Atenolol is utilized with or without different drugs to treat hypertension. Bringing down hypertension helps counteract strokes, heart assaults, and kidney issues. This solution is additionally used to treat midsection torment (angina) and to enhance survival after a heart attack.atenolol fits in with a class of medications known as beta blockers. It works by obstructing the activity of certain regular chemicals in your body, for example, epinephrine, on the heart and veins. This impact brings down the heart rate, pulse, and strain on the heart.other This area holds employments of this medication that are not recorded in the endorsed proficient marking for the medication however that may be recommended by your social insurance proficient. Utilize this medication for a condition that is recorded in this area just in the event that it has been so recommended by your medicinal services professional.this pharmaceutical may likewise be utilized to treat unpredictable pulse, heart disappointment, liquor withdrawal indications, and to avert headache cerebral pains