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Herbal Medicines #240881


The heart is the key organ in the circulatory system. Its main function is to propel blood throughout the body. If heart is unable to pump the blood properly, it may cause severe illness including cardiovascular problems heart attack etc. CardiHealth syrup is a tonic to heart and circulatory system. It nourishes the heart muscles and helps in vasoconstriction and vasodilation, which helps in proper functioning of circulatory system.

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Indications :

  • Heart tonic
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Patients with cardiac risk factors

Packing :A pack of 500 ml syrup in plastic PET bottle.Directions for use or Dosage :10ml in the morning empty stomach and 10ml in the evening after meals or as directed by the physician.Therapeutic Ingredients :
1. ArjunBotanical Name :
Terminalia arjuna;English Name :Arjun Tree
Action :Arjun is used traditionally for the preparation of many ayurvedic remedies for the diseases of heart. It nourishes the heart muscles and helps in vasoconstriction and vasodilation, which helps in proper functioning of circulatory system. The bark contains glycosides which possess tonic effect to heart functioning. It is also high in Co-enzyme Q-10, which improves heart functioning and is said to lower blood pressure. It also helps in decreasing angina attacks. Arjun enhances prostaglandins and lowers risk of coronary heart trouble.

2. LahsunBotanical Name :Allium sativum;English Name :Garlic
Action :Lahsun is a herb that has been used both as a food and medicine for many centuries. It is frequently used for the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases including high cholesterol, heart diseases and hypertension. The cholesterol-lowering effects of garlic have been examined in a number of clinical trials for hypercholesterolemia, CHD, diabetes and other CVDs. Garlic also lowers blood pressure levels. Garlic acts as an anticoagulant, thus thinning the blood and protecting from strokes and heart attacks.

3. DadamBotanical Name :Punica granatum;English Name :Pomegranate
Action :Dadam has been used in several systems of medicine for a variety of ailments. It possesses blood purifying and cardio-tonic properties, maintaining overall heart health. It is beneficial in cardiovascular disease. Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants like soluble polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins possessing anti-atherosclerotic properties. In a study, it improved conditions of the patients with myocardial perfusion Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and myocardial ischemia significantly.

4. TulsiBotanical Name :Ocimum sanctum;English Name :Holy Basil
Action :Tulsi is perhaps the most common of all household plants in India. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend Tulsi in several formulations to enhance immunity and metabolic functions. Tulsi has cardiac depressant properties and it acts as a cardiac tonic and purifies blood. It has a positive effect over blood pressure and also it is detoxicant. Apart from these, researches have shown that it is very effective in reducing blood sugar and blood cholesterol.

5. HaridraBotanical Name :Curcuma longa;English Name :Turmeric
Action :Haridra commonly known as Haldi is such an exemplary herb that has a wide array of health benefits. It is one among the cordials herbs that strengthen the heart and the circulatory system. Haridra is beneficial to the heart in many ways including lowering cholesterol. By thinning down blood and clotting, it reduces risk of stroke and heart attack

6. PunarnavaBotanical Name :Boerhavia diffusa;English Name :Common Hogweed
Action :In Ayurveda, Punarnava has been described as Hridya that means cardiac tonic, to be used in various ailments including heart stroke, high cholesterol and lipid levels. Punarnava means to make new again, hence it helps in restoring the vigour & vitality of youth and in delaying the signs of old age. Punarnava has blood cleanser, cardiotonic, diuretic and hypotensive properties and it has multiple benefits in patient with cardiac diseases.

7. AshwagandhaBotanical Name :Withania somnifera;English Name :Indian Ginseng
Action :Ayurvedic practitioners have been using Ashwagandha for thousands of years as a tonic for greater vitality and longevity. It has immunity booster and rejuvenating properties. It has traditionally been used for calming the mind and for relieving weakness. It helps to induce sleep, uplift mood, and reduce anxiety. Clinical studies have confirmed that it successfully decreases blood glucose, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL. It also possesses diuretic effect.

Terminalia arjuna Arjun 200mg
Allium sativum Lahsun 50mg
Punica granatum Dadam 50mg
Ocimum sanctum Tulsi 50mg
Curcuma longa Haridra 50mg
Boerhavia diffusa Punarnava 50mg
Terminalia Ashwagandha 50mg
- Purified Water Q.S.
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Abhumka Herbal Pvt LtdDiabetes Mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form and also a 'lifestyle disease' as it is often triggered by being inactive or carrying excess weight around the abdomen. It tends to run in families and it is not uncommon to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure as well. The synergistic effect of ingredients successfully helps in managing sugar level and diabetes.

Indications :

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Type II Diabetes
  • High blood sugar
  • Anti-hyperglycemic

Packing :A pack of 500 ml syrup in plastic PET bottle.Directions for use or Dosage :10ml in the morning empty stomach and 10ml in the evening after meals or as directed by the physicianStoring :Store in a cool, dark and dry place away from sun light.Quality & Safety :Our all products are manufactured under GMP & ISO 9001:2008 certified facility. Our experts and technical team is bonded to give you quality product. Our all products are absolutely safe with no side effects. They are safe for human consumption.Disclaimer :The information provided here is for information purpose only and it is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical counsel. Always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailment before taking any medication. Let the good health prevail.Therapeutic Ingredients :
1. TajBotanical Name :
Cinnamomum zeylanicum;English Name :Cinnamon
Action :Studies have shown that Taj helps in metabolising sugar better. It enhances the ability of insulin to metabolise glucose thus helps to control blood sugar levels. Taj contains the anti-oxidant glutathione and a type of flavonoid called MHCP (methylhydroxy chalcone polymer). It is believed that Taj makes fat cells much more responsive to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar metabolism and thus controls the level of glucose in the blood.

2. JamunBotanical Name :Eugenia jambolana;English Name :Black Plum
Action :Jamun's ployphenolic compounds are effective against heart diseases, diabetes and various digestive disorders. Jamun has anti-diabetic features. Jamun helps to convert starch into energy and keep blood sugar levels in check. Dried alcoholic extract of the seeds are good to reduce the level of blood sugar. The extract of the bark, seeds and leaves are effective in decreasing of sugar in urine (glycouria). Jamun seeds powder contains jamboline, a type of glucose, which helps to control the conversion of starch into sugar. It was found in a clinical study that serum glucose concentration was significantly decreased with oral administration of Jamun seeds. In addition, it significantly decreased serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and at the same time markedly increased serum insulin and HDL-cholesterol levels.

3. AdrakBotanical Name :Zingiber officinale;English Name :Ginger
Action :Adrak has been used as herbal medicine to treat various ailments worldwide since antiquity. It possesses hypoglycaemic, hypocholesterolaemic and hypolipidaemic potential. Recent evidence revealed the potential of Adrak for treatment of diabetes mellitus. Data of clinical trials have demonstrated the antihyperglycaemic effect of Adrak. The mechanisms underlying these actions are associated with insulin release and action, and improved carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It inhibits enzymes -amylase and -glucosidase in carbohydrate metabolism.

4. LavangBotanical Name :Syzygium aromaticum;English Name :Clove
Action :Lavang and their essential aromatic oil have immense health benefits and therapeutic values. Lavang represents one of the richest source of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate and gallic acid. Aspects of both vascular and neural complications in experimental diabetes are improved by eugenol, which could have potential therapeutic implications for diabetic neuropathy and vasculopathy. Results indicate that Lavang has potential as a functional food ingredient for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

5. VidarikandBotanical Name :Pueraria tuberosa;English Name :Indian Kudzu
Action :Vidarikand is a medicinal plant used in the Indian traditional system of medicine. Hypoglycemic activity was studied in ethyl acetate extracts of the tubers Results show that the ethyl acetate extract exhibited good hypoglycemic effect.

Cinnamomum zeylanicum Taj 200mg
Eugenia jambolana Jamun 100mg
Zingiber officinale Adrak 50mg
Syzygium aromaticum Lavang 50mg
Pueraria tuberosa Vidarikand 50mg
- Purified Water Q.S.
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DENTILE POWDER Herbal Medicine

Oral health also influences the general quality of life and poor oral health is linked to chronic conditions and systemic diseases. Dental diseases are many which decay gums and teeth including pyorrhea, Gingivitis, Dental plaque and Dental caries. The presence of nutrients, epithelial debris and secretions makes mouth a favorable habitat for a great variety of bacteria. Dentite powder is a blend of natural herbs for healthy & strong teeth. Regular use of Dentite prevents tooth decay and bad breath. It also fights bleeding gums, toothache and pyorrhea

Indications :

  • Tooth decay
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Toothache
  • Pyorrhoea
  • Oral health

Directions for use or Dosage :Take a pinch of powder, scoop up with finger or wet tooth brush for one to two minutes, then rinse. For best results, use twice daily.Storing :Store in a cool, dark and dry place away from sun light.Quality & Safety :Our all products are manufactured under GMP & ISO 9001:2008 certified facility. Our experts and technical team is bonded to give you quality product. Our all products are absolutely safe with no side effects. They are safe for human consumption.Disclaimer :The information provided here is for information purpose only and it is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical counsel. Always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailment before taking any medication. Let the good health prevail.Therapeutic Ingredients :
1. LavangBotanical Name :
Syzygium aromaticum;English Name :Clove
Action :Lavang and their essential aromatic oil have immense health benefits and therapeutic values. Cloves occupy an important place, providing health benefits by anagesic, antiinflammatory and dental anesthetic activities. Eugenol, the main constituent of Lavang exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial activities against Gram-positive, Gram-negative and acid-fast bacteria. The use of cloves in relieving toothache is a well known home remedy. It relieves toothache as it possess local anesthetic effect. Further its antimicrobial and antinflammatory activity reduces the infection and related inflammation in the tooth. Clove gives the health benefits of bad breath control and reduction of microbial load in the mouth.

2. KhairBotanical Name :Acacia catechu;English Name :Cutch Tree
Action :Khair is highly valuable for its powerful astringent and antioxidant activities. It is bitter and astringent in taste, pungent in the post digestive effect and has cold potency. It is being used externally as a powder since long past. It improves quality of teeth and arrests the bleeding in gums. It was found to be bactericidal in action against oral bacterial strains and these action may be due to the presence of phytochemical constituents in it.

3. Pudina PhoolBotanical Name :Mentha sylvestris;English Name :Mint
Action :Pudina is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs, and has been used for thousands of years. Menthol is the most important constituent of Pudina, which renders the herb its pharmacological properties. It is frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health. The use of peppermint oil-flavored mouthwash, candy, and gum to improve breath is supported extensively by anecdotal and traditional use for bad breathe.

4. Shuddh SajhikharBotanical Name :Sodium Bi-carbonate;
Action :Overall, brushing with baking soda is believed to enhance dental health. Sodium bicarbonate has been suggested to increase the pH in the oral cavity, potentially neutralizing the harmful effects of bacterial metabolic acids. When baking soda is put into the mouth, the free radicals from the mixture interact with the stain molecules on the teeth enamel and oxidize the yellow and brown stains on the teeth. Thus, baking soda breaks down the discoloration of the teeth, thereby brightening and whitening the teeth. It also removes plaque from the teeth. Plaque removal prevents the teeth from decaying and also freshens the breath. The alkaline baking soda helps to neutralize acidic bacterial wastes.


Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Packing : A pack of 70g powder.

Syzygium aromaticum Lavang 7.5%
Acacia catechu Khair 7.5%
Mentha sylvestris Pudina Phool 3.75%
Sodium Bi-carbonate Shuddh Sajhikhar 15%
- Excipients Q.S.
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Piles or Hemorrhoids has become one of common ailments of digestive system. In Internal piles, discharge of blood is much higher than in external piles. Bleeding, pain and irritation during passing stools are some of the very common symptoms of piles. The main reason of piles is supposed chronic constipation and other bowel disorders. Other causes include standing or sitting consistently for a long time, exhausting exertion, obesity, general weakness, mental stress etc.
Abhumka's NomoPile is 100% herbal and very effective capsule which is based on tribal's traditional knowledge of India.

Indications :

  • Bleeding or non bleeding piles
  • Internal and external hemorrhoids
  • Pain and inflammation of piles

Directions for use or Dosage :Two capsule daily for 10 days early in the morning, empty stomach, with buttermilk, or as directed by the physician.Composition :Each 500mg Capsule ContainsStoring :Store in a cool, dark and dry place away from sun light.Quality & Safety :Our all products are manufactured under GMP & ISO 9001:2008 certified facility. Our experts and technical team is bonded to give you quality product. Our all products are absolutely safe with no side effects. They are safe for human consumption.Disclaimer :The information provided here is for information purpose only and it is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical counsel. Always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailment before taking any medication. Let the good health prevail.Therapeutic Ingredients :
1. SuranaBotanical Name :
Amorphophallus campanulatus;English Name :Elephant Foot Yam
Action :Surana is widely used for the treatment of hemorrhoids and dysentery. It helps to correct hepatic activities and regulates the bowel movements. It reduces pain, itching and bleeding. It is a restorative remedy for dyspepsia, debility, constipation and other bowel disorders. It softens stool and thus, prevents hemorrhoids.

2. VidarikandBotanical Name :Pueraria tuberosa;English Name :Indian Kudzu
Action :Tubers of Vidarikand reduce dryness of the body and ease bowel movement. They are very helpful in relieving constipation. It strengthens body and boosts its immunity. It also acts on the hepato-billiary system and promotes the secretion of bile. This attributes to its property of good digestive. It also smoothens the colon and promotes passage of stools in cases of constipation or hardened stools.

3. GulabashiBotanical Name :Mirabilis jalapa;English Name :Four O'clock Plant
Action :Gulabashi is an ornamental plant which is also used medicinally as well by the indigenous medicine system. It is administered to stop internal hemorrhages. It helps in relieving bowl movement and thus helps in piles. It is also beneficial in diarrhea, dysentery and abdominal colic.

4. AamraBotanical Name :Mangifera indica;English Name :Mango Tree
Action :Aamra is a restorative tonic. The various parts of the plant are used as an antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and laxative. It has the capacity to treat dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhage and piles. It possess anti inflammatory properties that help in curing acute cases of inflammation. It acts as a tonic for digestive organs.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Packing : A pack of 20 capsules of 500 mg in HDPE bottle.

Amorphophallus campanulatus Surana 250mg
Pueraria tuberosa Vidarikand 75mg
Mirabilis jalapa Gulabashi 75mg
Mangifera indica Aamra 50mg
Excipients - Q.S.
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Herbal Medicine For Kidney Stone

Abumka OffersHerbal Medicine for Kidney Stonecalled StonOff. Getbest Kidney Stone MedicineforUrinary StoneorRenal Calculi Stones. If you are looking forAyurvedic Medicine for Pathrithen your search ends here. StonOff reduces all your problems relates toKidney Stone.Abhumka Herbal Pvt Ltdis deeply engrossed in formulizing tribal's traditional herbal knowledge into finished products. Abhumka has now come up with StonOff , capsules to remove stones from Kidney, Urinary Bladder and Urinary Tract. StonOff capsule is long researched secret formula based on Indian tribal's traditional herbal knowledge which is tried, tested and trusted for thousands of years.

In some people, chemicals crystallize in the urine and form the beginning of a kidney stone. These stones are very tiny when they form, smaller than a grain of sand, but gradually can grow over time to 1/10 of an inch or larger. Urolithiasis is the term that refers to the presence of stones in the urinary tract, while nephrolithiasis refers to kidney stones and ureterolithiasis refers to stones lodged in the ureter. The size of the stone doesn't matter as much as where it is located and whether it obstructs or prevents urine from draining.When the stone sits in the kidney, it rarely causes problems, but when it falls into the ureter, it acts like a dam. As the kidney continues to function and make urine, pressure builds up behind the stone and causes the kidney to swell. This pressure is what causes the pain of a kidney stone, but it also helps push the stone along the course of the ureter. When the stone enters the bladder, the obstruction in the ureter is relieved and the symptoms of a kidney stone are resolved.StonOff contains purified extracts of herbs those are used by indigenous tribesmen for removing stones. The synergistic effect of multiple herbs involved in this formulation promotes complete removal of stone from kidney, urinary tract and urinary bladder.Indications

  • Kidney Stone
  • Urinary Tract Stone
  • Urinary Bladder Stone
  • Renal Colic
  • Stranguary/ Painful Urination
  • Crystalluria
  • Post-Lithotripsy Recurrence
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Hyperuricemia
Safety:StonOff capsule is 100% herbal and doesn't contain steroids, hormones or any chemical contents and it is safe for human consumption and modern research has already established the usefulness of these herbs in this disorder.Quality Assurance:Our experts and technical team is bonded to give you quality product. The purity and quality of StonOff is checked and standardized by modern instruments and techniques in every batch.Presentation & Packing: A pack of 60 capsules of 500mg (6 alu-alu blister packs X 10) in a monocarton pack. Not to be sold loose.Directions for use:Two capsules per day for 30 consecutive days. One capsule in the morning (empty stomach) and the other in the evening after dinner or as directed by physician. In case of history of frequent reoccurrence, continue the dose for three months.Storing: Store StonOff in a cool, dark and dry place away from sun light. Keep away from reaching of children.

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