Welcome to Srihari Wedding Photographers in Chennai
Srihari photography established in 1996 is a chennai based creative photography studio specialize in wedding photography & candid photography. our exclusive services includes candid/creative wedding photography, digital videography with tv setup and live mixing, live webcast for functions, wedding, corporate, industrial, fashion photography etc. Srihari photography is chennai based renowned photo studio that is famous for offering effective wedding photography chennai to the customers at the competitive rates. Taken more than 2000 wedding photographs through out the world. Taken more personalities like sri narendra modi, sri manmohan singh, sri vajpayee,sri advani, sri karunanidhi, ms jayalalitha and many more leaders and artists. We use latest cameras and techniques has enhanced the beauty of your valuable picture. For enquiries and bookings feel free to call us anytime at 98400 59807 / 90928 07807. You can also
Managing Director
Ramachandran Srihari
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Service Provider
Annual Turnover
Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.