Our Products
Our Complete range of products are air flow sensor, Optical Sensor for Dissolved Oxygen and Flameproof Temperature Sensor.
Siemens QVM62.1 Air Flow Sensoris utilized to monitor air velocity in ducts.
Mounting flange allows the installer to vary the probe insertion length into the duct space for best control
Mounting flange dampening gasket minimizes vibration
Graduated probe ensures maximum flow accuracy
Flow directional arrow provides for the most accurate reading
Connection cable provides mounting flexibility
Three jumper selectable flow measuring ranges accommodate any application or environment
JUMO ecoLine O-DO - Optical Sensorfor Dissolved Oxygen (DO) serves in as an expansion to existing JUMO frameworks by giving the DO concent. It depends on the visual estimation system (radiance technique). The device is solid, made out of hardened steel, is vigorous, with no requirement for support. It can store the alignment information, making it perfect for dynamic estimating situations, for example, sewage treatment, drinking water control, angle ranches and comparable. It works over an measuring range from 0 to 20 mg/l and temperatures up to 60 C
Flameproof Temperature Sensor AI-RTD-FLP and blast evidence RTD sensors are made of strong kick the bucket cast aluminum head with mineral protection.