Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Human Ear Model, Human Pelvis Baby Showing engagement model, Human Lower Jaw With Teeth, Period Of Gestetion and Human Liver.
Human Ear Three times enlarged, dissectible into 3 parts, mounted on board showing external, middle and internal portions. Osciles and fabyrinth can be taken out. All parts clearly numbered and may be identified with the attached key card.
Human Pelvis With Baby Showing engagement of child's head in vertical section of abdomen with pregnant uterus in the 9th month, child could be taken out in order to show the exact position of placentas with its blood vessels. Mounted on base with key card.
Human Lower Jaw With Teeth Greatly enlarged, internal wall is removed to show the incisors, milk canine, milk premolars, molars. Permanent premolars in full view as also the arteries, veins and nerves serving them on a large size board. All parts are clearly numbered and identified with the attached key card.
Period Of Gestetion A set of nine models, most accurate, mounted on stand, consists of the following stages: 1. An embryo about 6 days old, considerably enlarged. 2. Uterus with the embryo in the 1st month, of gestation. 3. Uterus with the embryo in the 3rd month, of gestation. 4. Uterus with foetus in 4th and 5th month. 5. Uterus with foetus, placenta and umbilical cord. 6: Uterus with foetus in 5th month. 7. Uterus with foetus in the 7th month of pregnancy. 8. Uterus with foetus in the 8th month of pregnancy. 9. Uterus with foetus in the 9th month of pregnancy.
Human Liver With gall bladder showing all structures and lobes clearly. All parts numbered and identified with the attached key card, mounted on stand.
Natural size, nine parts, mounted on wooden base, without sterna-abdominal wall but with ribs, sternum, clavicle with their attachments. Thoracic and abdominal organs detachable individually, lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, Heart further sectioned in two parts for details. Half of skull cap removed and Brain can be taken out, exposes the interior of the skull, Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region, Sexless.
A model showing various positions of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Internal wall is removed to show the incisors, permanent canine, milk premolars, and permanent incisors in full view and also the arteries, veins and nerves serving them. Complete model mounted on a base with key card.
This is a highly improved and enlarged model sculptured to illustrate fine details in three dimensional relief presenting many features not found in ordinary models. The model is cut into horizontal plans and separable into 7 parts. All important anatomical features such as muscle insertions, optic nerve, blood vessels, ciliary's body, cornea, crystalline lens and iris etc. 5 times enlarged mounted on base.
Steel, white enamelled inside and outside rectangular with flanged edge. Complete with wax. The dish bottom size 300 x 250mm length x width and height 65mm.
Human Spinal Cord Section An enlarge section of Spinal Cord showing complete details is mounted on board.
Human Brain A detailed model of Human brain dissectible into 4 parts, mounted on base to show all the important parts clearly with key card.
Human Eye Bony Orbit It is positioned realistically in the bony orbit, complete with extra ocular muscles and optic nerve. The cutaway portion of sclera shows details of choroids, mounted on board.
Dissectible into 2 parts showing all the important parts, clearly numbered and with attached key card. Mounted on stand.
human-larynx Dissectible into 2 parts showing clearly the arteries, veins, nerves, cartilages, ligaments and attachments of muscles. All parts clearly numbered and identified with the attached key card.
Human Skin Comprehensive model, 300 times enlarged, V.S. showing the three layers, sebaceous and sweet glands, the hair follicles, erector muscles, arteries, nerves and veins etc which are clearly numbered and identified with the attached key card.
Human Skeleton Miniture A miniature model for school to give general idea of the bones. Mounted on stand. Height 325mm approx.
Extra large size & highly detailed model carefully coloured and finished, dissectible into 4 parts showing heart on diaphragm. Complete model of heart is detachable from diaphragm mounted on base.