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Laboratory Apparatus

We offer the best product range of Sand Replacement Apparatus, Direct Shear Apparatus, Field CBR Apparatus, Vane Shear Apparatus and Swell Test Apparatus.

Sand Replacement Apparatus

To determine the field density of soil at a given location by sand replacement method

IS-2720-Part-28-Determination of dry density of soils in place, by the sand replacement method

1. Sand pouring cylinder 2. Calibrating can
3. Metal tray with a central hole
4. Dry sand (passing through 600 micron sieve)
5. Balance
6. Moisture content bins
7. Glass plate
8. Metal tray
9. Scraper tool

Determination of field density of cohesion less soil is not possible by core cutter method, because it is not possible to obtain a core sample. In such situation, the sand replacement method is employed to determine the unit weight. In sand replacement method, a small cylindrical pit is excavated and the weight of the soil excavated from the pit is measured. Sand whose density is known is filled into the pit. By measuring the weight of sand required to fill the pit and knowing its density the volume of pit is calculated. Knowing the weight of soil excavated from the pit and the volume of pit, the density of soil is calculated. Therefore, in this experiment there are two stages, namely
1. Calibration of sand density
2. Measurement of soil density

Sand Replacement Method PROCEDURE

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Direct Shear Apparatus

Same as RSEP-067, but unit is electrically operated to give the following 12 rates of stains of strains 1.25, 0.625, 0.125, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0004 and 0.0002 mm/min. The apparatus is suitable for operation on 230 volts single phase A.C. supply. without dial gauge and proving ring.

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Field CBR Apparatus

U-bracket and swivel head. Penetration piston, 50mm dia threaded at the upper end.Extension rods set consisting of lengths 5cm, 2 lengths 10cm, 1length 30cm, 1 length 50cm, and 1 length 100cm, used as spacers between the proving ring and penetration piston. The lengths are machined from steel tubing. Connector set, has eight connectors for coupling the penetration piston and proving ring assembly either directly or through extension pieces. Dial gauge support of seamless pipe construction. It stands 30cm high and 45cm wide at the base. Provided with a quick release screw type clamp capable of sliding and locking anywhere along 2 meter length of the bridge. Supplied with annular metal weight 5 kg, 250mm dia with 53mm dia central hole, slotted metal weight 5 kg, 215 mm to 250 mm dia with 53mm dia slot, 2 Nos, Slotted metal weight 10 kg 215mm to 250mm dia with 53mm dia slot 2 Nos. Accessories :-Dial gauge 0.01mm x 25mm travel High sensitivity proving ring, cap 5000 kg in a nice case our own calibration.

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Vane Shear Apparatus

Consists of a torque head adjustable in height by means of a lead screw rotated by a drive wheel to enable the vane to be lowered into the specimen. Rotation of the vane is by means of a hand wheel which operates a worm gear arrangement turning the upper end of a calibrated torsion spring. Vane dia, rod dia, vane size & vane height are as per IS specification.

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Swell Test Apparatus

It is designed to determine the swelling pressure developed by a soil specimen moulded to desired densities at known moisture contents, when soaked in water. The load applied to restrain the swelling is transfered to a load measuring proving ring through a perforated swell plate and a load transitor bar. The proving ring is attached to the lead screw of load frame, hand operated, designed for the purpose. The load frame has a worm gear arrangement for initial setting and for subsequent volume change compensation. A soakingtank is provided for saturating the specimen and the base of the mould has channeis and radial grooves with connecting holes.

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Plate Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus

Unit consists of Steel Bearing Plates 25 mm thick of 75, 60, 45 and 30 cm dia Plain and Chequrred. Bridge support complete with two dial guage clamps.Hydraulic Jack 50/ tonnes capacity complete with 2 meter steel pipe connection with separate pump and pressure guage.Ball and socket for the jack.Load Truss complete with four soil anchors and working collors. Capacity 20 and 30 ton.Dial guage .01 mm least count.

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Blain Air Permeability Apparatus

The apparatus is used for determining the fineness of cement in terms of specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimeters per gram of cement. This is a variable flow type air permeability.

Salient Features
Specifications : The apparatus consists one each of permeability cell 12.5mm I.D., Manometer 'U' type mounted on stand with a built in stop cock, Perforated disc, Plunger Rubber stopper, Rubber tube 30cm long. Packet of 12 filter paper discs and a bottle of 100cc dibutyiphthalate liquid.

Spares and Accessories: Punch to cut filter paper discs. Non-perforated disc. Suction bulb

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Jolting Apparatus

For molding of three standard square sectioned specimens of 40 mm x 40 mm x 160 mm size of Portland and pozzolana cement mortar for the determination of transverse strength.

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Vicat Needle Apparatus

Consists of a metallic frame bearing a movable rod with cap at one end a vicat mould 70mm in dia at the base, 50mm at the top and 40mm high andwith a glass base plate consistency plunger intial and final needless in a nice Jewellary case.

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Vicat Apparatus

Used to determine the amount of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency and the setting time. The time it takes for a cement to stiffen to a standard value after addition of water is commonly known as the set time. The test involves mixing cement with water and then measuring its resistance to penetration of a standard probe at varying intervals of time, until a certain value is reached.

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Ring & Ball Apparatus

General Description & Specification:
Hand Operated
Electrically Operated

Hand Opertaed:
Also called Softening Point Apparatus. This apparatus is meant for determination of softening point of bituminous materials according to IP 58 and IS 1205. Softening point is that temperature at which the specimen under test becomes soft enough to allow a steel ball of specific dimension to fall a required distance under test condition. The apparatus consists of Glass beaker of heat resistant glass having internal diameter of 8.5 cm X 12 cm depth (approximately), two steel balls each of 9.5mm diameter, two tapered brass rings, two ball guides, ring stand and a hand stirrer.

Electrically Opertaed:
Same as above but Electrically Operated.
(without thermometer) complete with one 1000 mililiter flask and one 100 mililiter crow receiver.
Stainless Steel Scoop

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