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  1. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 31 Products available
  2. Computer Monitor 12 Products available
  3. Calibrators 8 Products available
  4. Data Loggers 8 Products available
  5. Security, Metal & Leak Detectors 7 Products available
  6. Measurement Gauges & Fittings 6 Products available
  7. Transmitter Device 5 Products available
  8. Scanners 5 Products available
  9. Medical Accessories 5 Products available
  10. Sensors 3 Products available
  11. Others Products 49 Products available

Measuring Instruments & Equipment

Our Complete range of products are Environmental Meter, Carbon Monoxide Meter, ABB Flow Meter, Dew Point Transmitter and Hygrometer Dew Point Meter.

Environmental Meter


Data Hold to freeze the displayed value

Records Min/Max readings

Type K input measures temperature to 2372 (1300C)

Utilizes precision photo diode and correction filter for Cosine and color corrected light measurements

Sound Level measurement meets IEC 61672 class 2 using A frequency weighting and fast response time

Defaults to last function when powered off

Auto power off 10 minutes after last key is pressed with disable feature

Low Battery and over range indication.












80 to 5910ft/min




≤3900ft/min: ± 3% F.S., >3900ft/min:± 4% F.S.




0.4 to 30.0m/s




≤20m/s : ± 3% F.S., > 20m/s : ± 4% F.S.




1.4 to 108.0km/h




≤72km/h: ± 3% F.S., >72km/h:± 4% F.S.




0.9 to 67.0mile/h




≤45mile/h: ± 3% F.S.,>45mile/h:± 4% F.S




0.8 to 58.3 knots




≤39 knots: ± 3% F.S.,>39 knots:± 4% F.S.




32 to 122°F




± 2.5°F




0 to 50°C




± 1.2°C


K Type Thermometer:












80 to 5910ft/min




≤3900ft/min: ± 3% F.S., >3900ft/min:± 4% F.S.




0.4 to 30.0m/s




≤20m/s : ± 3% F.S., > 20m/s : ± 4% F.S.




1.4 to 108.0km/h




≤72km/h: ± 3% F.S., >72km/h:± 4% F.S.




0.9 to 67.0mile/h




≤45mile/h: ± 3% F.S.,>45mile/h:± 4% F.S




0.8 to 58.3 knots




≤39 knots: ± 3% F.S.,>39 knots:± 4% F.S.




32 to 122°F




± 2.5°F




0 to 50°C




± 1.2°C




Hygrometer (Humidity/Temperature):












80 to 5910ft/min




≤3900ft/min: ± 3% F.S., >3900ft/min:± 4% F.S.




0.4 to 30.0m/s




≤20m/s : ± 3% F.S., > 20m/s : ± 4% F.S.




1.4 to 108.0km/h




≤72km/h: ± 3% F.S., >72km/h:± 4% F.S.




0.9 to 67.0mile/h




≤45mile/h: ± 3% F.S.,>45mile/h:± 4% F.S




0.8 to 58.3 knots




≤39 knots: ± 3% F.S.,>39 knots:± 4% F.S.




32 to 122°F




± 2.5°F




0 to 50°C




± 1.2°C

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Carbon Monoxide Meter

Extech CO50Carbon Monoxide Meter also features an additional loud audible beeper alarm, electrochemical CO sensor, record/recall Max reading for CO concentration and CO calibration function in fresh air.


At the same time displays Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentration, Air Temperature, and Relative Humidity readings with date (Year, Month, Day) and time

Visibly bright LED demonstrates active monitoring (green) or surpassed CO alarm threshold (red)

Additional loud audible beeper alarm level meets UL 2013 Standard (>85dB @ 3 meters); default alarm threshold at 30ppm (user adjustable)

Designed with Electrochemical Carbon Monoxide sensor

Record/Recall Max reading for CO concentration

CO calibration function in9(Nine) readings with recall function

Complete with Universal AC adapter (100V-240V) and multiple plug types (US, EU, UK, AUS)

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ABB Flow Meter

Electro Magnetic Flow Meter

ABB Electro FEP-300 Magnetic Flow Meter is designed explicitly to meet the increased requirement on advanced flow meters. The specific outline idea offers flexibility, cost-saving activity, and unwavering quality while giving a long administration life and incredibly low help. Mix into ABB resource administration frameworks and utilization of oneself observing and analytic capacities increase the plant accessibility and lessen downtimes. Features of ABB Flow Meter Versatile and basic arrangement

Data stockpiling empowers transmitter trade without the requirement for reconfiguration

Diagnostics for the certified condition like Simplified plant investigating

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Dew Point Transmitter

The measured values for dew point, ice point or ppm volume focus are accessible on a simple 4-20 mA and a computerized Modbus RTU output. Incorporation into the measurement task is improved by the conservative structure and the outstandingly strong hardened steel housing.With a discretionary Modbus to USB converter and the free EEPCS setup programming, the client can modify thetransmitter, set the Modbus parameters and change the scaling of theanalog output.


* Measurement range -60.60 C Td (-76.140 F Td).

* E+E autocalibration Measurement accuracy 2 C (3.6 F).

* Modbus RTU and 4.20 mA output.

* Sturdy and compact stainless steel housing.

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Hygrometer Dew Point Meter

Lutron HD-3008gives exceptional capacities and highlights Large LCD with two display, simple readout Heavy obligation and minimal housing case.easy readout. It is intended for simple do and records maximum and minimum readings with review auto shut off spares battery life Data hold work for solidifying the desired value on display.


Large LCD with two display, easy readout.

Heavy duty & compact housing case, designed for easy carry out & operation.

Records Maximum and Minimum readings with Recall.

Auto shut off saves battery life.

Data hold function for freezing the desired value on display.

RS 232 PC serial interface.

Show the humidity & temperature values on the LCD display at same time.

C, F conversion is selected by push button on front panel easily.

Built-in low battery indicator.

Humidity probe built-in thermistor sensor for temperature measurement, fast response time.

Wide humidity & temp. measuring range.

Separate humidity & temp. probe, easy operation. & remote measurement.

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Dew Point Temperature Transmitter

E+E Compact Dew Point Temperature Transmitter, the center of the transmitter is the solid estimation cell compose HMC01, created by E+E Elektronik in thin-film innovation. An auto calibration method which is coordinated in the gadget and long stretches of involvement in low stickiness alteration make an accuracy of

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Milli Gauss Meter

Lutron GU-3001is a DC/AC milligauss magnetometer.It is a exclusive high sensitivity sensor available for high precision magnetic fields measurement and is widely used in the applications like industrial, mechanical, material, electrical, laboratory field to check the material contains magnetic field value. It can even measure the absolute environment Earths magnetic field as reference.


  • DC and AC magnetic field measurement
  • The meter can detect the magnetic fields as smallas 0.1 milligauss
  • N pole/S pole indicator
  • Separate probe, easy operation and convenientfor remote measurement
  • Zero adjustment button for relative measurement
  • Large S-TN type LCD, high contrast, easy readout
  • Data hold function for freezing the desired valueon display
  • Records Maximum and Minimum readings with Recall
  • RS232/USB computer interface
  • Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possibleaccuracy, provides special functions and features
  • Heavy duty & compact housing with hard carrying casedesigned for easy carry out & operation
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Dissolved Oxygen Detector

Lutron DO-5509 Dissolved Oxygen Detectoris supplied with dissolved oxygen probe is great for biology, chemistry, ecology, or integrated science courses. It can be used to perform a wide variety of experiments to determine changes in dissolved oxygen levels, one of the primary indicators of the quality of an aquatic environment.

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Tds Meter

Lutron YK-2005WAhas an option ofautomatic temperature compensation and real time data logger which records 16, 000 data (year, month, date, hour, minute, second).

Technical Specifications:













0 to 14 PH


0.01 PH


+/- (0.02 PH + 2d)




0 to 1999 mV


1 mV


± (0.5% + 2 d)


Conductivity ( uS, mS )










200 uS


0 to 200.0 uS


0.1 uS




± (2% F.S.+1d)


F.S. - Full scale


2 mS


0.2 to 2.000 mS


0.001 mS


20 mS


2 to 20.00 mS


0.01 mS


200 mS


20 to 200.0 mS


0.1 mS


*Temperature Compensation :  Automatic from 0 to 60 ℃ ( 32 - 140 ℉ ), with      temperature compensation factor variable between 0 to 5.0% per C.


* The accuracy is specified under measurement value ≦ 100 mS.


* mS - milli Simens   * @ 23± 5℃


Oxygen/Dissolved Oxygen












0 to 20.0 mg/L


0.1 mg/L


± 0.4 mg/L




0 to 100.0 %


0.1 % O2


± 0.7% O2


TDS ( Total Dissolved Solids )










200 PPM


0 to 132 PPM


0.1 PPM




± (2% F.S.+1d)


F.S. - Full scale


2,000 PPM


132 to 1,320 PPM




20,000 PPM


1,320 to 13,200 PPM


10 PPM


200,000 PPM


13,200 to 132,000 PPM


100 PPM


*Temperature Compensation :  Automatic from 0 to 60 ℃ ( 32 - 140 ℉ ), with      temperature compensation factor variable between 0 to 5.0% per C.


* The accuracy is specified under measurement value ≦ 66,000 PPM




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Indoor Air Quality Meter

Dwyer AQH-20 Indoor Air Quality Monitoraccompanies extensive illuminated LCD show that exhibits three parameters (Temperature, Humidity and Carbon dioxide)at a similar time. Minimum, most outrageous and ordinary readings are successfully open through the limit gets. By squeezing the hold key, the present characteristics are held so they can be recorded.

Features of Indoor Air Quality Monitor:

All-in-one unit for carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity.

Large illuminated LCD for permeability in dull zones.

User configurable cautions for discernable sign of dangerous conditions.

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Air Particle Counter

Lighthouse Handheld 3016 Air Particle Countersimultaneously 6 molecule sizes. Air Particle Counter show total and differential molecule consider information well as Temperature/Relative Humidity information on the quick and simple to peruse shading contact screen. Air Particle Counter can be utilized as a versatile molecule screen or turn into a piece of a huge office checking and administration framework.

Features of Lighthouse Air Particle Counter:

0.1 CFM stream rate.

Up to 6 channels of synchronous check information.

21 CFR Part 11 consistent secure USB streak exchange.

Extreme life laser diode innovation >20-year MTTF.

3.5 inch shading contact screen show.

High effect infusion shaped plastic.

RS-232 by means of RJ45 to PC or discretionary printer.

3, 000 record information stockpiling.

Reports: FS-209E, ISO-14644-1 and EU GMP Annex 1.

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Sound Level Meter


  • Large LCD display, easy to read.
  • Charateristic of " A " frequency weighting clear read-out even in bright ambient lightnetwork are designed to meet IEC 61672 class 2.
  • Fast time weighting characteristic mode.
  • Build in adj. VR is available for easycalibration.
  • Condenser microphone for high accuracy &long-term stability.
  • Hold function to freeze the display value.
  • Warning indicator for over and under range.
  • LCD display for low power consumption &clear read-out even in bright ambient lightcondition.
  • Used the durable, long-lasting components, including a strong, light weight ABS-plastichousing case.
  • Small and light weight design allow one handoperation.
  • Low battery indicator.
  • High quality with economical cost.
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Lux Meter

HTC LX-101A Lux Meter has LCD show that gives low power utilization while its LSI circuit gives high unwavering quality and toughness. It is smaller, light-weight, and incredible in activity. Separate LIGHT SENSOR enables the client to take estimations at an ideal position with industry leading accuracy.

Features of HTC 101A Lux Meter

Data Hold

Auto Power OFF

Peak Hold(LX-102A)

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Features Heat index Anemometer

  • Built-in multiparameter sensors measure Air Velocity, Heat Index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Humidity, Ambient Temperature, Dew Point, Wet Bulb, Temperature, and Windchill

  • MIn/Max/Average (5sec/10sec/13sec)

  • Data Hold, Auto Power Off with disable

  • Replaceable Mini impeller (vane)

  • Complete with CR2032 battery







Basic Accuracy


Air Velocity




80 to 4920ft/min


0.1ft/min, 1ft/min (>1000ft/min)


±3% FS




0.4 to 25m/s




±3% FS




1.4 to 90.0km/h




±3% FS




0.9 to 55.9mph




±3% FS




0.8 to 48.6 knots


0.1 knots


±3% FS




5 to 122°F (-15 to 50°C)






Relative Humidity


5.0 to 95.0%RH






Wet Bulb


5 to 122°F (-15 to 50°C)




Dew Point


-103 to 122°F (-75 to 50°C)




Heat Index


-31 to 401°F (-35 to 205°C)






-20.2 to 130°F (-29 to 54.5°C)






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Digital Differential Pressure Indicator

Ace AI-DP1 Digital Differential Pressure Indicatoris computerized readout differential weight marker intended for estimating the room weight inside Pharma clean rooms, Hospital activity theaters and Isolation rooms.

Salient Features incorporate Unit Conversion at the press of a key between mm.W.C.& Pascals coordinated ringer alert for set point violation, Offset arrangement to meet Audit prerequisites, simple 4-20mA Output, 42 mm profundity for Clean Room Modular Wall Fitment and RS 485 Modbus correspondence for BMS/SCADA/PLC mix.

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Electromagnetic Flowmeter

TheCET200F Electromagnetic Flowmetercomprises of a sensor and transmitter. The estimating tube is comprised of SS304 material with liner.

Features Electromagnetic Flowmeter

Minimal and secluded plan32 bit LCD with backdrop illumination show4 Key push catchesBidirectional streamTri Functional totalizerProgrammable transfer outputRS 485 Modbus RTU

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Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Lutron DO-5510HA Dissolved Oxygen MeterMeasures Dissolved Oxygen, O2, Temperature and its Microprocessor circuit assures high accuracy and provides special functions and features multi-display, show oxygen & Temp. at the same time.


The polarographic type oxygen probe with an incorporated Temp. sensor, high precision measurement for Dissolved

Heavy duty dissolved oxygen probe, probe head can connect with BOD bottle.

Microprocessor circuit assures high accuracy and provides special functions and features

Multi-display, show oxygen & Temp. at the same time

Use the durable, long-lasting components, including a heavy duty & compact ABS-plastic housing case

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Auto Digital Clamp Meter

Meco 36-Auto Digital Clamp Metermeasures the vector sum of the currents flowing in all the conductors passing through the probe, which depends on the phase relationship of the currents. Only one conductor is normally passed through the probe. In particular if the clamp is closed around a two-conductor cable carrying power to equipment, the same current flows down one conductor and up the other; the meter correctly reads a net current of zero.

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Digital Clamp Meter

A clamp meter estimates the vector total of the streams streaming in every one of the conductors going through the test, which relies upon the stage relationship of the ebbs and flows. Just a single conductor is typically gone through the test. Specifically if the clamp is shut around a two-conductor link conveying capacity to gear, a similar current streams down one conductor and up the other; the meter effectively peruses a net current of zero.


  • 3 Digit with 3999 Max Count Display
  • Auto Range Select
  • " T " Type Input jack
  • " Com " Input jack
  • " T + V " Input Jack
  • Diode Test
  • Continuity Buzzer
  • Data Hold Functions
  • Low Battery Indicator
  • Dual Display With Backlight
  • Certificate: CE Approval, CAT III 1000 V.
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Auto Digital AC Clamp Meter

  • Meco 72T-Auto Digital AC Clamp Meter estimates the vector whole of the streams streaming in every one of the conductors going through the test, which relies upon the stage relationship of the ebbs and flows. Just a single conductor is typically gone through the test. Specifically if the clasp is shut around a two-conductor link conveying capacity to gear, a similar current streams down one conductor and up the other; the meter effectively peruses a net current of zero. Features of Meco 72T-Auto Digital AC Clamp Meter Extremity: Automatic, positive inferred, negative extremity sign. Over range: (OL) or (- OL) is shown. Information Hold Function Capable of being heard Continuity Test Diode Test Functions Low Battery Indications 200 Hrs. Battery Life Capacity BUTTON, HOLD BUTTON, REL BUTTON Sensor: K compose thermocouple. Battery life: 200 hours regular Auto power off
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TRMS Digital AC/DC Clamp Meter

Meco 1008 TRMSDigital AC/DC Clamp Metermeasures the vector sum of the currents flowing in all the conductors passing through the probe, which depends on the phase relationship of the currents. Just a single conductor is regularly gone through the test. Specifically, if the clamp is shut around a two-conductor link conveying capacity to hardware, a similar current streams down one conductor and up the other; the meter effectively peruses a net current of zero.

Features of Meco 1008 TRMS Digital AC/DC Clamp Meter

Genuine RMS
LCD Display with Backlight
Auto Power Off
Low Battery Indications
200 Hrs Battery Life
Estimating Category: CAT IV 600 V.

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Auto Digital AC/DC Clamp Meter

An electrical meter with integralAC current clampis known as a cinch meter, clamp on ammeter or tong analyzer. Aclamp meterestimates the vector whole of the streams streaming in every one of the conductors going through the test, which relies upon the stage relationship of the flows. Just a single conductor is ordinarily gone through the test. Specifically, if the brace is shut around a two-conductor link conveying capacity to gear, similar current streams down one conductor and up the other; the meter accurately peruses a net current of zero

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Light Meter

Use the LM-100 light meter to measure the illumination level in the interior and to switch off or reduce or increase the output level of lighting fixtures. Reduce the energy burden of the building by significantly increasing the efficiency of its lighting system.


  • Measure in Lux or Foot candles, front panel switchable
  • Measuring Range to 200000 Lux or 20000 Foot candles
  • Silicon photodiode sensor and filter
  • Data Hold to freeze reading on the digital display
  • MAX ability to show high readings
  • Includes protective sensor cap
  • Large, 3-1/2 digit display
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Digital Lux Meter

Meco 930P Digital Lux Meter is a light meter or a lux meter which is a used to measure luminescence lux per unit area. In other words, it is a device used to measure the amount of light prevailing in a specific area. Usually, this is used as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye. luminescence is a measure of how much luminous flux is spread over a given area or simply put, the amount of visible light present at a specific place. These meters used to work on the radiometric technology and one of the major disadvantages with these analog meters was that the measurements were usually not accurate therefore the need for digital lux meters required.


Backlit Display
Auto Power Off

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Digital Vacuum Indicator

  • Driven Type Battery Use
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Pen Type Oxygen Detector

Lutron PO2-250pen Type Oxygen Detector Meter looks like a pen, it is very easy to use, easy to carry and measures the oxygen with accuracy.


Galvanic cell type for O2 sensor.

High reliability Oxygen sensor, not be affected byacidic gases like CO2.

Oxygen sensor with temperature compensated.

Data hold, to freeze the desired reading value.

Auto power off saves battery life.

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Flameproof Digital Temperature Indicators

Flameproof Digital Temperature Indicator AI-01-Fmanufactured by Ace Instruments is a state-of-the-art microcontroller based instrument suited for explosion proof environment and for the most critical application of online temperature measurement in pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, bulk drugs, chemicals, warehouses, pharma clean rooms & other applications.

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Flameproof Digital Vacuum Indicators

Flameproof Digital Vacuum Indicatorsare the instrument which finds broad applications in online nonstop vacuum measurement at vacuum pumps, refining sections, reactors, vacuum lines, furnaces and so forth in risky (Ex-proof) territories with instruments housed in flameproof nooks affirmed by Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR), Dhanbad, India, a specialist with global endorsements and procedures. Sensors utilized are in-constructed imported Stainless Steel with S.S. 316 wetted parts and diaphragm with 1/2" BSP Male threading association.

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Digital Oxygen Meter

22,850 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Application Laboratory
  • Warranty 1 year
  • Weight 335 g/0.74 LB
  • Display LCD
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Carbon Dioxide Meter

25,296 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Feature SD Card Real Time Datalogger
  • Data logger SD Real Time Data Logger
  • Range 0 to 6, 000 ppm
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