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  1. Laboratory Apparatus 11 Products available
  2. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 6 Products available
  3. Industrial Machinery 5 Products available
  4. Testing Equipments 5 Products available
  5. Oil Plant And Extraction Machinery

    2 Products available
  6. Measurement Gauges & Fittings

    2 Products available
  7. Compression Testers

    2 Products available
  8. Laboratory Shakers

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  9. Bath Linens

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  10. Others Products 22 Products available

Our Products

Our offered Product range includes brass sieves, LE Chatelier Flask, Aggregate Crushing Value, marshall stability and Reliable Automatic Compensator.

Lab Pan Mixer

A concrete mixer is a device that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete. The mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. Uniform and thoroughly mixed batches can be produced in field or Laboratory. Inevitable for mix design formulation.

General Descriptions & Specifications :
The Concrete mixers are available in two versions for Laboratory or field use. The field models are hand operated. This portable concrete mixer has rubber tiered wheel sand a towing tongue so that it can be towed and moved around by hand. Its rotation is powered by single-phase electric motor or by hand . The lever allows the concrete to be tipped into a wheel-barrow or mixing pan. The driving shaft is mounted on sealed ball bearing. The counter balanced drum swivels and tilt 360 for easy and complete discharge.

General Descriptions & Specifications :
Drum Capacity : 3 cubic feet approximately
Drum material : Cast Iron or mild steel
Mixer Capacity : 2 cubic feet approximately
Drum Rotation : 20-22
Motor Power : 0.5 HP single Phase AC Supply / Hand operation

Optional Accessories :
Wheel Barrow, Mixing Pan, concrete Scoop.

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Vibrating Table

The Vibrating Table produces better concrete Moulds and cylinders by removing entrapped air. It distribute concrete evenly inside the moulds and nearly eliminate the problems of bug holes and air bubbles.

General Descriptions & Specifications :The Vibrating table is entirely constructed of thick steel. The table top is made of thick mild steel plate and has stops along its edges to prevent moulds from walking off the table during operation. A cross arm adjustable on a vertical rod at the centre of the table is provided to hold the moulds while operating the table. The variable pitch pulley arrangement permits the variation of frequency between maximum of 3600 vibrations down to 2600 vibrations per minute. A speed regulation handle is provided for increasing or decreasing the frequency. The vibrator is mounted on cushioned steel vibrating deck. A switch is provided for starting the motor. Operation on 440 V, three phase, A.C. supply.

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Slump Test Apparatus

The oldest, most widely used test for determining workability is Slump Test Apparatus. This test is used to determine the workability of fresh concrete, which would normally be undertaken at the point of delivery to ensure the concrete, is of adequate consistency for placement. The test is applicable to concrete of medium workability.

General Descriptions & Specifications :
The device is a hollow cone-shaped mould. The mold is filled in three layers of each volume. Each layer is rodded with a 16mm steel rod 25 times. The mould is then lifted away and the change in the height of the concrete is measured against the mould. The slump test is a measure of the resistance of concrete to flow under it own weight. The apparatus comprise of a slump cone with handles made of mild steel sheet, a chrome plated steel tamping rod of 16 mm diameter X 600 mm long, rounded off at one end, with a scale marked on it and a steel base plate with a carrying handle.

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Flow Table Hand Operated

The Flow Table consists of a brass table top 250 2.5 mm dia mounted on a rigid stand. The table top is re-enforced with equally disposed ribs and allowed to drop through 12mm by a ground and hardened cam. Complete with mould 100 mm base dia. 70 mm top dia, 50 mm high.

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Concrete Test Hammer

Concrete Test Hammer Often, existing Concrete Test Hammer structures will need to be examined and tested to ensure the concrete remains of adequate strength and durability. Rebound hammer surveys can be conducted to provide a rough estimate of concrete strength, where it is not possible to determine this by more accurate means such as core extraction and testing. The test involves using a special rebound hammer, which measures the recoil of a piston against the concrete surface when a standard force is applied. This recoil can then be correlated app

Long working life
Highly durable
Less maintenance

General Descriptions & Specifications :
The rebound hammer consists of a barrel in which is housed a hammer mass attached to an impact spring which slides on a guide bar. A plunger is attached to the guide bar which is pressed against the surface to be tested. As the piston is pressed against the surface to be tested, on reaching the compressive strength, the hammer mass is released and rebounds to a certain extent, according to the strength of the surface, which is indicated by a rider on a calibrated scale. A lock button fixed on the body of the hammer lock the rider in place and the rider can be reset to zero Position by using the same button. The equivalent compressive strength can be computed from the chart supplied. It is suitable for specimen of compressive strengths 100-700Kg/cm. The instrument, complete with a grinding stone for polishing the test surface, is supplied in carrying case.

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CTM Plate type, Digital operated, double plunger pumpi) 1500 KN capacityii) 2000 KN capacity

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CTM Channel type, Digital + Analogue, Electrically / hand operated, double plunger pump, single pressure gauge.
i) 1500 KN capacity
ii) 2000 KN capacity
iii) 2000 KN Plate model, Digital (Aimil type)

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Brass Sieves

Standard Test Sieves help in ascertaining possible frost action, determining graded, filters, selection of groating materials, designing of Cement and Asphaltic, Concrete mixes etc. Coarse Test Sieves: Diameter 300mm or 450mm. made of G.I sheet frame with joint, fitted With steel perforated square openings.

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Sieve Shaker

This is light, portable but sturdy sieve shaker suitable for bench mounting. The side to side movement to he carrier which can take up to 7 sieves of 15 cm or 20 cm diameter is through a train of gears operated by a hand wheel.

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Electric Sieve Shaker

We bring forth well engineered Gyratory Sieve Shakers that are used in various quality control applications. Our Gyratory Sieve Shaker is driven by H.P. Electric motor through a reduction gear that can carry 6" / 8" /12" /18" Test Sieves with one set of lid and Pan. With the Gyratory motion of the table, there is an upward and downward movement but the movement is inclined to the vertical axis and the direction of inclination changes progressively in the clockwise direction having frequency of about 270 vibration per minutes, with or without timer.

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The core cutter is driven into the soil using the driving hammer. Then the core is dug out, trimmed, weighed, dried and the density and moisture content calculated. Made of steel protected against corrosion. The set includes core cutter, driving dolly and driving rammer. Two versions available: dia. 100x 130 mm high and dia. 150x180 mm core.

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Cone Penetrometer

For determining the liquid limit of soils. This is specially useful to obtain valuable and accurate results for those soils (alluvial) which are sandy and for which the liquid limit falls below 25 or so and plasticity index between 4 and 7, but is also applicable for a wide range of soils. It meets the requirements of IS-2720 Part V and consists of a cone fixed to a bearing rod. A graduated scale is fixed to the bracket. Complete with container.

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Proving Ring

This is for determining the bearing capacity of sub-grade soils or for compaction control and meets the requirement of ASTM D-420. Consists of a sturdy handle under which is fixed a sensitive proving ring. An extension piece is fixed on to the bottom of the proving ring and carries the detachable penetration cone at its tip. Proving ring capacity is 130 kg and the .002 mm dial indicator is provided, indicates the penetration load applied with a sensitivity of approx. 1/2 kg. division. A calibration chart is provided for the proving ring. Instrument is complete in wooden carrying case.

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High Speed Stirrer

Meets the requirements of IS-2720part IV. Electric, high speed, for mechanical determination of sedimentation analysis, comprising of an electric motor, fitted to a stand, with stirring blade, cup and baffle. Supplied complete with cable and plug.

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Proctor Needle

It consist of a body housing a spring plunger calibrated to read 70kg X 1kg and a handle. Long stem, graduated at 12.5 mm interval to indicate to the depth of penetration and for use with needles of larger areas. Small stem, graduated at 12.5 mm intervals, to indicate the depth of penetration and for use with needles of smaller areas. One needle point set comprising one each of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5 and 6 sq cm. cross sectional area. Complete as above in a wooden carrying case.

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Laboratory Hot Plate

Hot plates are laboratory tools used to uniformly heat samples. Hot plates provide less heat, but do so without the danger associated with the open flame and higher temperatures.

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LE Chatelier Flask

To determine the specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the weight of a given volume of material and weight of an equal volume of water. To determine the specific gravity of cement, kerosene which Does not recent with cement is used.

Le Chaterliers flask, weighing balance, kerosene (free from water).Le Chaterliers flask, is made of thin glass having a bulb at the bottom. The capacity of the bulb is nearly 250 ml. The bulb is 7.8 cm in mean diameter. The stem is graduated in millimeters. The zero graduation is at a distance of 8.8 cm from the top of the bulb. At 2 cm from the zero, there is another bulb is of length 3.5cm and capacity 17 ml. At 1 cm from bulb, the stem is marked with 18 ml and is grated up to 24 ml. The portion above 24ml mark is in the form of a funnel of diameter 5cm.

(I) Dry the flask carefully and fill with kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem between zero and 1 ml.
(II) Record the level of the liquid in the flask as initial reading.
(III) Put a weighted quantity of cement (about 60 gm) into the flask so that level of kerosene rise to about 22 ml mark, care being taken to avoid splashing and to see that cement does not adhere to the sides of the above the liquid.
(IV) After putting all the cement to the flask, roll the flask gently in an inclined position to expel air until no further air bubble rise3s to the surface of the liquid.
(V) Note down the new liquid level as final reading.

(I) Weight of cement used =W gm
(ii)Initial reading of flask =V1 ml
(iii)Final reading of flask =V2 ml
(iv)Volume of cement particle= V2-V1 ml
(v)weight of equal of water= ( V2-V1) x specific weight of water.
(vi)Specific gravity of cement = (Weight of cement/ Weight of equal volume of water) = W/(V2-V1)

(I) Duplicate determination of specific gravity should agree within 0.01.
(II) To get more accurate result, the flask should be held in a constant temperature before each reading is taken.
Specific gravity of a sample of cement

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Water Bath

Water baths have uses for different purposes. Water baths are capable of heating cement samples to a desired temperature for as long as required under atmospheric pressure. Water baths also keep pressure cured samples submerged under heated water to prevent drying shrinkage that may induce fractures within the specimen.

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Lab Cement Autoclave

The Autoclave is suitable for conducting accelerated soundness test on cements or the autoclave expansion test requiring constant steam pressure with the correspondent constant pressure. It is consists of a stainless steel cylinder with a welded heat insulated over, mounted on a sturdy supporting frame, enclosed in a heat insulated metal housing, attractively finished. The attached control unit encloses sensitive pressure regulator and pressure gauge, power switches and pilot lights for controlling the electric heating units inside Chamber Dimension-15 cm dia meter x 40.5 cm height suitable for operation on 230 v, 50 Hz, Single phase, A.C. supply. Supplied complete with test bar holder Special rack to hold specimens above water level in the autoclave and in vertical position to expose them in the same manner

a) Made of Stainless Steel Inside
b) Made of Mild Steel Inside

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Vibrating Machine

To meet the high demands of our esteemed clients, we supply a wide collection of Vibration Machines. These vibration machines are put to use for the purpose of preparation of mortar cubes. In addition, this range is very useful for the checking of compressive strength of ordinary and rapid hardening. Moreover, these products come with comprise vibrating frame assembly and an electric motor mounted on a strong base.

Low maintenance
Reliable functioning
High performance

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Wire And Density Basket

For the determination of specific gravity and water absorption Of aggregate. It is made of G.I. wire-mesh approx. 20 cm dia x 20 cm high. Complete with handle.

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Flakiness Gauge

For determination of flakiness index of coarse aggregate, where the size of the coarse aggregate are larger than 6.3mm .

IS : 2386 (Part I) 1963 Method of test for aggregates for concrete (Part I) Particle size and shape.

Thickness gauge
Sieves [63, 50, 40, 31.5, 25, 20, 16, 12.5, 10 & 6.3mm]
Balance [0-10 kg]

Thickness Gauge
Surface dry samples is used for the test. A minimum number of 200 pieces of any specified fraction is required to do the test.

1. The sample is sieved through IS sieve specified in Table shown below.

2. A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction is taken and weighed.
3. In order to separate flaky materials, each fraction is then gauged individually for thickness on a thickness gauge.
4. The total amount of flaky material retained by the thickness gauge is weighed to an accuracy of 0.1% of the weight of sample.

In order to calculate the flakiness index of the entire sample of aggregates, first the weight of each fraction of aggregate passing and retained on the specified set of sieves is noted (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4.etc). Each piece of these are tried to be passed through the slot of the specified thickness of the thickness gauge are found and weighed (y1, y2, y3, y4etc). Then the flakiness index is the total weight of the material retained on the various thickness gauges, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.

Flakiness index is reported in percentage to the nearest whole number

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Elongation Gauge

Elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles whose greatest dimension (length) is greater than one and four-fifth times their mean dimension. It is measured on particles passing through mesh size of 63mm and retained on mesh size of 6.3mm. Determination of elongation index of coarse aggregate is explained below.

Apparatus required:
Apparatus required for elongation index determination tests are balance, elongation gauge (length gauge) and IS sieves of the following mesh sizes 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 31.5mm, 25mm, 20mm, 16mm, 10mm and 6.3mm.

Procedure of the test:
1. Take enough quantity of dry blended sample so that at least 200 pieces of any fraction is present. This is not applicable for the biggest and smallest size.
2. Sieve the blended sample through all the sieves mentioned above starting from the largest sieve i.e. 63mm.
3. Separate all the individual fractions 63mm to 50mm, 50mm to 40mm, 40mm to 25mm, 25mm to 20mm, 20mm to 16mm. 16mm to 12.5mm. 12.5mm to 10mm and 10mm to 6.3mm.
4. Take all the fraction separately, gauge them one by one through the corresponding slot provided in the gauge. Keep the particles retained by the length separately. The aim should be to retain as much as possible to avoid testing bias.
5. Weigh the particles retained on length gauge.
6. Elongation index is the total weight of the material retained on the various length gauges, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.

Elongation index of aggregate in % is calculated as follows:

Where, W1 = weight of particles retained in length gauge (grams). W2 = weight of total sample taken for test (grams).

Reporting of Test Results:
Report the elongation index in percentage rounded off to the nearest whole number. For determination of Elongation index of coarse aggregate as per BS code, look for BS812: Section 105.2

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Aggregate Impact Tester

As per IS: 2386 (IV) 9377. This Apparatus is used to determine aggregate impact value of coarse aggregate. The hammer of the tester fall freely from 380 mm height on coarse aggregate for 15 times/15 sec. the crushed aggregate removed from the cup , then sieved and weighed. The % ratio of the weight passing 2.36mm sieve and weight of oven dried sample is Aggregate Impact value.

Salient Features
Specification :The instrument consists of a circular base with two vertical guides. The hammer of weight 13.75 0.25 kg can be raised to fall freely down the vertical guides. The height of fall can be adjusted through 380 5mm. The hammer is provided with a locking arrangement. The hammer falls freely to the base and is removable for emptying. Supplied complete with metal measures 75mm dia x 50mm high (for specimen preperation) and tamping rod 230mm long x 10mm dia.

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Aggregate Crushing Value

This test helps to determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregates as per IS: 2386 (Part IV) 1963. The apparatus used is Cylindrical measure and plunger, Compression testing machine, IS Sieves of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm

Procedure to determine Aggregate Crushing Value
i) The aggregates passing through 12.5mm and retained on 10mm IS Sieve are oven-dried at a temperature of 100 to 110oC for 3 to 4hrs.
ii) The cylinder of the apparatus is filled in 3 layers, each layer tamped with 25 strokes of a tamping rod.
iii) The weight of aggregates is measured (Weight A).
iv) The surface of the aggregates is then leveled and the plunger inserted. The apparatus is then placed in the compression testing machine and loaded at a uniform rate so as to achieve 40t load in 10 minutes. After this, the load is released.
v) The sample is then sieved through a 2.36mm IS Sieve and the fraction passing through the sieve is weighed (Weight B).
vi) Two tests should be conducted.
Aggregate crushing value = (B/A) x 100%.

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Jaw Crusher

The crusher has manganese steel jaws. The opening of the jaws is adjustable from 20 mm to 6 mm. The capacity is 200 kgs. per hour. The crusher is made of cast steel. The jaws have forward and downward strokes with sufficient rocking action to throw crushed material down to the jaws. A hopper is provided at the top for pouring material. The crusher is supplied complete with 3 h.p. electric motor, triple V-belt pulley drive and mounting frame.

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Bitumen Extractor

The Bitumen Extractor are used for determination of bitumen percentage in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples. The mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifugal action.

General Descriptions & Specifications :
Hand driven:
The Bitumen Extractor comprises of a precision machine rotor bowl and bowl cover housed in a cylindrical aluminum box. A knurled nut is provided to press filter paper disc between the rotor bowl and cover plate and the complete bowl assembly is removable for determination of weight of sample. The bowl assembly is mounted on a vertical shaft, which comes out from a casted housing. The shaft attached to the bowl is rotated manually by a handle. The gears operate in a casted housing in oil bath with splash lubrication. A drain is provided to collect dissolved bitumen coming out from the rotating bowl. The range of speed is 2400 3600 RPM. The bowl capacity is 1.5 Liter

Electric Operated also available.

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Marshall Stability

Marshall Stability Test Apparatus used for the measurement of resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimens of bituminous paving mixtures when tested in a marshal load frame. Test specimens are produced and tested at a speed of 50.8mm/min.The maximum load(stability) and deformation (flow) of the specimen are recorded. Generally the test is applicable to hot mix designs using bitumen and aggregate of maximum size of 25mm. Widely used for designing and evaluating bituminous paving mixes.

Descriptions and Specifications :
Load Frame
A floor standing compression loading frame of 50 KN capacity with motor and worm gear housed within the base unit, producing a platen speed of 50.8mm/min. Limit switches are provided to cut out the platen over run on the downward travel. A handle is provided for manual operation during calibration etc. The load frame is fitted with ON/OFF/Reversing switch and power indicator lamp i Downloadn front. Suitable to work on 230V, 50 Hz, AC single phase.

Marshal Moulds (3 Nos.)
4dia X 3 height specimen moulds, base plates and Extension collar. Manufactured from steel.(6 dia mould can be supplied at extra cost)

Compaction Pedestal
Comprising of a hard wood block with a steel plate, complete with specimen holder, semi circular base and a circular top to hold 4 dia specimen mould in place during compaction of the specimen. (Pedestal to accommodate 6 dia specimen can be supplied at extra cost) Designed for use with the compaction pedestal and mould. The hammer has a falling weight of 4.535 kg and free fall of 457 mm.

Breaking Head Assembly
Consisting of upper and lower cylindrical segments with provision for fixing flow meter. Suitable to take 4 dia specimens. ( Assembly to accommodate 6 dia specimen can be supplied at extra cost)

Specimen Extractor
Consisting of a load transfer bar, pressure plate and steel ball,

Specimen Extractor
Consisting of a load transfer bar, pressure plate and steel ball,

Optional Accessories:
Proving Ring of 30 KN capacity with calibration certificate with traceability
Flow meter Dial Gauge with 0.01mm graduation and 25mm travel
Water bath with Thermostatic or Digital Control with stirrer
Electronic Balance of capacity 5 kg/1gm or 2 kg/0.1 gm or Two Pan Balance with set of weights and analytical weight box
Pair of Asbestos Gloves, Filter Paper ( Pack of 100 ), Misc items: Spatula, Scoop, Mixing Tray, Trowel, light mineral oil and Benzene

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Ductility Test

This Ductility Testing Machine is used for determining the ductility of bituminous materials by measuring the elongation before breaking when two ends of a briquette specimen are pulled apart at a speed of 50mm/min 2.5mm/min at temperature of 270C 0.50C.
General Descriptions & Specifications :General Descripation & SpecificationsStainless steel bathTemperature controller (Thermostatic/Digital)Immersion electric heaterConstant speed Pump cum stirrerCarriage holding up to three standard briquette mouldsElectric motor with gear mechanismStainless steel scale and pointerControl PanelThe apparatus consists of water bath with a thermostatic heater and a circulating pump to maintain uniform water temperature. One half of the briquette moulds is fixed in a fixed plate in the water bath, the other half of the briquette mould is fixed to a carrier which slides over a rotating threaded shaft with a clutch. The motor and gears to rotate the shaft are housed in a cabinet fixed above the other end of the both. A pointer fixed to the carrier moves over. a scale graduated from 0-110 cm x 1mm fixed on the bath with "0" (Zero) of the scale towards the fixed plates side. The rotating shaft has 2 speeds of travel for the bracket, 5 cm/min. and 1cm/min. selected by a clutch. Water bath inside is of Stainless steel with insulation and a water drain. A heater with thermostatic control is fitted. inside the water bath. Control switches for motor, stirrer, heater and indicator lamps are fitted to a control panel located at a convenient place on the water bath. Complete with three briquette moulds and one base plate. Working on 230 Volts, single phase, 50 cycles, AC.
Optional Accessories :Digital Temperature indicator cum controller (in place of Thermostatic control)Digital display for ElongationThe more advanced model with refrigeration system which ensures better temperature control in tropical conditions. The Machine is mounted on a steel stand with refrigeration unit at its baseBase Plate for mould.Mould for elastic recovery.

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Reliable Automatic Compensator

Description Features & Specification For Auto Level Sokkia B-40 Precise, Reliable Automatic Compensator
The B series levels incorporate the most precise and reliable compensator available in the market today. The technological superiority of the Sokkia automatic levels has been proven since the release of the best-selling B2 model in 1963. Four super-high-tensile suspension wires and magnetic damping system ensure accuracy and stability even when exposed to temperature changes, vibrations, or shock.

Superior Telescope
Optimally designed telescope provides exceptionally bright and sharp view that reduces operator's eye strain. Ultra-short focus distance of 20cm (7.9in.) from end of telescope makes it easiest to use in confined locations.

Quick Collimation
Two knobs of endless horizontal motion drives can be operated with either hand for fast and easy aiming.

Horizontal Angle Measurement
Horizontal angles can be read in 1 or 1 gon units. Freely rotatable circle allows any angle reading from zero. Right angles can be quickly set for layout and alignment tasks. The readout window is conveniently located on the instrument base - directly below the eyepiece.

The stadia lines on the reticule allow distance measurements. Simply multiply the staff length between the top and bottom stadia lines by 100.

Easy to Adjust
Reticule adjustment is made with one screw. Circular levels vial is adjusted with two screws. Both adjustments are simple and fast with provided tools.

Standard Equipment
B Series Automatic Level Instrument, Lens Cap, Plumb Bob, Vinyl Rain Cover, Cleaning Cloth, Tool Kit, Operator's Manual, Hard Carrying Case.







215mm (8.64in.)





Objective Aperture

42mm (1.64in.)

36mm (1.42in.)

32mm (1.26in.)

Resolving Power




Field of View (at 100mtr/ 230mtr)

1°20’ (2.3m / 7.5ft.)

1°25’ (2.5m / 8.2ft.)

Minimum Focus

0.2m (7.9in.) from end of telescope
0.3m (1ft.) from instrument center



Reticule Pattern


Cross line

Stadia Constant


Stadia Ratio


Focusing Knob

2- Speed

1- Speed

Sighting Aid

Peep sight

Gun sight

Lens Hood



Accuracy (Standard deviation for 1km double run leveling)

Without Micrometer

0.7mm (0.03in.)

1.5mm (0.06in.)

2.0mm (0.08in.)

With Micrometer

0.5mm (0.02in.)



Pendulum compensator with magnetic damping system

Setting Accuracy



Working Range




Circular Level


10’ / 2mm



Plain mirror



Horizontal Circle


103mm (4.1in.)


1° / 1gon


Horizontal Motion Drive

Clamp less, endless, double- sided knob

Water Resistance

IPx6 (IEC 60529:2001)

Operating Temperature

-20 to _50°C (-4to 122°F)


Width: 130mm (5.12in.) 
Length: 215mm (8.46in.) 
Height: 140mm (5.51in.), 135mm (5.31in.)


1.85kg (4.1Ib.)

1.7kg (3.7Ib.)


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