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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Xepoe Syrup, Epometh Injection and Edfec Injection.
From Jharkhand, India, we are counted among the top producer, trader, exporter and importer of Xepoe Syrup. The syrup is used to treat common cold, allergic cough, smoker’s cough and nasal congestion. The syrup is comprised of ambroxol hydrochloride, terbutaline sulphate, guaiphehesin and menthol. It helps to soothe irritated and inflamed throats and increases respiratory secretions to help in breathing.
Details :
Ambr0x0I Hydrochlorlde 15mg + Terbutellne Sulphate 1.25mg + SyrupGuaiphenesin 50mg+ Menthol 2.5mg
Ambrcxol Hydrochloricle : /Iucolysis, /Iucokinesis Controls bronchial inflammation
Terbutaline Sulphate : Dilates the lungs and helps in drainage of sticky mucus
Gualphenesln as muckoklnetlc : Reduces stickyness and increases the output of respiratorysecreations Fecilitates easy expectoration
Menthol : Soothes the irritated and inHammed throat.
We are counted among the prominent producers, traders, exporters and importers of Epometh Injection in Jharkhand, India. The injection helps in dealing with diabetic neuropathy. The injection improves blood flow to the nerves and protects them from free radicals. It also improves nerve conduction velocity and aids regeneration. It also helps with conditions of muscle weakness, homocysteinemia, megaloblastic anemia and neuritis.
Mecobalmin (active B12)
The neurologicallj active, most bieavailable & best utilized form of B 12
The neurclogicallj active, most bieavailable & best utilized form of B 12
The Edfec Injection we offer has made us a prominent producer, trader, exporter and importer in Jharkhand, India. The injection is used to treat and prevent pain and inflammation. It is widely used during general surgery, orthopedic surgery and gynecological surgery. It is also used to treat pain caused by cancer, gout and arthritis. This injection is more effective than Indomethacin and Naproxen.
Edfec .f0r pain free life