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Horoscope Prediction Services

We offer a complete product range of Competition Reading Astrology Service, Platinum Vedic Readings Astrology Service, Gold Readings Astrology Services, Silver Readings Vedic Astrology Service and Bronze Readings Vedic Astrology Service

Your Subjects For Competition Reading

Here the analysis is carried out in a number of ways. Fore most your mental and analytical capability is read and the Dasha and Gochar you are running. A careful study on the subjects you can master is done. The subjects to be chosen are then told. I will guide you through the most effective Vedic remedial measures which can lessen if not eradicate the problems you are facing or you are suppose to encounter. You will get a step by step remedial methodology which can be adopted by you easily in your daily routine. You will also get your detailed report for the next five years and your detailed birth chart.5100.00 $ 79.69 (Approx.) 60 (Approx.) 65.38 (Approx.)
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Platinum Readings

The platinum reading is a comprehensive reading in which all aspects of life are covered and a predictive chart is for the next ten years is also incorporated with the readings. Apart from this any other question is also suitably answered. The person who opts for these readings is also supported for a month for all the queries which crosses his/her mind in this period. This reading covers all aspects of life, such as:HealthWealthFortunePropertyLove LifeSpouseJobBusinessIncomesLossesEnemyPlace of settlement 21000.00 $ 328.13 (Approx.) 247.06 (Approx.) 269.23 (Approx.)
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Gold Readings

This service 1st offers you about 20-25 minutes direct interaction with Pt Vinay ji & you get readings which cover mostly all aspects of life, such as:HealthWealthFortunePropertyLove LifeSpouseJobBusinessIncomesLossesEnemyPlace of settlement15000.00 $ 234.38 (Approx.) 176.47 (Approx.) 192.31
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Silver Readings

This reading covers the following aspects of life:WealthPropertySpouseJobBusinessIncomesPlace of Settlement11000.00 $ 171.88 (Approx.) 129.41 (Approx.) 141.03 (Approx.)
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Bronze Readings

This reading covers the following aspects of life:JobBusinessIncomesPlace of Settlement5100.00 $ 79.69 (Approx.) 60 (Approx.) 65.38 (Approx.)
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