Welcome to 3d Scanning Technologies
For your kind information please review th below findings Scanning Machine renatl will be calculated from Day to Day basis. For instance: Metra scan 750 & c-track Scanning machine depart from chennai to onsite destination and once the task completed it's have to depart from onsite destination to reached chennai destination. So please kindly adhere to this Rental calculation as per this norms. So we kindly adhere to this Rental will be calculated as per this norms. As we discussed earlier we have shared the quotation for your reference. So please acknowledge and confirm the same. If I can be of any further assistance, please, let me know. Thank you. onsite 2 Man power C track and Metrascan Actually for an onsite project we need 2 mandatory man power to handle Metrascan 750 & c-track. From our side I am the main coordinator to handle the Metrascnner 750. As we discussed earlier you commited a resource to support for this entire project. On the other hand if the man-power is not possible from your end means alternatively 3D Scanning technologies will add an another man-power to handle the c-track in this on-site project. As per the last interaction between us the Main difference between the Metrascan and GOM is mentioned below. For instance GOM will complete the process in 3 days. Metrascan 750 is the solution to complete the process with in a day. from your side we need another resource to completely support for this entire project.
Thillai Govindhan
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Service Provider
Annual Turnover
Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.