Our Products
We offer the best product range of electronics lab equipment, Physics Lab Equipment, Shadow Effect Maltese Cross, Mechanical Effect Cathode Rays and Magdeburg Hemispheres.
Shadow Effect Maltese Cross An object (star) obstructing the path of cathode rays casts is shadow on the fluorescent painted wall facing cathode rays.
Mechanical Effect Cathode Rays exert a pushing effect on object it falls on, is shown by the rotating vanes by the force extended by cathode rays.
Material Kit Solids Consists of two each of the seventeen blocks as follows: Blocks, 50x40x30mm, softwood, hardwood, paraffin wax, aluminium, iron & Polystyrene. Blocks, 20x20x100 mm Perspex, glass, slate, aluminium, softwood, marble. Blocks, lead 50x50x20mm, aluminium 50x50x80mm, hardwood 50x50x200mm, brass 20x20x50mm, iron 40x40x20mm.
Comprising two iron casted stand of 180mm height joined by two chrome plated rods, with an expansion rod, length 380mm, fixed on one stand & resting on a Friction pointer placed at the other. With graduated scale 0-90 with 3 expansion bars of Iron, Aluminium, & Brass.
Morse Key Mounted on wood base, with adjustable pivots, variable spring tension & variable movement. Three terminal posts are incorporated for make or break operation.
Wave Form Helix Slinky For demonstrating wave motion. Helical coil of flat section tempered steel wire.
Newtons Colour Disc Comprising a multi-coloured disc 200mm diameter mounted on a metal stand & driven by hand.
Demonstrates that a body immersed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. A close fitting metal cup and cylinder whose volumes are equal.
Cartesian Diver To demonstrate floating, suspension, & sinking in accordance with Archimedes's principle. Made of glass and approx. 35mm long.
Electrical Lab Trainers & Equipments Comprise Of The Following Training Panel Boards & Kits: - Electrical Machine Trainer (Complete Setup).- Panel for Measurement of Power in Three Phase Circuit by Three Wattmeter Method. (Complete Set-up).- Measurement of Power in 3 Phase Circuit by Two Wattmeter Method (Complete Set-up).- Measurement of efficiency of Single Phase Transformer (Direct Loading) (Complete Set-up).- Determination of Parameter and Losses in a Single Phase Transformer by OC and SC Test (Complete Set-up).- Study of Single Phase Energy Meter (Complete Set-up).- Earth Resistance by Fall of Potential Method (Complete Setup).- Calibration of Wattmeter by DC Potentiometer (Complete Setup).- Calibration of Voltmeter & Ammeter by DC Potentiometer (Complete Setup).- Starting and Reversing of DC Shunt Motor (Complete Set-up).- Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor By Voltage Control Method (Complete).- Parallel Operation Single Phase Transformer (Complete Set-up).- Voltage Relationship of Three Phase Transformer in Various Connections (Complete Set-up).- Speed Control of D.C. Shunt Motor (By Armature and Field Current Control Method) (Complete Set-up).- Load Test of DC Shunt Motor (Complete Set-up).- To Plot Magnetizing Curve of a DC Series Generator (Complete Set-up).- Angular Displacement Measurment of Synchronous Motor (Complete Set-up).- Measurement of Power & Power Factor in Single Phase Circuit (Complete).- Measurement of Power in 3 Phase Circuit by CT, PT & 3 Phase Wattmeter (Complete Set-up).- Panel for Load Test of DC Series Motor (Complete Set-up).- To Connect, Start & Reverse the Direction of Rotation of a 3 Phase Induction Motor (Complete Set-up).- To Perform the Block Rotar Test of 3 Phase Induction Motor (Complete).