We are offering one touch vision inspection system. onetouch-lvlarge view digital metrology station for small part quick measurement 40 mm x 30 mm fov2048 x 1536 image resolutionpush button to start measurementauto part matching for alignment and skewmaster part image comparisoncomparator type direct crosshair measurementall in one, small footprint main dmp-3000 features support firewire, cameralink, usb2 and other digital camera interface or frame grab- ber for live image display, measurement and annotation. up to three axes display and measurement. stage mapping. advanced edge detection for sub-pixel accu- rate measurement. cad import and export. easy dimensional measurement with cad- like graphics. supports inch, millimeter, mil and micron units, cartesian and polar coordinates. datum reference frame for alignment and tolerance. user-defined measurement calculations and functions. up to 32000 points per feature. save, open, run and edit part program capa- bility. group editing. real-time linked to other applications, such as spreadsheets, spc and best-fit. custom report. flexible data format for post processing. color or monochrome images acquisition, archiving and retrieval. image annotation and comparison. international language support. on-line help. features and functionsfilenewopensavesave aspropertiesrunrun steprun repeatimportset originexportrecent filesexit outputformatdde linksave resultsprint resultssend resultsedge pointsresult buffers helphelpabout toolfindteachcopytestupdateeditcrosshair tooledge toolcircle toolarc toollinewidth toolellipse toolarea toolcross targetrectangle target featuretoolrelative toolpointlinearccircleuser featuregauge ballgauge diameter measureeditdistancecirclelinewidthangleareapositioncircularityconcentricitystraightnessangularityparallelismperpendicularitysizestatisticscreate result bufferadd result bufferclear result buffer auxiliarycommentpromptcalibrate xcalibrate yset calibrationcamera videolive imagecaptureopen imageimport imagehistogrampixelenlargemaximizereferenceoverlaysubtractblinkcomparecopy imagesave imageprint setupprint previewprint setupsystem setuplock tool xlock tool ycalibrationchange passwordrestore passwordhomeconstructionzeroframeoffsetprojectmirrorrotateparallelintersectbisectperpendicularcreate variablemath viewzoom inzoom outzoom windowzoom allzoom vievshow drawingbarshow annotationshift graphicsrotate graphics editsetupmodifyinsertdeleteselect allremove lastrenameprintcancelduplicationset break pointclear break point annotationcolorline widthtextlinearrowcirclerectangleellipsepolygoncurveruler