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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Terminalia Chebula Harad Seeds, Gymnema Sylvestre (Gudmar Patti), Hemidesmus Indicus (Anantmool), Lepidium Sativum (Aserio) and Mucuna Pruriens (Kaunch Beej).
In Ayurveda it is described as “madhumeh har” means destroyer of madumeh (diabetes). It is well known for its anti diabetic, anti-sweetener and anti inflammatory activity. It helps removes sugar from pancreas, restores pancreatic function; it is also known to be useful for the treatment of swollen glands, cough, and fever. It is bitter in taste, and is also useful in ailments of urinary, circulatory, digestive systems like stomachache, colic pain, and constipation, renal and visceral calculi. It can also be used as liver tonic emetic, diuretic, antihelmenthics, laxative, cardiotonic, expectorant, antipyretic and uterine tonic.
Anantmool nourishes and nurtures the whole digestive system. It alleviates loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery. It is also good for the respiratory system; it alleviates cough and respiratory distress. It detoxifies the body and improves skin complexion. Anantmool pacifies the fire component of body and benefits in bleeding disorders. As Anantmool corrects the digestive system and removes toxins; it is very useful in metabolic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. It also works well in fever and alleviates the burning sensation. It is also a good blood purifier. It benefits in all diseases which originate from aggravation of Pitta and Blood.
Ahaleeva is a very effective herb for increasing Height in children and teenagers. Ahaleeva has an exceptionally high nutritive value which facilitates the growth of bones and muscles. It has also been seen that Ahaleeva enhances production of Growth Hormone in the body. Other than height benefits Ahaleeva also relieves joint pains.
The beans of Mucuna pruriens is being also used on sportspersons to increase their muscle mass. These seeds also help in improving the memory power and help to gain weight which is lost due to excessive exercise. Mucuna pruriens seeds for treating intestinal gas, diarrhea, cough, rheumatic disorder, muscular pain, diabetes, menstrual pain and tuberculosis.
Its uses in modern Ayurvedic medicine are primarily for treating fevers and digestive system disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion, etc.). It is also known as an emenagogue (treats delayed menstruation) and an analgesic useful for dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Cyperus is considered a diuretic, but it must be combined with other diuretics to yield a desired result in treating urinary disorders. It is classified as being bitter and astringent, light and dry, cold, pungent (aromatic), and pacifying kapha and pitta. Cyperus is an ingredient in popular Ayurvedic formulas such as the herbal honey Chyawanprash, and the women's blood tonic and uterine regulating formula Ashokarishta. It may also be used as a single herb remedy for obesity, digestive problems, and fevers.
Brahmi, in Ayurveda, is known as a brain tonic and may actually work on the brain through its effect on the gut microbiology. Recent studies suggest that Brahmi supports healthy skin, lymph, and circulatory functions. In particular, Brahmi seems to balance the inner skin that lines the digestive tract where healthy skin supports healthy microbes; these make neurotransmitters that support healthy and stable mood and cognitive function.
It is used for a variety of purposes, from washing clothes to making ornaments shine. Many of us are well aware of the benefits of soapnuts for the hair. However, their benefits aren’t restricted to just hair. These nuts are amazing for our health and skin as well and have multiple uses.
The plant has many medicinal properties. The leaves are a nervine tonic and also sharpen memory. The leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. Basil leaves are regarded as an adaptogen or anti-stress agent. During the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent, tender leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive against these diseases. In case of acute fevers, a decoction of the leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature.
Chaksine is found to be antibacterial. It stimulates contraction of plain muscles like uterus, intestine, bladder and muscles in the blood vessels. Chaksine has ganglion blocking property. Used externally as a paste or collyrium in eye diseases like conjunctivitis, trachoma, Chronic dacryocystitis. Also used as paste for wound healing, skin diseases like Ringworm, and Used internally in the form of kashaya to stop internal bleeding.
The Ayurveda preparations of this herb are used in the treatment of several health conditions. The major uses can be classified as Respiratory Problems, Digestive Problems, Reproductive Problems, Urinary problems, Skin Problems. In addition to such specific medicinal uses, Black Musli is also used as a general systemic health enhancer (rasayana). It strengthens the body and boosts immunity levels.
Manjishtha or majith is nourishing, regulates menstruation, pacifies edema, skin diseases, heals abscess, useful in contraction of uterus. Manjishtha acts on brain and tissues of bone marrow. Low dose makes the mind calm while its use in excess causes abnormality in brain. It helps to make smooth flow of menstrual blood. It makes complexion of skin clear. Decoction of manjishtha is useful for women after delivery. Its role in curing various skin diseases is well known. It acts as blood purifier. Manjistha is used with laxative for promoting skin complexion. Ancient texts hold its utility in snakes and scorpion poison.
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, has a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to fight against cancer and diabetes, as well as reduce inflammation, arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism. Furthermore, it boosts your supply of antioxidants and regulates the immune system. It also has antibacterial and anticonvulsant properties.
Vavding is invigorating herb improves the activity of digestive enzymes that ensure proper processing of food and metabolic waste products. Vavding stimulates fat metabolism while serving as a mild laxative. Together these actions help regulate and reduce weight without causing fatigue. Vavding Seed is alterative, Anthelmintic, Carminative and Stimulant. It is a good remedy for abdominal disorders and constipation.
Kantkari is used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani to treat variety of diseases. It is useful in treating worms, cough, hoarseness of voice, fever, painful urination, enlargement of the liver, muscular pain, and stone in the urinary bladder. In migraine, asthma and headache, leaves juice of kantari is administered through nasal. The paste of whole plant is applied on swollen and painful joints in arthritis. This gives relief in the swelling and pain.
Cinnamon is used as a spice and aromatic. Traditionally, the bark or oil has been used to combat microorganisms, diarrhea, and other GI disorders, and dysmenorrhea, although there is limited data to support these uses. Evidence is lacking to support the use of cinnamon in the management of diabetes. Research has focused on anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity.
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Gokhru is used to treat various clinical conditions like sexual weakness in men, kidney dysfunction, urine problem, dysuria, Leucorrhoea (Shveta Pradar) etc. It helps in breaking and elimination of kidney stonefrom body. It also prevents recurrent stone formation. Gokhru also increases hormones secretion in body. It supports testosterone production and muscles building.
Akarkara is a folk medicine for treating toothache, dental cavities, looseness of teeth, pyorrhea, sore throat, rheumatic pain, facial paralysis, epilepsy, neurasthenia, insanity, flaccidity of tongue, stammering and chronic cough. In Unani, the roots are used as nervine and sex tonic. Chewing of the roots is believed to purge brain of phlegmatic humors which in turn gives relief in pain in the head and teeth.
Sarpagandha is mainly antihypertensive, sedative, antianxiety, antipsychotic and hypnotic. In addition to these properties, it is also known for anti-proliferative, anti-diuretic, antifungal, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory activities.
Daruhaldi is considered as one of the best Ayurveda herb which helps correct metabolism, improve the liver function and nourish the skin. It supports healthy liver functions, thus may help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.