, C, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and contains no fat. It is natural antioxidant, prevents wrinkles, protects from UV rays and helps to cure weakness. Singhara is a fruits so in Vrat or fasting its flour is used for preparing dishes. It can be eaten raw, boiled and as flour (after drying and grinding).
Kaanchakaa are used in treatment variety of diseases such as swelling, piles, cough, nausea, tumor, skin diseases, diabetes, gout, etc. The seeds of plant has anthelmintic, fever reducing, abortion stimulating, menstrual flow improving, urine stimulating, adaptogenic, antimicrobial, muscle contractile and abdominal pain relieving properties.
Niranjan Phal can be used for the treatment of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis induced by wind-heat attacking the lung. Apart from that, it can also be used to relieve sore throats. The Malva nut is also beneficial for those suffering from cough (both dry cough and productive cough with phleghm), flu, scratchy sore throat, voice loss, mild or extremely swollen sore throat, and dry throat among others. Apart from that, the Malva nut is also used to treat constipation caused by internal heat as the Malva nut has the healing properties to moisten the intestines which can regularize one’s bowel movements.
It is also known as Kalpasi. It is a very rare component used in the Garam Masala Spice Mix. It is very popular in Indian delicacies and snacks. When it is used in small quantities in curries, it releases a strong woody aroma and flavor. Stone flowers have medical properties to cure HIV virus. Stone flowers are the biological indicators of air pollution. It is also a good pain reliever and also promotes early healing of wounds sue to its bitter taste. Helps in treating the skin related problem due to its cold potency. It helps in reducing any kind of inflammation in body. It is antibacterial and is fairly effective against Protozoans. It is good in improving the digestion and also helps in suppressing the respiratory disorders. it also tones up the urinary tract and suppresses the calculi formation. It also helps in maintaining the body temperature.
Bay leaf is used as a spice to impart flavor to a variety of dishes of various cuisines around the world, both vegetarian and non vegetarian. Crushing the leaves imparts a more intense flavor than when they are used whole.Indian bay leaf has analgesic, astringent, carminative, digestive, stomachic, emetic, diuretic, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It is useful in the treatment of high blood sugar, migraine, headaches, gastric ulcers, rheumatism, colic, amenorrhea and a lot of other health conditions.
Benefits of regular Tukmaria seeds intake are a more active digestion, body purifying process by way of removal of toxins from the gut, and the ability to help preventing heart conditions by lowering cholesterol levels. They can also help curing respiratory diseases and relieving stress. They have also been indicated as good for treatment of skin infections.
Kalonji – Nigella sativa – Small fennel, a promising spice against cancer and chemotherapy side effects, useful to lower cholesterol, useful in asthma, diarrhoea, nephrotoxicity (toxins in Kidney) and Hepato toxicity (toxic liver). It is a good anti inflammatry, analgesic, relieves pain, fever and inflammation.
It is an essential part of Indian spices and used in food not only for enhancing the taste of the food, but it also provides some prevention health benefits. Its use in food prevents diseases like intestinal gas, cramps, flatulence, bloating, indigestion, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, liver toxicity and several other disorders. In medicine, it helps to treat all these diseases. The main action of Fenugreek (Methi) appears on the digestive system. It normalizes the gastric secretions and increases the bile flow from the liver. The secondary action is observed on the fluids and blood. It is likely to reduce the toxins from the blood, so it is highly recommended for the patients with the elevated uric acid level in the blood. Nowadays, it becomes popular for the management of diabetes mellitus. It is also effective for the joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. It reduces inflammation, swelling, pain and stiffness effectively.
Barley is known to improve the circulatory system and protect it against chronic diseases like arteriosclerosis. it contains chlorophyll, which is extremely beneficial in purifying the liver, preventing the absorption of carcinogens and improving the overall functioning of liver. With the presence of digestive enzymes in barley, this cereal grain helps in getting rid of toxic and indigestible materials from the body and alleviating the symptoms of stomach ulcers and other digestive conditions.
Kultha dal is bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anthelmintic, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, ophthalmic and very good source of protein. The gram is further beneficial in cases of bleeding during pregnancy, menstrual disorders, colic and weak liver, spleen enlargement, leucorrhoea, hypertension, kidney stones, gall stones and many other serious health concerns. It soaked in water is prescribed for treating jaundice, and also used for relieving cough and cold.
According to ayurveda, Ajwain is a powerful cleanser. It is helpful for stimulating the appetite and enhancing digestion. It is recommended to help alleviate gas and discomfort in the stomach. It is also helpful for the functioning of the respiratory system and the kidneys. It is also a common home remedy used for a variety of health conditions such as abdominal pain, cramps, intestinal gas, indigestion, vomiting, and abdominal distension, and diarrhea, loose stool, breathing trouble and heaviness in abdomen after meal.
Suva has antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cardio depressant, carminative, digestive, diuretic, blood sugar lowering, blood pressure lowing, breast milk stimulating, and laxative properties.
They are flavorful, although they have almost no aroma. The seed and oil of Katuku is used for worm infestation, dengue fever, pain, skin diseases, vomiting and hepatitis.
It is well known herb has its primary medicinal use as a stimulating external application. The rubefacient action of the oil causes a mild irritation to the skin, stimulating the circulation in that area, and relieving muscular and skeletal pain, like rheumatism, sciatica, backache, gout, leg cramps, headache, stiff neck, etc. and is useful in cellulite. Mustard oil when instilled in the nose helps to thin mucus and make it easier for you to breathe when you have a sinus or nasal congestion.
Seeds are abortificient and insecticidal. other benefits are Eradicates Head Lice, Boosts Immune system, increases energy levels, anti-cancer propoerties, anti-aging, heals skin infections, fetal brain development, improves Cardio-Vascular health.
Surajmukhi Beej are a rich source of easily digestible and assimilable protein which is essential for the repair of tissues, nerves, and cells. Sunflower seeds are also high in selenium, magnesium, zinc, and iron which helps to strengthen the blood and immune system. They also contain lignans, phenolic acids, and tryptophan making them an ideal food to eat for those who are seeking better sleep and weight loss. Sunflower seeds have also been known to help prevent asthma, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, clogged arteries, and osteoarthritis. Sunflower seeds can help to relieve sensitivity to light, eyestrain, and farsightedness.
In Ayurveda, Flax is used internally in habitual constipation, functional disorders of the colon resulting from the misuse of laxatives and irritable colon, as a demulcent preparation in gastritis and enteritis. Externally, the powdered seeds or the press-cake are used as an emollient, in poultices for boils, carbuncles and other skin afflictions. Used in Soothing Body Lotion for dry skin.
The root is antibilious, antiseptic, bitter, brain tonic, cardiotonic, carminative in flatulence, colic and obstinate vomiting. It is also regarded as an antibacterial, aromatic, blood purifier, cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, refrigerant, stimulant, stomachic and when applied externally, it removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect. Strengthens the heart and is useful in palpitation and syncope.
This herb is well known in Ayurveda for its effectiveness in combating stress and prevents insomnia. It is also considered as the divine• plant in Ayurveda and is used as an air purifier. It also helps in enhancing memory and treating mental instability. Jatamansi is an effective antispasmodic, digestive stimulant, diuretic, treats nervous disorders, relieves flatulence and is a deobstruent. The other diseases in which the use of Jatamansi medications has been effective are epilepsy, gastric disorders, heart palpitations, jaundice, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, typhoid and seminal debility.
Kutki is known for its Hepatoprotective properties, even in small doses it helps to care various conditions like Lack of Appetite, Jaundice, Bile disorders etc. As Kutki helps to clear away the excessive fat deposits in liver, it helps in regulating and maintains the normal functions of the Liver. Kutki have even proven to reverse the Hepatotoxic effect of drugs like Paracetamol. Kutki is best known herb for the treatment of Cirrhosis of Liver. A teaspoon powder of Kutki mixed with an equal amount of honey is administered thrice daily, as it helps to produce more bile. It is even known for curing Acute Viral Hepatitis.
Aphrodasiac, tonic, pain reliever and used to cure general debility and impotency. Its powder increases lactation in feeding mothers and lactating cows. It is being increasingly used in Ayurvedic and Pharmaceutical Industries. Used as a Curative for Natal and Post-natal problems. Also used as remedy for diabetes and arthritis.
Jeera is Indian Spice as well as ayurvedic medicine used for several diseases of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and reproductive system. In ayurvedic medicine, it is used because of its carminative, antispasmodic, digestive stimulant, antacid, astringent, anodyne, diuretic actions. It can help to treat acid peptic disorders, flatulence, abdominal distension, intestinal gas, worm infestation, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, irritable bowel syndrome etc.
Cloves (lavang) are very useful to control diabetes, fever, cough, cold, vomiting, indigestion, iching, allergy, thirst, headache etc. Its juice clears excess fat which blocks blood flow in nerves. Cloves increase saliva and gastric juices production and helps in better digestion. Cloves contain manganese which is essential for enzymes secretion, metabolism, stronger bones and proper absorption of vitamins.
Amchur has high iron content, so pregnant women and people suffering from anemia are advised to consume it regularly. It combats acidity and improves digestion. Mangoes contain phenols, phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. It is a fair source of Vitamin A and Vitamin E which helps hormonal system function efficiently. Vitamin A and vitamin E are required for healthy skin and eyes.
The seeds contain kaempferol, a flavonoid known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to help in repairing aging gum tissue. The astringent properties of lotus seeds make them beneficial for the kidneys. They help to regulate the energy levels of the body. Some studies indicate that lotus seeds may be used to treat various sexual conditions. Lotus seeds are used in Chinese medicine to relieve the problem of diarrhea. They are also used to improve the health of the spleen. Traditionally, lotus seeds were used to treat people with sleeping disorders such as insomnia.
Shikakai is a prickly bush or climber and grows in tropical forests of India. Its fruits are very well known for use as natural hair shampoo. Shikakai is also used in traditional medicine to treat jaundice, constipation and skin problems. Its leaves, pods has astringent action and useful in treating cuts, wounds and oral problems. Its pods decoction is prepared and used for washing and cleaning of wound for quick healing.
Jaiphal is an aphrodisiac, digestive tonic, very useful even with external application in case of headache, useful in cough, cold, asthma and more. It helps reduce convulsions, pain and inflammation because of its hot potency. It also help clears the respiratory passage and normalizes the digestive system. Jaiphal is recommended in dental problems. Routine teeth cleansing with Jaiphal powder benefits a lot in a lot dental and gum problems.
Ambehaldi is a unique herb having morphological resemblance with ginger but imparts raw mango flavour, hence it is also known as mango ginger. It has high anti oxidant and anti microbial properties. It is used as an appetizer, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, skin disease etc. The wild turmeric is used in skin care as well as in culinary usage.
Various parts of the tree are used for its curative, pesticidal and nutritive properties. Fresh half ripe Bael fruit is mildly astringent and used to cure dysentery, diarrhoea, hepatitis, tuberculosis, dyspepsia and good for heart and brain. Roots have antidiarrhoetic, antidote to snake venom, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The Bael fruit is one of the most nutritious fruits, rich in riboflavin and used for the preparation of a number of products like candy, squash, toffee, slab, pulp powder and nectar. The leaves and seed oil have pesticidal properties.
Mace has long been used to treat digestive woes such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach spasms and gas. A common mixture known to ease indigestion, gas and nausea is a tea made of slippery elm bark, mace and nutmeg which are combined with cream and boiled, then drank when lukewarm.
Borsali seeds are used for strengthening the gum. It is used under the name of Vajradanti, in preparation of various herbal tooth powders along with many other ingredients such as catechu, pomegranate bark etc.
Kokum Butter has excellent emollient properties and very high oxidative stability. These properties help kokum butter make its way into many formulations like lip balms, lotions and soaps. It is a gentle remedy to treat skin infections, dead skin cells, dry skin, stretch marks, sores, stomach ulcers, gastritis, inflammation and constipation.
Bitter gourd is also effective in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema and psoriasis. It also helps in keeping the skin free from blemishes and keeps the skin glowing. Bittergourd has blood purifying properties. As a result, the juice is used in the treatment of blood disorders like blood boils and itching due to blood poisoning. Ayurvedic doctors also prescribe bitter-gourd juice for digestive problems and to boost resistance because it contains cellulose which is a very good source of fiber thus preventing constipation. It also helps in stimulating the secretion of gastric juices.
According to Ayurveda, Dashmool mainly acts on Vata Dosha and reduces its aggravation. It also acts on organs located in Vata locations – Pelvic Colon, Bladder, Pelvis, Kidneys, Bones, Ears and Lower Limbs. Therefore, it reduces constipation, improves the health of intestines, improves urine flow, removes toxins from the kidneys, strengthens bones, improves hearing capabilities and reduces pain occurring in lower limbs (thigh, legs, and feet). The Dashamoola combination also eases in breathing and frequency of cough attacks and breathing troubles, especially that occurring at night.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C,
Packaging Details : RAW FORM: As per packing (Bag / Box).
POWDER FORM: 100 grams, 1 kilogram, 25 kilograms.
Kalijiri is rich in medicinal properties.It has a good anthelmintic property and used for the treatment of various skin infections. It is used traditionally to cure skin diseases, asthma, kidney troubles, cough and to remove blood from liver. it is used in treatment of pain, asthma, gulma, hiccups, fever, cough, parasites, skin diseases, retention of urine, vitiation of blood, wound, eczema, and leucoderma.