Features7 stage purification processUltraviolet disinfectionWater storage capacity of 12 litresFilter change indication for safe healthAlkalineDescriptionDrinking water is a basic human need, but drinking clean water offered from public services (borewells, tankers) is becoming risky with each passing day. Drinking contaminated water isnt just unhygienic, it is dangerous. Every year millions of people die of waterborne diseases. To get rid of these deadly diseases, it is imperative to install the best water purifier in terms of quality and price. Install RO water purifier: Drinkpure SAPPHIRE with RO + UV +Alkaline. This latest water purifier uses an advanced 7-stage purification process for purifying water of deadly contaminants.The product dimensions of this innovative product are 380 x 235 x 520. It is integrated with a storage tank of 12 litre capacity.Explained below are the seven purification stages used by the system:1st Stage Pre Filter cum Antiscalant :- It is the initial stage to removes coarse particles from the source water. Antiscalant help to convert hard water to soft water.2nd Stage Sediment Filter:- Sediment Filter removes sand silt, rust and scale particles from water.3rd Stage Activated Carbon Filter:- It absorbs chemical impurity and odour smell from the water.4th Stage Reverse Osmosis (RO) Anti Bacterial Membrane:- Anti Bacterial Reverse Osmosis passed the water at high pressure and removes bacteria, virus, protozoa and protects you from microbiological threats. It act as barrier for such impurities, which passes from earlier stage.5th Stage Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Column:- It disinfected the water from microbiological threats and make safe to consume water.6th Stage Ultra Filtration (UF):-Ultra filtration is barrier for microbiological threats which minutely passes from UV create double protection for consuming safe water.